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Posts posted by dagies

  1. My submission was Kodiaks.


    North Dakota Kodiaks

    NoDak Kodiaks

    UND Kodiaks



    I think it has a good ring to it.

    You're correct.  I'm not big on generic animal names but that one isn't bad at all

  2. Buccigross represents college hockey(unfortunately) so the way he presents himself/announces is the face of college hockey as a whole.  If I've never watched a college hockey game in my life and turn Buccigross I'm not going to continue to watch because he literally hurts my ears to listen to. 


    Also, his and Melrose's knowledge is limited on players names, background etc. so it makes it look as though they don't put a whole lot of priority/effort into calling these games. It almost feels like it's an afterthought to them.  I will give Buccigross the slight edge over Melrose bc he knows enough to be dangerous but he does not call play-by-play for a living so getting his feet wet a few times a year doesn't qualify him to call the biggest games of the year.


    That's not acceptable to me as a person who wants to see college hockey grow as opposed to the alternative. Then of course you have his "Bucci-isms" like saucy paws, thin mints, mayor of dangle city etc. but that's a story for another post. 


    I understand he's trying but he's better served on twitter.  But Buccigross is what people hear when they turn ESPN on for the most widely shown game in the college hockey year.


    Just stating opinion, you're not required to agree with it so telling people they have to "calm down" isn't a solution to me.


    I'll quit derailing this Early Departures thread as this has absolutely nothing to do with it, so this will be last post on this topic here.

    I'll meet you in the middle.  I wouldn't tell you that you need to "calm down" on this topic.  I just think it's blown out of proportion.  I fully expected to get frustrated with Melrose but they just didn't bother me like they did many others.   I thought they got excited when BU got the puck and the next time down the ice I thought they got excited when Murphy got the puck.  Maybe a little over the top, and maybe they mispronouced Caggiula's name, but I thought they were complimentary, called out if there was a missed call that benefited either team, etc.


    I'd have preferred Matvick or Starman, but I just didn't think it was horrible. 

    Of course, I remember the regional way back when when we had Gary Thorne and no one quite measures up to that.

  3. You said the coach had a good game plan.  I'd like you to tell me what it was, since I couldn't watch the game.


    Simple question

    gfhockey, thank you for confirming what we all know.   You have no idea what you're talking about, and just say things to rile people up.  You won't answer the simplest question, which should have been easy being you represented that you had the knowledge.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Inventor? No, but she was able to lead the very large expansion of a business predicated on selling crappy wings to people and convincing them they were happy to eat them.  Quite innovative.

    I actually love their garlic-parmesan wings


    Go to Parrot's Cay. 

    Have tried but when I'm in town and available they're always too full to get in!!

  5. It must be sort of a generational thing... Everyone I know that's my age loves Buccigross.  Sure he is different, but he for sure doesn't drone on like some of the other major hockey announcers.  I would rather listen to him mix it up than hear Pierre McGuire tell me where every single guy played peewee hockey twice a game.


    I would also take Bucci over Matvick any day.  At least Buccigross can stay neutral even if he talks about one team more than another.  With Matvick everything was North Dakota's fault during the regionals. 

    I think Matvick does a great job, and if I recall correctly there were gopher fans several years ago critical that he was a UND homer during a regional in Grand Forks.  My memory could be wrong on that, but I've always thought Matvick does a nice job.

  6. I had plans and wasn't able to watch the game. What was Providence's game plan?

    gfhockey, this was in response to yourpost saying Providence's coach had a good game plan. Since you are an expert I was curious if you would tell us what that game plan was.

    Chirp chirp chirp....

  7. Thank you Brad for zero information.

    Wow, I don't take it that way at all.  Many people thought it was a foregone conclusion he would sign.  This says he's thick in the middle of making a decision.  maybe 50-50.  Schlossman can only pass on what McIntyre tells him, and this is a reasonable update.


    I also think it's interesting that it's down to just 2 options.  I don't know Zane, but it seems consistent with him that he would be loyal to the Bruins, and give them extra consideration in his decision making.


    And as stated above, the other angle is that this is just hard negotiating.


    We shall see

  8. Regarding the comparison of Hakstol with Woog, and Woog's ultimate demise. 


    Woog had a nice run without winning a national championship, but his demise wasn't about not winning the NCAA's, it was because it became clear the D1 game had moved beyond him.  Woog recruited only MN players (with only the most rare exception) and recruited (and was very successful) in an era when he could cherry pick the best MN players and they would come straight from high school.  No juniors.


    Times changed faster than Woog changed, and he went from very good results to a couple of years of average to below average results, and didn't exhibit any signs of adapting to the change in times.

    That's what lead to his demise.


    Hakstol's situation is not analogous to Woog's.  At least not yet.   Hakstol has adapted to a different style of team/play, and he's still pulling in excellent recruits.  His teams and players still develop and get better throughout the year and their careers.


    If that changes, then I'll be more ready to accept an argument that it's time to move along.   But I don't see a need to be concerned for the future.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Noticed a quote by a Providence player in a story following the game.  Gillies said "We truly believe that once you get in (the tournament) that that's the hard part.  Any team can take it."


    By that logic, the hard work and biggest accomplishment is making the NCAA tournament.  Then you have a 1/16th chance to win the thing.



  10. Sorry to hear about your wife man, hope she is doing much better. 


    Good post.  I understand what you are saying too, just getting tired of the constant letdown from this program. 


    Anyways..good post. 

    Thanks man!   Doing great....we're one of the lucky ones.  Or she is, (but she's still stuck with me.  Not TOTALLY lucky I guess)...

    • Upvote 2
  11. Should Hak be fired?  I don't know, probably not.  But if we keep choking our ass off every year, does it really matter who the coach is?  I could coach the team to earning NOTHING in the frozen four year after year.  Wait.......I couldn't even get us to the FF you say?  You're right...my bad.  But tell me this..what does the team who goes to the FF and loses every year get that the teams who don't even make the tournament don't?   Oh yeah...they get to break the hearts of their fans every damn year.

    Maybe we just boiled down the angst to its essence.  Thing is, we fans all have broken hearts, whether we are fans who are posting in support of Hakstol, or fans who are posting that Hakstol should be fired. 


    You know, when my wife was battling cancer, it was a really helpless feeling.  I cleaned the house top to bottom every weekend.  Why?  Because it was something I could control, and because there was a tangible outcome that I could affect.  That made me feel good.  Our situation sucked, but this was something I could do to make life better.


    Well, our favorite hockey team just lost, AGAIN, and it sucks.  Sucks bad, because we all wanted them to win.  We all want to see another banner hung.  We all want to puff up our chests and say "we've got 8, how about you?".  Yep, me too, I admit it.


    So, how do we respond when things don't go our way? 


    And maybe this is really the core of the debate here.    We (fans) don't play the games, but for many of us we live and die as if we do.  I'm not being critical of that.  Some people might criticize that.  Not me.   I think I get it.  Count me as one of you.


    But for those of us that feel that pain, after a loss, what can we do to make things better, since we don't play or compete?


    Some people want to clean the house.   I just don't think that's the answer this time.



    Iramurphy = Poster of the Year

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