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Posts posted by dagies

  1. ted2you, it's only because you used the quote box.  It appeared that you were quoting someone else's material without including a link to the original source.  Not the first time that's happened, nor will it be the last, but if doing that, then one should provide the link to the source material.

    In the future, just eliminate use of the quote box and we'll all understand that what you are writing is your own.

  2. I had to look at a jobsite at the GFAFB today, when I drove up to the gate above it was written with big letters....


    Now that would have made a great nickname! Anyone questions its meaning we say to proudly represent our military base in Grand Forks!

    And here they come,

    Your Warriors of the North!


    Your University of North Dakota Warriors!

    I could have gotten behind that

  3. Sicatoka,

    Your comments are absolutely pathetic and cross the line big time. I have no problem with someone advocating to rush the QB because they are injured but to target the injury specifically ? Put "XXXXX" trash. I was speaking with a former Bison player last night while I read about his comment. His first were that in the 5 years he played under Bohl and Babich he never was told to target a player's injury.

    These comments are the main reason why I never wanted NDSU to schedule UND. Pure classless losers. 

    keep the profanity off the board.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Honestly, I know I'm an offender and I actually agree that not having signatures made things kind of easy to read.  I'd be willing to turn them off, or just leave 2 lines or 140 characters or something like that.

    But the cleanliness of turning them off completely is understandable and that would be fine by me.



  5. I am satisfied with the voting process.  Lots of mistakes were made in the process, but at least they got the voting process right.  The big thing was eliminating the right to vote to any North Dakota citizen.  That would have been a disaster.  I think the list of voters eligible is exactly correct.  I also like the second-round voting with the top-two vote-getters.  That will insure that a nickname can't be chosen with a small plurality of the vote.  

    As for the no-nickname not being an option, that was entirely foreseeable.  I never thought Kelley would allow that.  I just wish he had scrapped it from the very beginning of the process.  In any event, I'm ready to move on.  I just pray that Sundogs does not somehow win the voting process.  I'm voting for Roughriders.

    IMO the worst part of this whole process was not managing the "no nickname" thing better.     I'm guessing Kelley thought it would just go away as the process played out but it really didn't.   But he should have had the balls to just pull the trigger from the get go and eliminate any chance that it turned into a cause.  Bad mistake.

  6. It's been reported this murderer had an anger problem that resulted in his losing more than one job.  IMO, his suicide letters were a bunch of crap he put together in an attempt to make himself a 'hero' to certain factions after his death.  His murders were nothing more than his being pissed off that he was fired.  Again this is just my opinion.

    I think you nailed it

    • Upvote 2
  7. Here's the heading under the Community Forum:

    Topics of interest at UND, in Grand Forks, and in North Dakota. No politics, please.


    This topic has tip toed that line from the beginning.   I'm not exactly sure where that line is in this conversation, but let's all be mindful of it.   We can kind of see, already, why this rule is in place.   I'd quote to Forum Rules if I could only find the link now that the UI has changed  :-)


    • Upvote 2
  8. First off, Goon, great job actually asking somebody this question.  Why hadn't the Herald asked this question and received a reply long ago?  At least this shows that many of us were correct....selecting no nickname would not be a violation of the agreement.

    That said, the NCAA is moving into territory that is even more out of bounds, IMO, than where they have been in the past.  Now they can instill sanctions based on the actions of fans.  Nice.

    Clearly, Kelley has the leverage he needs to make a final decision to remove "no nickname" from the list of acceptable nickname options.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Maybe we can get this guy to move to UND (it's only one letter different)


    First, read this:


    American,” “illegal alien,” “foreigners,” “mothering,” and “fathering” are just a handful of words deemed “problematic” by the University of New Hampshire’s Bias-Free Language Guide.




    Then read this:



     The associate vice president for community, equity and diversity removed the webpage this morning after a meeting with President Huddleston. The president fully supports efforts to encourage inclusivity and diversity on our campuses. He does not believe the guide was in any way helpful in achieving those goals. Speech guides or codes have no place at any American university.


  10. I am a visitor from the Arkansas State fan base.  A few years ago we had to change from Indians to something the NCAA would allow.  I sympathise with what you are going through now.  Like you we had a name that some favored that most of us hated.  Unfortunately one of the folks wanting that name was on the committee.  It was Locomotives.  Like most communities the railroad was very important to the progress of Jonesboro early on.  I was at the final meeting that finally picked a name.  Like you this process had dragged on and on when we had one name that nearly everyone liked.  After the committee had droned on and on getting nothing done one ex football player spoke up saying he had a hard time sending our coaches into a recruits home and trying to get him to be a Locomotive.  The committee had asked for logoes from a company for at least two names...Locomotives and Red Wolves.  The audience exploded with applause.  Others on the committee agreed and finally that name was taken off.  The committee chairman wanted to close and meet again to pick the new name but another letterman spoke or maybe the same guy can't remember for sure and said he thought most on the committee had studied the names seen the logoes to know what direction we should go.  He was asked which one and he wanted Red Wolves to be voted on.  No one voted against it...even the Locomotive proponent voted for it.  Again the audience let the committee know they did the right thing. 


    We have been Red Wolves now for a bit and its been the best thing stAte has done in years.  Everyone has imbraced it...well almost everyone...my wife is an alum and she is still ticked off...but she is really stubborn.  If we had been named for a specific Tribe like yall were I would not have liked it nearly so well but Indians is so generic and because of the NCAA we could not do anything with it.  Our mascots was a Chief, Princess, and Brave and about all they could do was come out on the field or court and wave to the crowd.  Queen Elisabeth showed more enthusiasm.


    It seems most on here lide Roughriders.  Good name.  I know the reservations but we open against the USC Trojans and we have the Troy Trojans and  Little Rock Trojans in our conference and they seem  to be doing fine.  On the different boards they are called condoms but seemed to have survived.  Remember opposing fans are going to find something or some way to put down your team.  No big deal. 


    I hated the way we were forced to change mascots but to be honest we have made it a positive.  I think you can too.  When you change its not going to change a building on campus your diploma or the loyalty you have to your school.  Embraced it and kick NDSU rear....WOLVES UP!! 

    Thanks for your insight.  It's interesting to hear from others who have gone through a similar process.

    Though I will say, I actually dig the Locomotives idea, but maybe that's because one of my suggestions for this process was the Iron Horses  :-)

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