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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I love how so many seem to think that some original name was going to be announced today after knowing for several weeks what the two possible results would be. If it would have been the other way, I am sure we would have been seeing much the same comments from the FH crowd, lamenting how unoriginal it is to have the same nickname as a high school in Grand Forks -- again, after knowing for several weeks what the two results might be. The fiened incredulity is a bit nauseating. I guess this is just the pissing and moaning stage.

    Though I would have found Roughriders to be a very acceptable option, as you said many people had legit reasons to not like either name.  Until the final name is announced, there's always "a chance" that "your" choice will prevail.   Now, Roughriders is dead and we're saddled with mediocrity.   I won't apologize for not being happy about it.   I'll get over it in time, but I don't need to be today.

    I've heard variations of this argument a lot.  I think Mafia made a similar argument with regard to Kansas University Jayhawks.  Or with the Tigers in the SEC.  But the comparison doesn't stick.  If UND was the first university, or even among the first, to adopt the Hawks nickname, I think it would be a much better choice.  It's the fact that we're adopting it after dozens have already done it is what makes it such a particularly bad nickname.


    Yes, there are many variations of Hawks, but I'd be willing to be for the most part they are referred to as "the Hawks".  Which means, casually, they're all the same.

    • Upvote 3
  2. Could be worse.  We could be the SunDogs today.  Happy to finally have this over.

    Thank you.   I need some perspective today and so far this is it.

    How embarrassing for the people on the Committee and all of the UND community to have such an ordinary and uninspiring choice duplicative of so many other schools. 


    I will eventually warm up to this, but I'm really struggling to accept the bland, unoriginal name.    I'm just going to need to take some time.   Better get a kick ass logo to save this catastrophe



    • Upvote 2
  3. Considering how intellingent crows are, that wouldn't have been as odious as some of the choices.  The fact there's a Crow tribe probably would have made it DOA.

    i was thinking the same thing.  Would take the Fighting Crows in a heartbeat over a hawks related name

    • Upvote 1
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  4. Granted it is early (and the bchl), but Cakebread is a point per game with his new team. Also he got big. Now listed at 6'1" 205.

    I'm no expert and things could have changed as well, but many years ago it seemed "conventional wisdom" that the BCHL was an easy league for points.   They hand them out generously because it's good for the league and the players if the stats columns are full

  5. Get rid of the bird head my parent's cat left on the doorstep and the wings aren't so terrible.  I kind of like the wings on the helmet actually :ohmy:  Ditch the "UND Fighting Hawks" and "Home of the U" wording and just put an interlocking ND above the wings.  I've resigned myself to accept that Hawks will win.  I don't like it, I still voted for Roughriders yesterday, and this weekend is a good example of why hawks shouldn't be chosen, but there's a 95% chance it's the name so I guess I'll get used to it.  If we have to be the Hawks, I think I'd prefer to just go with a "wing(s)" logo rather than the full bird in an effort to differentiate ourselves from the dozens of other colleges/universities with the name.

    great suggestions for fixing this attempt.  There is somethimg about those wings that can be worked with.


    First, it is possible that the University would not have to directly tie the Roughriders nickname and logo with Teddy Roosevelt.  Yes, the nickname will always have strong connotations to Teddy, but the University does not have to explicitly use it that way.  What would be your thoughts on the nickname if it was used by the University in its literal meaning?


    And I, for one, hope they don't, though i do support this choice for the nickname

  7. Ralph Engelstad was a great guy to UND. Did a lot for the school and athletics. Like him I'm a huge Sioux supporter. Will be voting Roughriders again, Hawks is the worst name ever (I highly suspect that "Fighting" will be dropped from the official name.) 

    However, maybe Ralph wouldn't have much of a problem with Hawks since it means we could transition to something this. The soldiers that wore it were pretty into fighting if I recall and a lot of North Dakotans have German background. Win-win, right?1297px-Reichsadler_der_Deutsches_Reich_%

    not PC, but I've always thought that was a seriously cool image.  It's just too bad that it's associated with one of the worst groups of people in human history.   Drop that Nazi symbol and the wreath and it's a cool logo, but even I agree you can't go there.

    Seriously, just for fun.....pretend the Nazis never existed.  Or perhaps they never used this image.  Replace the swastika with the interlocking ND.  Not bad.   But they did, so we can't.  And I agree with that.

  8. Sounds like a German could love that, and no luTefisk there, I'll bet

    nope!  They smoke their fish vs. soak them in lye.   :D

    If you hit the Bong, the Anchor Bar in Superior is worth the drive for a@# kickin' burgers.

    I second the Anchor Bar as a great burger spot.   Just great greasy spoon burgers and interesting and fun ambiance.   But don't be put off by the exterior.   You are in the right place!

  9. Hey, instead of boring old Nodaks, how about spicing things up a bit?  Add a couple more letters and Nodaks becomes NORDAKOTS! (nor-da-kots).  It sure as hell is better than Fighting Hawks. :)

    Wow. I actually kind of like that.  emphasis on the first syllable


  10. Things got super Nordic real quick, and I am not sure I'm comfortable with that. Let me bring a little Irish flair to the proceedings...Guinness and potatoes, anyone?
    But seriously, just keep bringing the talent and I'm  a happy Sioux/Nodak/Roughrider fan!

    I'm multi-cultural.  I dig Guinness too. 

    Dagies, that is something you should never have posted in a public forum.  Now, if you ever decide to sell your house you'll have to answer the following question honestly in the disclosure section. 

    To your knowledge, has lutefisk ever been manufactured or cooked in this house?

    I'm good!    I've only ever had lutefisk on the opening night of deer camp up north.

  11. Well now, dagies, that explains a few things. 

    My manly good looks?


     you've lost your taste or maybe your sense of smell somewhere along the way:)

    I was raised by a farm child of the depression.  I learned to eat a variety of  things growing up, not all were appealing.  Lutefisk is really just a vehicle for butter and salt, and what's wrong with that?  :lol:


    • Upvote 2
  12. My god, sprig, you misspelled lutefisk.   Uff-da.  I hope this doesn't mean you're a swede

    He is if he takes his lutefisk with cream sauce.

    Oh, now I see Sprig's claiming German ancestry.  Same here, Sprig, but it doesn't stop you from eating lutefisk.  I'll be filling up on it this Friday night as a matter of fact.

  13. And probably don't take their goaltender for granted right now.  Hrynkiw is doing a great job, but I'd imagine everyone in front of him is doing everything they can to help him out.  When you have a goalie like Zane behind you, it's easy to get into the habit of assuming he'll be able to make the save.

    That is a great point and may be a big factor

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