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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I'm not a fan of the idea of going out for an RFP on the logo design.   Perhaps it will work out ok.  But when I think of "formal" process I think of the committee, and I worry that the winning design firm will be some firm from far away that specializes in logo designs.  And then we'll end up with a nice looking logo meant to be safely appealing without any real soul.  The designer won't be someone who really wants something special for UND, but someone who just cranks out pretty logo designs.   The difference between buying a pie from Baker's Square and making your own.    Deep down the mass market pie just can't compare to one made with soul.

    I'd like to see people like Bennett Brien and other local artists who really want to make a name for themselves to have a chance to submit their ideas.   Maybe even an idea from a regular Joe would be identified as great, and then a professional contracted to refine and turn it into a finished product.

    I just think if UND hires a "firm" that cranks these out is just going to get someone producing for a paycheck, and not someone close to home who is motivated by being identified with a great logo that inspires pride in the nickname/image.


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  2. Our defense has to shut down those centering passes through the slot.

    We were at the game tonight and thought the same thing.  Maybe it was just our perspective watching from the end (over the SCSU goal), or maybe being more emotionally involved in this game made those cross-ice passes stand out, but we also though SCSU was making that pass way more than you typically see in a game, and connecting on it way too many times.

    SCSU inches away from having about 6 goals.

    Yes, Hrynkiw was very good, made some very tough saves, but at least 2 goals were saved by Dmen in front of open nets, along with some luck with loose puck scrums in front of the net where he couldn't cover.  This game easily could have gone the other way.

    These guys have nothing to do with the goofs

    They just took our nickname.  Now you're going to say we can't blame everything we don't like on the gophers?   Seriously, what's this world coming to?

    Okay, you're Brad Berry.  Faceoff in your own zone with 5.2 second left.  Who do you send out to take the critical draw that will ensure the win?

    If you answered Freshman Center Rhett Gardner, you're correct.    

    What a great move - and great faceoff win - for his confidence.


    Listened to Hennessey on the radio after the game as he interviewed Berry.  I think Berry is ready to adopt Gardner.  Couldn't have gushed more about how he epitomizes Fighting Sioux hockey, how responsible he is, etc.   If I recall the quote exactly, he ended that bit by saying "LOVE that player".   Pretty high praise for a freshman.

    We were standing right over the SCSU net in the 1st and 3rd.  On the PP goal, we saw Gardner as the net front guy and we commented to each other how impressive it was that this freshman was getting this PP time with the big boys.   In my mind I was thinking "Berry must think he's good at something".  About that time he whips the pass to Caggiula for the goal.   We said "THAT'S apparently what he's good at!".   Then later he's out for the penalty kill.   Then last face-off of the game.    Pretty freakin' impressive.



    • Upvote 1
  3. Problem with most of those suggestions would be that our name is the Fighting Hawks, now, so I think the name of the plane has to be the same.   Had the Warhawks nickname been chosen, I could definitely see going with the shark mouth logo from the P-40's that were so common in WWII

    Yes, I agree.  Let's salvage something out of this whole fiasco and go aircraft based logo (connection to our local AF Bases, aviation at UND, tribute to our armed forces, etc) rather than be another bird logo like everyone else. 

    I could be swayed here.


    Boy, IMO it's really going to be key that they get a kick-ass logo.   I think that will very much help people who aren't nickname fans to assimilate, if they really like the logo.   I think a "meh" logo with a "meh" nickname will result in little identification with the new nickname by the fanbase.




  4. Clearly UND was strategic in implementing use of the nickname right away.   There's many of us who really have an aversion to this nickname, and implementing immediately helps minimize the ability for an after-the-fact movement to delay or block implementation.   I'd say that was a smart move from the administrations POV.

    • Upvote 3
  5. I still think the wings from this could work as 1 of hopefully 2 hawk logos.


    Agree with the plain wings.  Very cool potential.


    Yes, even if we had become the Roughriders people would be posting stuff about it. But at least we would have a cool, unique nickname to support. 


    • Upvote 2
  6. Not my top choice by any means but hindsight, everyone should have seen it coming. You ever watched a group of people try to order pizza? They're going to end up with pepperoni. You have a huge, diverse group try to pick a nickname, you're going to end up with something safe/generic. All stakeholder groups wanted a say, so it had to be all-inclusive, well this is what you get. The other option was to come up with 2 or 3 unique options with no outside input and then you have people complaining about not having input, choices being forced on them and on top of it, a huge majority hates the options because unique things are polarizing by nature.

    The University of North Dakota made one nickname great, time for them to do the same with another.

    This guy did.  (same guy quoted in the Herald piece this morning)


    Read about half-way down and he basically predicts this months ago.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Once again demonstrating that popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity - not that further demonstration is necessary.  

    Dennis claims in his latest bit of uselessness in the Herald that one can complain about the result, but not the process - um yeah, except what was selected met virtually none of the criteria set forth.  

    It is inconceivable to me that any would consider "Fighting Hawks" to be an improvement upon continuing to go without a nickname - at least that was unique.


    Think of it this way: Truth be told, most university nicknames are bland. It's the university that makes them shine: A bulldog is a bulldog, but the Yale Bulldogs stand out.

    What he fails to mention is that no one refers to them as the "Bulldogs".  They just call them Yale.  Why?   Probably because "Bulldogs" is bland and boring and doesn't really differentiate them.


    Can we please not have a muscle-bound hawk logo?

    Oh, dear God please no.

  8. Yes. If any UND fans boo the name THEY deserve to get punched in the back of the head. I'm not a fan of the name but I am a fan of the players that will be representing it. You can't boo one and not the other

    Agree with this.  I won't boo the name.   I may not yell it this weekend, but I won't boo it.  I'll definitely yell for North Dakota.   And I may sprinkle in a few "Sioux", if for no other reason than to loosen a few rivets in that new hockey building.

    • Upvote 1
  9.  A wise man once told me "you're only as good as you are on paper" 

    Well, I think i get your main point, but if this was strictly accurate then all that "paper scouting" I've been doing over the last 15 years by reading junior stat lines, etc. is actually worth something.   And typically it's proven to not be (worth anything).



  10. I think we just have to replace "Let's Go Sioux!" with "Let's Go F'hawks!".    And then if we really get lazy with it, the administration might decide it's not such a good nickname after all.

    Oh, and for the Harry Potter fans out there, maybe our logo should be a phoenix?   :)



    • Downvote 1
  11. Yup. Those of us vested in UND Athletics started infighting instead of acting and demanding. That allowed Kelley and his minions to take over the process and outcome. 

    In a phrase ...

    We failed to control what is ours to control. 

    I get your point, but I posit that it was never within our control

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