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Posts posted by dagies

  1. I corresponded today with Matt Kopp, student body president as I had seen an article in the Herald over the weekend (I think) where he indicated he voted for Fighting Hawks because he'd seen a cool logo(s) floated around social media.  I mentioned that the best one i had seen was not going to be available as the rights were held by the Blackhawks.  We all know which one that was.  he said he would agree that he wouldn't want anyone to vote for a nickname just due to the logo if the logo wasn't available.  He'd seen a few logos so wasn't sure which one I was referring to.     Sent him a link to an image on the internet.  Maybe a little too late, but FWIW

  2. talked to a student:

    Me: why do you think the students like FH so much?

    Student: it sounds cool, they could have a cool mascot

    Me: what does that have to do w/ ND,

    Student: Nothing, i guess.

    Me: how you feel about Rough Riders

    Student: NO! we cant Steal from  a highschool, everyone would wear the same clothes, I dont want it to be too western!

    Me: Wow, ok anything else?

    Student: there are many kids that wouldnt come here if that were our logo, id rather go to NDSU.

    ME: (grabs gun)


    Tough to overcome the stupidity of youth.


    Wouldn't we actually WANT those students to go to NDSU instead?



    The Fighting Falcons?   I could have gone with that.

    Student: it sounds cool, they could have a cool mascot..............correct ....although I still wish if we were going Bird that it would have been Falcons related


  3. While I fully support anyone who wants to move into the Nodak camp .... in reality, there is no reason to start switching votes at this point. Not when there is going to be a 3rd vote.

    Assuming FH doesn't get 50+% of the vote.  But in that case I guess it doesn't matter if you voted either for RR or Nodaks, because combined they would still be less than 50% total.


  4. I think that if I was a member of the team, I would prefer to have someone who really doesn't want to be there to get out.  If he isn't giving it his all, that will show in practice and game situations and then he would be the extra player in the stands and not in the lineup.  He might as well be gone if he isn't committed, and the earlier it happens the better.  If he stays he is just a distraction.  Besides, this way it should allow Jerry York time to bring in another commit for Spring semester and take that scholarship spot (assuming athletic scholarships go semester by semester).  But yes, it does muck up the team continuity and team planning for the coaches.

    I would have a different opinion if he was there through 3/4 of the season and then jumped ship.

    If you think of him as a college student first, there are some students that come to college and do not last through the first semester.  That might be his situation.

    I think you make a good point here Siouxman.  If he's not going to be committed, not going to fully participate as a member of the team, then best to have him remove himself from the team.  I think you're right there.

    I think the other point of view is, if you're going to commit to something on the front end, then fully commit to it.   You may find out it's not the choice you prefer but man up and pitch in for both your own good and the good of the team, and then make your move at an appropriate time.

    But if you can't do that, then I think you're right....best to just cut the cord now.



  5. This thread is as big a mess as this whole process. 

    FWIW: I voted RR and now will be voting Nodaks. 

    And here's my problem.    I voted Nodaks but was inclined to vote RR (prefer either option to FH).    But now we would cancel each other out.    This is what I fear....RR and Nodaks voters swapping votes and cancelling out while FH voters win the day.  Argh.



  6. Just for the record, Roughriders barely beats out Sundogs for me.

    Sundogs, Siouxman?   Good thing you DID get brownie points for driving to Maine.  :D

    While I have a hard time not disliking Ron His Horse Knows More after his slanderous and false comments about UND being a racist and hateful place, even a broken clock is right twice a day. And one of those times was when he suggested Roughriders as a replacement for Fighting Sioux.

    A good idea is a good idea, even if the originator of that idea is someone you don't like otherwise.

    Well said.

  7. I unfortunately have resigned myself to get ready for the new nickname to be FH due to the manipulation and underhandedness by those in charge of this process. 

    Given the current course it's hard to see the final selection will be accepted as legitimate.  And I'd say that even if my choice, Nodak's was to win with 47% of the vote.


  8. I know but this poll gets me thinking.  If Nodak voters jump ship to RR I'll probably have to follow. I just wish it was RR and Nodaks.

    I'd be fine with that if we actually knew which way Nodak voters or RR voters would lean this time around.  But we don't, and we risk cancelling each other out.   I'd do the same as you if I knew there wasn't a similar migration from RR to Nodak.


    Born: Mercy Hospital, Devils Lake, ND

    Raised in a town of 220 people in North Dakota.

    Resided in MN for the last 18 years. Been referred to as a Nodak plenty of times since venturing across the Red River, but never felt as though it was with a negative undertone. Maybe I need to re-evaluate.

    Isn't it nice to have someone tell you what you should be offended about?   O wait, where have I heard that before.....?


    Agreed. The whole point of the runoff was to get a name to 50%. Now that they've abandoned that principle, why not just declare Fighting Hawks the winner, as it had a clear lead over the other two? What's the point of seeing how the Sundogs and Northstars votes get distributed across the remaining three, but not seeing how the Nodaks votes would get distributed across Roughriders and Fighting Hawks.

    You really summed this up nicely, Jim.    


    I also sent a very nice email to Kelley/Johnson expressing my desire for a finalist needing to be over 50% of the vote.  No answer back yet.

  10. Jim, it would change my vote from Nodaks to Roughriders in a heartbeat if I knew that other Nodaks would vote the same way, and Roughrider voters wouldn't swing Nodaks.   Problem is for everyone of me that swings from Nodaks to RR, there will probably be one swinging from RR to Nodak. 

    So I'm at a bit of a loss on how I will proceed.

  11. Having voted for Nodaks I'm actually not pleased that the rules were changed to allow the choice on the ballot, but I think I can understand why.   Kelley's created a s-storm by changing the rules now, but he likely avoided another by a constituency that really wants Nodaks as the final choice.   Being the tally was quite close, I can see some logic in that decision.

    That said, from my perspective this is decision only make it more likely Fighting Hawks ends up winning.    I suspect most Nodak and RR voter would vote for the other one, rather than Fighting Hawks.   So if Nodaks didn't make the cut, I'm guessing most of those votes would go to RR.  Hopefully enough to win the final vote.  Similarly, had the tables been turned and Nodaks was #2 and RR #3, I suspect RR voters would have voted for Nodaks.    I'd be happy to vote RR to keep Fighting Hawks from being the final selection. 

    Unfortunately now I am afraid that there will be voters cancelling each other out to the benefit of Fighting Hawks.


    I also think Kelley is making a big mistake by not requiring the final selection to have 50% or more of the vote.  I don't care if that does extend the process, I'll be a lot more made if Fighting Hawks is chosen by 40% of voters while 60% wanted anything else.  To me that's not a good way to select a nickname and will lead to lingering bad feelings (yes, I know, any choice will).



    • Upvote 4
  12. Ok thank god it was in Vermont because I do a great Bernie Sanders impression.....but this is a forum so just imagine:   "Here's the simple truth, that in America there are millions and millions of North Dakota fans who are working hard, but are unable to receive adequate signal for the UND Hockey live stream, and that has got to END! This has not descended from the heavens, but has come from bad human (pronounced "U-men") decisions, in particular the UND leadership.  Now, UND can join the rest of the industrialized world and guarantee free live stream to all people as a right, not a privilege!" 

    Boy I love Bernie, but to hell with UVM. GO Sioux.

    That's pretty good!  I was able to paste in the Bernie Sanders audio in my brain while I read this

    • Upvote 1
  13. Not that it's exactly breaking news, but Jayson Hajdu did comment on the live chat that arenas have long used "NoDak" or similar on their scoreboards.     The announcers knew UND no longer used the Fighting Sioux nickname, so they likely just went with the next most obvious thing.   I joked about it on the chat myself, but I can't believe it was something anyone asked them to do.

  14. Don't I get some brownie points for driving all the way to Maine to attend the Icebreaker?  Besides, it is early in the season and I have to pace myself.  I will say that all of the shenanigans by other schools may cut down on our road trips this year simply because we can't get tickets.

    this is a UND hockey message board.   What have you done for us lately?


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