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Posts posted by stickboy1956

  1. yeah i have been on the fence with mattson or knight but a buddy of mine also thinks it will be knight as of now. just hunches. either way mattson will be a hell of a player and the coaches will bring who they think will be ready to produce right away being mattson or knight

    Mattson will get drafted, likely >100. Knight probably not. That's a big leap in evaluation.

    It's probably moot anyway - we probably have 1 too many F this year anyway and will probably only bring in 4.

    If Vande leaves we will need a a 5th.

  2. As much as I would love to see Danny Mattson here next year a year in juniors might be best for him and I believe Rowney and Knight might be able to be pushed back to 2010. There will not be four forwards in the stands next year.

    If we need new 5 forwards next year, Mattson will come before Rowney/Knight, IMO.

  3. What stood out to me while watching the game is that the officials, once again, showed their inability to control the game.

    I don't believe they had to allow that much time chatting with Denver's captain (Testwuide?) regarding the bench minor and then the assistant ref having a pleasant discussion with Gwodecky. What the heck was that?! It was capped off when the ref had to take the assistant ref by the arm and lead him away from Gwozdecky.

    I understand officials having to explain the call when challenged at times but to me it seemed that the refs were waaaay to complacent in enforcing their call when challenged and allowing Gwodecky to delay the game as he did.

    The officials were accomplicies to the delay as far as I'm concerned...

    It was interesting to see the different announcer comments and camera views between FSSN and Fox RM (as I was watching it on Fox RM). It gave me a different perspective on Hakstol's thoughts on what was going on, "What the hell is that idiot doing? Why are you allowing him to go on like this? Where's the delay of game?"

    A lot of posters on this forum like to rip the NHL, but you have to admit their officials have control of the game.

    It's rare an NHL referee has to explain a penalty call to a captain, rarer still when they go talk to the coach.

    It seems every penalty in the WCHA needs explaination to the team captain and then the coach, which delays the game at least 1-2 minutes.

  4. Yeah, Whelan is THE original PWR guru. That same site, circa 2000, was the first to break out the individual comparisons which allowed us all to begin hypothesizing about which comparisons could flip. No doubt it inspired me to build the PWR and RPI details features here, and him having nailed the You-Are-The-Committee (now at CollegeHockeyNews) and build-a-PWR (linked above) tools are why I've never bothered trying to duplicate either of those. I should work some links to them into the PWR screens somehow...

    That said, we disagree on something, in that USCHO and I have BC landing at #12 after defeating Maine. Perhaps you excluded today's other games? That's always been the problem with the build your own scenarios, one result can invalidate them. That's a big part of why I'm trying to predict distributions of outcomes instead of specific outcomes now.

    Correct - I did not include the other Sunday games.

    All this shows how volatile the PWR can be at this time of year.

    What the current PWR does show is that we need to keep winning. .500 - .600 the rest of the year probably won't get us in the tournament.

  5. It seems that the pwr often looks grim at this point of the season but by the time the selection comes about you really can't take issue with it.

    It's also worth noting that we are at #14 in the pwr as well as the KRACH.

    Things can/will change quickly - I believe BC will move all the way up to 11 with the win today v. Maine.

    It looks like we could have been in the top 10 if we would have won the tied games vs. MTU and Denver recently.

    Use this site to build your own PWR


    Just keep winning.

  6. HAK had a lengthy discussion with Anderson & crew at the end of period 2. You could see HAK was heated and it didn't seem to end with pleasantries being exchanged.

    Hak was probably frustrated with the "home team's ahead so I will call anything close against them" penalties that were being called (5-1 in the second period).

  7. jones is probably one of the best defensive defensemen in the wcha straight up. he has only missed 3 games his entire career and thats not by mistake, well now 4 and i bet its his last one missed. like hak said. he didnt do anything wrong to get benched. just blood earned a spot and that happens. blood and fienhage will be a hell of a combo for the next 3 years. its just been a toguh thing because of the whole joe finley situation and at that time miller was needed to produce offense fro the blue line which marto and lapoint at that time were not doing so he took and ran with a chance at the blueline. go sioux

    Brad says Jones is healthy scratch.

  8. pre game stuff

    1 game at a time through the last 12 games.last 6-8 weeks we feel we have played good and they have to since october.we gota be all out and have everyone going all out. kozek back in. jones out and ben is in. ben has been very good in practice and simply need to get him in. not nagative to jones. likely see him back in tomorrow

    If you paid attention during the Gopher series, they got their best chances 5x5 when Jones/Miller were on the ice. Jones is character guy but he is also a 5/6 D. It's good experience tonight for Blood - I also hope Fienhage remembers how to skate because he will be needed big time next year.

    P.S. Blood or Fienhage can whoop up on anyone.

  9. Butler musta saw an episode of Saved by the Bell he didn't like...although Malone reacted in anger due to him liking that particular episode. The ref, however, insisted on breaking it up since he didn't see that episode and couldn't make an official ruling on the subject.

    Just a guess...

    I know it's childish but would it be out-of-bounds for the scoreboard guys to find a good Saved by the Bell and split screen Gwoz?

    Just wondering? :)

  10. great quote!

    "We've talked about it, that we're going to take the physical play to them right away, to let them know we're not intimidated," DU junior defenseman Cody Brookwell said. "There is a time and place (to fight), and there are guys on this team willing to go with a guy. That's part of the game, and sometimes it needs to be dealt with."

    i dont mind this at all. at least they are showing they have a spine in the papaers. now the ice? we will see. go sioux . kick the crap out of these guys

    I think they watched the UMTC series and are scared s---less.

    It looks like we have them distracted a bit. :)

  11. 217fight1.jpg

    I think everyone knows how big of a game and weekend this is WCHA and PWR wise - GO SIOUXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    Games are on Fox Rocky Mountain on Direct TV, Dish or Digital cable if you have the sports tier and its being shown or get the webcast HERE

    5-3 SIOUX - gregoire,gregoire,frattin,watkins,genoway



    Don't forget the games are also being shown on Fox College Sports as well.

  12. I think Knight will come in before Mattson. I think Mattson would do wonders at the DI level with a year in juniors under his belt.

    I actually think Fink should come in next year. In all likelihood, he'd be riding the bench much of the time, which means he'll have plenty of time to heal up for injury and get used to the system.

    I'm glad stats don't determine DI worthiness or I'm afraid I'd have to ask what Fink's upside is. His junior career, again statistically, has been rather subpar.

    Mattson was 57th on the NHL CSS mid-term rankings - Knight was not ranked. I don't see why Knight would come before Mattson.

    Last season Fienhage was ranked higher by CSS and drafted higher than McWilliams and Gleason and ended up coming this year.

  13. I'm not sure, but if the Sioux do recruit for 09, it will be for a goaltender to replace Walski.

    I can't believe they'd go for anyone else unless it was one of the few blue chippers that are still uncommitted.

    That being said, I truly believe that, if someone like Morin was going to go the NCAA route, he would have committed by now.

    Who knows. Dylan Olsen is still available. Who knows what's going to happen.

    I heard that Olsen is still available.

  14. they are awful right now.

    I was at Sat's game. The SCSU D are very small and got pushed around by the Gopher fwd's.

    Watching that game made me realize how impressive it was that we got the Gophers to "turtle" to us last weekend.

  15. as of tonight the sioux have move up to a tie for 14th in the pairwise so we got some help that was needed after getting 3 and not 4 points and denver sits at #8

    we have played 3 of the top 4 pwr teams as of today with a combined record of 3-2 vs those 3 teams with losses to cornell and boston


    big time series for the wcha and national pairwise picture!

    If we would have won Friday instead of of a tie we would be 13 in the PWR, ahead of BC and UMD.

    Here's a site where you can simulate PWR.


  16. yeah not sure if he was the starter or not for team usa but both goalies sucked.

    The 2 goalies on the WJ team play in the CHL. Maxwell plays on the NTDP U18 team - he was the backup when they played in GF earlier this year.

  17. not quite sure. it all depends on the ncaa and their new discusssion of regionalizing the tournament. if that happens a pretty good chance should they make the tournament no matter what the gophers seed is. if the ncaa stays with it's current tournament format that would be up in the air as it would depend on und's seed and minnesota's seed as they would not be allowed to face each other in the first round assuming no more than 5 teams fromt he wcha get in. so the best answer right now is check back in about a month or after the ncaa meets.

    We have a lot of work to do just to get into the tournament. We would need to make a big run the rest of the way to flip enough pairwise comparisons to get in (or win the F5). If we do go on a run, needless to say, nobody would want to be playing us, no matter what region we are in, including Minneapolis.

  18. So this has no direct relation to the upcoming series but looking at the current pairwise there are three teams in front of us: CC, Maine and Dartmouth. Looking at the comparisons grid that we have with these teams CC needs to play 3 more TUC's and we'll win that comparison, Dartmouth needs to play 4 more games and we'll win that comparison and after Maine plays their next TUC we'll win that comparison to. This will bump us up to 15th, we fell to 18th after Boston lost the other night I believe. Just some numbers to look at..I get bored sometimes.

    By glancing at it I believe this is right but I may be wrong, please feel free to correct me if this is the case.

    More glancing - looking at the comparisons vs. CCHA teams (Ohio St. and Miami in particular) the loss to MSU hurts us in the Comman Opponent criteria - we lose that comp with both teams and looks impossible to flip it back.

    Note: this is a great site to see current rankings and also do your own projecting.


    Just keep winning and the pwr will take care of itself. If we keep this up nobody will want to play is in the F5 in St Paul, either.

  19. the M and M boys were very complimentry of the Sioux and like the coaching staff of UND. There is an arrogance that surrounds the Gophers program that they act like they are the golden boys of College hockey and that they can do no wrong and it is B.S. This past weekend shot holes in that theory.

    I wonder if it bothers some of the Gophers die-hards that nobody on the Gopher coaching staff ever wore the "M"?

    Guentzel did wear the M - I'm sure because Hill and Lucia are such buddies that created some tension, which why MG left.

  20. Why do you think Herb recommended that Parise play for the Sioux?

    Herb had an icy relationship with UMTC in later years. Being the head coach at St. Cloud didn't help matters.

    The Gophers of old would have never "turtled" like they did this weekend. Not Butters, Auge, Holmgren, Russ Anderson, Bergloff, Don Micheletti, etc.

  21. We need a "tough" weekend from our blueliners. Moving Miller back to D (hinted at by Hak on Wed) does not do the trick.

    Too bad Blood and Fienhage haven't played more this year. They would make sure Eidsness doesn't get abused by Hoeffel, Carman, Flynn, Stoa, etc.

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