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Everything posted by elmduf
I wonder if that girl is waiting by the phone for him to call and apologize... the he l l with him..
Well, I cheered as hard as any "rodent" fan for Minnesota yesterday to see all four slots filled by WCHA schools! I say, drop the puck! It should be a great game. Euruziioneee (sp? ) is probably steaming, trying to spin this one in favor of Hockey Least... Anyway, it will be a great Frozen Four!
I haven't paid as much attention this year as in last, been out of the country much of the time. HOWEVER, I did spend my weekend at home glued to my DTV coverage of all the games. WOW! What a weekend for the WCHA. I had quietly hoped to see this happen. Then, I shocked myself by yelling and screaming for those eeeveeel hated rodents to win so the WCHA would have all four slots in the frozen four. Especially after hearing the comments on the ESPU channel about the Hockey East teams and how they "dominated" in the past. What past? A few measly years. Who cares! Look at the big picture and tell me who has vastly dominated the NCAA tournament in the past 60 years...WCHA baaaby!! Now, I'm quietly contemplating the outcome of the Frozen Four. I wish it would start tomorrow so the Sioux could keep the momentum. I still think with two weeks off they have as good of a shot as any team there. Of course, I'll wildly cheer the Sioux. However, no matter what happens, I'm already oddly content with the four teams representing from the GREATEST college hockey conference EVER!
The way the Huskers season went, they probably wouldn't want any competition, even at the I-AA level!
Good point. UNC would probably rank lower than both UND, NDSU and SDSU in overall academics. But not that much lower, just one "tier" if you believe US News and World Report. If what you say about Southern Utah is true, that could make a difference and drop them off the radar. I didn't realize that the University presidents vote on this issue, not the AD's. That's a good idea. The prestige of the University is also on the line, whether you agree that athletics should have a bearing on their prestige or not. That would probably raise the prospects for the schools from North and South Dakota.
What do you think the BSC is looking for? I would think they would want an athletic department that is 1st. Financially sound. Well funded. With potential for a decent fan base. UND may have an edge in the financial arena right now...but NDSU has the most potential for a larger fan base. Face it, that's the only "metro" area that North Dakota has. I wouldn't write off Grand Forks as not having a large enough population base though. Look at what the other schools in the Big Sky Conference have...GF is in the game. UNC lacks the $$$, but definately is in an area with enough of a population for the move to the BSC. SDSU and Southern Utah: I honestly don't know enough about them. 2nd. Has the facilities to compete. Both UND and NDSU blow away UNC in this area. They are probably ahead of both SDSU and Southern Utah in both of these areas. I can't imagine they wouldn't be. I'd even stack UND's athletic facilities up against Colorado State's in a heartbeat.... 3rd. Competitiveness and tradition. Note how this is third on the list. At THIS point in time it doesn't really matter that much. Are they good enough to compete now? Who cares. Will the above, #1 and #2 bring them to the level to compete...that's what's most important. Allright.... Tear it apart!
From the GF Herald: Who would be the odd school out *if* the BSC expanded by 4 teams AND *if* UND would want to make the move to the BSC? I vote that SDSU would be the odd school out. UND/NDSU would be natural travel partners. UND has the facilities to move up..they would seem to be the school that is pursued in this expansion along with NDSU. Southern Utah and UNC would travel well within the conference. UNC's facilites will need an upgrade. I know they are working on that issue. I just don't see SDSU as a school that would be of interest in this scenario.
Exactly... minor league of D-1...I call them all D-1AA schools, even in basketball. I congratulate the Bison football team for the win and wish them luck this year, but I read the quote from their coach saying they are happy to get their first D-1 win... It's not D-1...it's D-1AA...big difference..
I predict: UND 28 Delta 19.....(Okay, I cheated) And the reason they won is because I wore my new UND football jersey to work today... it' all about me.
I agree that it would be within the rules to have a home game for UNC @ Invesco/Mile High, but it won't happen. I read in the Denver Post that Sonny Lubick is for having a game scheduled with UNC. No doubt it will be on CSU's terms. I also think that UNC needs to shore up it's facilities to complete @ D-1AA. Their basketball arena is a joke, but the football stadium isn't too bad. I would have to say that UND and NDSU have much better athletic facilities than UNC. I will probably go to the NDSU/UNC game and maybe another game or two in Greeley this year. I think they have a decent schedule and the games should be fun...inexpensive and not the huge hassle it is to go to both CSU and CU games. I look forward to it. Anyone coming down for the NDSU/UNC game?
I doubt that CSU or CU would sign a contract with a 1-AA school allowing them to have a home game of any kind. The interest here would be minimal. Who would pay to drive to Mile High/Invesco to watch UNC receive a butt whooping from a D-1 school? Wouldn't happen folks... Looking at CSU's schedule...they play Colorado on the road (a bit of a rivalry, although CU historically dominates. Lately CSU has been winning. But it isn't anywhere near as fun as UND/NDSU was...) , USC on the road...(a $$$ game for CSU, hopefully they don't get beat up too badly..ouch!) Then come the Goofers...the only D-1 game I'll go to this year! Go Rams!!!! After these games, they get to lick their wounds and play the 1st string in the first half against Montana State. then the 2nd and 3rd string in the second half against and collect an easy win. Montana State gets to collect extra $$$ for their efforts. Then it's on to the Mountain West Conference schedule. Of course, the MWC is not a top D-1 conference, but it still is a huge step above 1-AA. When I was in Fargo two weeks ago, I saw the billboards for the first Divsion 1 game against Valap...whatever. I wanted to get up there and add a big "AA" after Division 1. Sorry, but D-1AA is a jump from Division II, but it still isn't D-1. The only reason that UNC or any 1-AA (note.... 1-AA, not division 1) school plays at Colorado or Colorado State is for the $$$. Possibly against a lower level MWC school there is the off chance to get a win. However, CSU isn't a lower level MWC school. UNC would only show up in Ft. Collins to collect the $$$ and get a bit of exposure. There is no chance of CSU playing at UNC, SDSU or NDSU. Won't happen. The don't have a big enough gate to do it. Now I hear that NDSU, SDSU and UNC are trying to get into the Big Sky. I say good luck to all of them. Seriously. I'd like to see UND go 1-AA and challenge them in the Big Sky. Maybe we'd give NDSU another shot at the nickel.
I will never make fun of overzealous Nebraska football fans again........
If Minnesota get's a franchise, will they revive the name "Fighting Saints"? I love those uniforms! Also...if Quebec get's a franchise and this league is successful...will Denver get to steal the team in about 10 years?
Although there probably are plenty of players that were/are better, I like Cary Eades (that gives away my age!). He always had this kind of goofy evil grin on his face right before he checked someone hard into the boards... I loved that!
I was sooooo PISSED when I heard that Devils Lake buckled on their nickname... From what I understand it was under pressure of some church/religious organization...can anyone fill me in on the real story?
DROP THE PUCK! DROP THE PUCK!!!! sorry...I get excited when I see a gopher/sioux post.. if nothing else, you can take a tour of the building sometime over the weekend. Hopefully you can get to one or both of these games! good luck!
Oops.... I meant game six... See how exciting it was...
Calgary has been fun to watch in the playoffs! I especially liked the third period of game 7 versus Detroit when Commie leveled Hatcher and stood over him! sweeeeet.... I think Calgary is proving to teams like Detroit and the Avalanche the saying is true... "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard".
I don't care how many North Dakota boys end up with the Sioux...as long as we keep the pipeline coming from the great state of Georgia (that's the State, not the country..)
NCAA to allow 17 & 18 year olds in NHL Draft I thought I'd post this and see how you folks feel about it. Honestly, I'm not very educated on the current system, but am curious how this affects UND hockey and NCAA hockey overall.... An apology up-front.... this is a Yahoo college hockey link. I don't really think much of their college hockey articles. (hope PCM hasn't contributed!)
I didn't like the idea of holding the Frozen Four in California in the first place. Without one single D-1 hockey school in the state, they shouldn't of had it there. Besides, isn't that state due to fall into the pacific? As for the troll...he's toast soon.
I agree with that and understand you feel a need to respond to that post, I just wish it could be done elsewhere.
THE rivalry continues! Dec. 17 Canisius, 7:35 p.m. Dec. 18 Canisius, 7:05 p.m.