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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  2. Way to go CANADA!!!! Good job boys!
  3. Man, what does everyone in here have against Fargo North??
  4. I don't really care what our jerseys look like, as long as they have the name and logo on them Can we please start winning some games boys???
  5. Haha sure!
  6. Blah blah blah.... The USA hockey team is a joke, here and in the Olympics... Whatever GO CANADA haha
  7. Haha, I used to work at Widman's... Awesome candy/chocolate, but chippers are AMAZING!!! Anyways, go Fighting Sioux!!! Don't let those racist idiots affect your playing!
  8. Awesome!! I got a Sioux blanket too!! It's awesome!! I also got some Sioux shirts from my aunt(s). Best presents ever lol My little 6 yr old brother got a green jersey. He's been waiting for one ever since I got one... He made me put mine on and take pictures with him haha
  9. Anyone know if any of the games are going to be televised?? Any info would be appreciated, thanks!
  10. Wow, you obviously don't know me lol I've grown up around hockey because my brothers play hockey. So what if I know some hockey players, it's not that huge of a deal for me. They're just guys. They all get to know me, and they realize that I actually know what I'm talking about when it comes to hockey. And they realize that I like them for who they are as a person, not as a hockey player. If they don't want to be friends with me, then so be it, I'll let them get on with their lives. If you go through and read some of my posts during or after hockey games, I do actually pay attention to the games. So yeah, I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to hockey most of the time. But this thread is about Hunter, not me... So we can get back on the subject now. Thanks. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!
  11. Hope everyone has a good safe holiday!! Sorry Tommiejo, but I'm goin for the Buckeyes lol Go Fighting Sioux at the Dartmouth tourney, hope everyone there treats our team with respect!! Again Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
  12. According to the Fargo Forum (which is not always right): SAVES: GFRR, Arnason 3-5-6=14. FN, Zehren 9-11-30=50 I believe that sounds about right. Red River pretty much dominated the game.
  13. I must say that I have to agree with you on this. Fargo North was outplayed in every aspect of the game tonight. Fargo North: 1st line and PP line need to learn how to pass the fricken puck. Not everyone can get the glory all the time. Learn to set up some plays instead of just screwing around on the ice. Learn how to play on a PP, keep the puck in the zone and set something up to get the puck in the net. Need to communicate more on the ice. Stop taking stupid freakin penalties! Red River: Fast, athletic, lots of skill. I wasn't hugely impressed, probably more so if I was watching them play South. There's too much a skill differential between FN and RR to be amazed. They do have a really good PK line, I was impressed by that. North didn't show up to play tonight. I know that they have a lot more potential than that. Red River did, and they deserved the win. Good for them. Goals: Eric Meland with a hatty for RR (as mentioned before), one which was shorthanded. Tanner Bombenger scoring for Fargo North on a PP goal.
  14. Headin up to the North/RR game.... Hope it's a good one!! I'll let ya guys know... GO SPARTANS!
  15. You apparently haven't read all 3 pages of this thread.... I believe a couple of people already mentioned he would lose a year of eligibility?? And he doesn't know if he's coming back or not anyways... We'll just have to wait and see! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!
  16. Not trying to defend anyone here... But I believe this is a forum where people can come and say their opinions, right? And thanks to the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, nobody can really do anything about it if he wants to form his own opinions and write them on this website. On another note... South got beat by Moorhead tonight 5-3, which I know has its own thread so I won't continue on with that. Bye!
  17. I may just be retarded, but I've been wondering this for a while. Why do they have 2 refs and 1 linesman for the HS games?? Any info would be appreciated, thanks!
  18. RIP Jason Stadstad!! You will be missed!!
  19. I can say for a fact that I know the players and fans of Holy Cross appreciate that we're still paying attention to them. I got to know a few of the players before they came to GF for Regionals. They knew that they were the underdogs. But I did tell them that everyone who was not a Gopher fan would be cheering for them loud and proud, and to please win against them! We cheered, and they won. I talked to them after the game that night, and they said that it was just such an unbelievable feeling to win as the underdogs against a great program like Minnesota's. They are a great group of guys and great hockey players, and I still talk to a lot of them, and they are still proud of themselves for beating the Gophers, as they should be!! Tony Quesada (their goalie, obviously lol) sent me the Facebook message (yeah I know haha) that is now part of my signature. The team and their fans had a great experience that they will never forget in Grand Forks at the Ralph Engelstad Arena, and may they cherish that moment for as long as they want! I believe we as Sioux fans did have something to do with the Crusaders winning that night. That was the craziest crowd of hockey fans I've ever seen at the Ralph, very good atmosphere for those boys to play in. Most of the crowd was cheering for them after all! Definitely the biggest upset in NCAA hockey history against our biggest rival, of course we're going to live it up and buy HC jerseys!! If not to piss off the Gopher fans, we will wear it to support the Holy Cross Crusaders and their hockey program that has lots of potential to win many more games!! On another note... I sent those boys a bunch of shirts (not cheap, I must say) and I never got anything in return for them!!! Oh well, I guess them winning against the Gophers was good enough for me haha
  20. North definitely outplayed WF tonight IMO.... First WF goal was scored on a PP, and 2nd one was on a 5-on-3... nice goals, but North was still short players so it was easier for them. Dan Zehren (North's goalie) had lots of awesome saves throughout the game! Great game by both teams, but North outplayed West Fargo and definitely deserved the win! On another note, the refs SUCKED! I know I always say this, but I think North got at least 15 penalties, while West Fargo got maybe 3. And one of the refs fell, while absolutely nobody was around him, it was pretty funny! But anyways, that's my 2 cents... I'll hopefully be up at the North/RR game on Friday, should be a good one!!
  21. I will be going to the North/West Fargo game tonight.... Hopefully North can recover from the tough loss to Devil's Lake the other night and pull out a W against the Packers!! I'm sure I'll have somethin to say later about it. Go Spartans!
  22. Welcome to the wonderful world of SS!! Hope you enjoy! Oh and on the Frozen Four.... we would probably need a miracle right now the way we've been playing.... "Do you believe in miracles?? Yes, yes I do!!" GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  23. My friends and I got our tickets a while back. We're a group of 12 and pretty rowdy so you'll see us!! Come and say hi if you're there!! GO SIOUX!!
  24. Looking for as many tickets as possible (and as many together as possible) to the Gopher/Sioux series at the Mariucci in a few weeks..... Willing to pay face value for them (or less, as we are all college students that are trying to get them lol) Please PM me or email me at leah.labounty@UND.nodak.edu That would be greatly appreciated, thank you!! And go Fighting Sioux!!
  25. There better as hell be people on here who will defend this team to the death!!! You guys can't just give up on the Sioux because we're having a bad season!! Keep cheering them on, I know by talking to them that they like it when people cheer for the team!! So stop your complaining, and GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
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