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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. I didn't jump off a bridge!!! And I would be sad if any FIGHTING SIOUX fans jumped off any bridges!! Who else would heckle the Gopher and BADger fans lol
  2. My thoughts on this weekend.... I'll be there Friday night and I will not stand for anything less than a WIN!!! I will not be there Saturday night, and I will settle for nothing less of a WIN!!! (I hopefully will be listening to this on the radio somehow during my uncle's wedding ) On another note, Tech and UAA are usually supposed to be not so good, but UAA swept us.... So we'll see how things go down. I DO have expectations for this team. It's a sport, the goal is to win (I heard that somewhere, not sure where though) GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  3. I like this thread... It's fun knowing where people are and figuring out why they're on here! Anyways, born and raised in Fargo, graduated from Fargo North in 2005... Went to school at UND last year, took a semester off to work, and I am going back to UND in January!!
  4. Yeah I know, and I've been around longer than both of them haha
  5. I think our team just needs to come together and play as a TEAM.... Right now, it looks to me as if everyone just wants their own glory. Except for maybe TJ and Duncs. I haven't given up total hope though, I'll always cheer for them! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  6. I would love to go... But I have nobody to go with! And none of my friends want to pay money to those racist idiots at Dartmouth
  7. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family and friends at this time... I would never want this to happen to anyone, rivalry or enemy or not! Hope everything goes well and he heals up quick and can get back to hockey!!
  8. Hey dude, go get your own name!! I call dibs on this one
  9. First off to Siouxmama... Yes I know that's the big rivalry in Fargo, I went to North and went to every single North/South game for the last like 15 years. Those games are so much fun! I know my brother appreciates me being at his games, he tells me so after them. But I am already in Grand Forks staying with friends for the games this weekend and am visiting a friend in Crookston tomorrow, or else I would totally skip the Sioux game tonight and go watch him. Also, I can't go to the games next weekend because I will be at my uncle's wedding. Second off to knowsall... "South will put them in their (not there) place"?? Your username is obviously correct, I mean you must know everything right I do realize that South is an awesome team, but who are you to bash a team after playing 4 games?? North may not have the greatest history of hockey (or any sport for that matter) but I think ya gotta give them somewhat of a chance. Even I don't think North's gunna win against South, we rarely ever do. But I'm still cheering for them. People give up too easily! Anyways, have fun with whatever you all are doing later. Go Fargo North Spartans, and GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  10. Yeah, we here at SIOUXsports.com don't really like trolls either You must be a BADger fan??? haha
  11. Does anyone have any thoughts on the North/South game tonight?? I think it should be a good one, they always are!! Wish I could be there but I'm going to the Sioux game instead of my brother's game... I know, nice sister I am
  12. Actually, and I know this is way off topic of the game thread, but the team DOES hang out together. They're all friends off the ice. The freshman all live in the same dorm and are roommates. The upperclassmen usually get houses together, other than a select few who choose to not do that. And they usually study together too. So yeah, just commenting back on that. But anyways, this is a game thread, so yeah. Hopin for a win tonight. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  13. I was at the game tonight too. All I've got to say is that I'm getting really sick of having to defend my Sioux pride when the team is playing like this. I didn't think they played all that horribly. Adam is a HORRIBLE ref, seemed to be ignoring all the BADger penalties and calling us for stupid things. Phil's 2nd goal he let in was super extremely weak. Both teams came ready to play tonight. The Sioux HAVE the talent they need on the team, but in order to win they also need to want it and put some heart into it! I don't even know who to blame for the loss tonight, but we definitely need some wins sometime soon. It's exhausting to watch this team lose knowing full well that they CAN win.... And I'm getting really sick of having to defend the team against Gopher and BADger fans!!! However, my friend and I went to Applebee's earlier and saw TJ and Chay there, separately. TJ seemed to be in a good mood, and Chay seemed kinda like he didn't really care lol GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  14. Of course not, but they should at least read the rulebook every once in a while, and maybe pay closer attention to some of the more obvious penalties.... instead of blowing their damn whistle every 10 seconds to call something that is really irrelevant and just disrupts the flow of the game... Why are you getting all offensive anyways? Are you a ref or something? Get over it dude, I ranted, and I got over it... GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! Go Spartans!
  15. I was at the North/Central game last night.... And the conclusion I've come to is that ALL refs are just RETARDED!!! There were so many fricken penalties, and the refs just kept blowing the whistle, I felt like I was watching a football game on ice!! The refs were calling the littlest things too, while letting the obvious ones slip away!! Seriously, read a rulebook guys! Anyways, to the guy who asked if North was good or the state was bad.... It's the beginning of the season dude, let the teams play some games before judging who's good or bad. Just saying. It's only been like 4 games or somethin like that. Let's worry in like January after watching the teams... But yeah in conclusion to the North/Central game last night..... Central was taking way too many penalties, both teams were taking dumb penalties, both teams were pulling dumb moves, the parents and fans get way too into the game, and refs are stupid... And 2 of the Central guys got kicked out, and their coaches don't really pay attention to anything. My brother like hurt the Central goalie and you could clearly see he was in pain, and the coaches didn't even notice anything till the refs stopped the game to ask if he was ok... And after the Central guys got kicked out, the coaches looked really confused so one of them finally went after them lol Oh yeah, some of the Central students went and stood behind North's bench and the penalty box is right next to it, and the announcer says "Security guard to the penalty box please" and those guys ran like pansies to get away from there. Dude, the Purpur doesn't even have security guards haha! And some kid yelled "We want Shepherd!" Thought that was pretty funny too!! Oh and did anyone know that Lee Marvin is one of the coaches for Central?? And some guy who looked like Chris Porter was driving the zamboni lol OK, end rant..... GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! SWEEP THE BADGERS!!
  16. Oh man, I'm so nervous for these games!! But I'm super excited.... Went to my brother's game last night (Fargo North vs. GF Central) and it was a good game, got me all pumped for this weekend!! I'm obviously hoping for a Sioux sweep after what happened at home last year against them. Let's hope some guys, or ya know maybe the whole team, can step forward and do some damage against those fricken BADgers!!! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  17. RIP Jake and Jake.... You guys will be missed lots!!
  18. Haha, I'm flipping back and forth between that and our game LOL
  19. So is our horrible playing because they're playing outside in the cold?? Or just because GVSU is really good??
  20. Hey guys, what's up? Our Fighting Sioux need to find some defense.... This is a HORRIBLE game!!! These Lakers are really good. I don't really have much to say other than that we are playing really super crappy and I'm pissed!
  21. OK, time for my post-game comments again. I was at the game again tonight, and man that was a fun one!!! No idiot Gopher fans, and we were sitting by hockey teams again... Our team played great tonight! If every game was like that, we'd be on a roll!! Phil didn't have much to do tonight, but did a pretty good job. The 2nd goal he gave up was pretty weak, but that's the only partially bad thing I have to say about that. Our defense wasn't amazing by any means, but they did a good job against CC tonight clearing the puck outta our zone. So good goaltending tonight, although he didn't face many shots. Our guys were hittin the CC guys all over the place!! Brian finally realized that hockey's a contact sport lol! I know he's a passive player, but it's still really nice to see him hitting people. Bina had a couple nice hits too. Lots of guys did, it was fun to watch! Chorney played pretty good tonight, I was impressed! His goal was really nice!! He has a great shot! It seemed like CC was going after Forney every time he came out to play, but he was pretty good tonight. I honestly don't have much to complain about. Everyone seems to be carrying their weight. I wonder what was said in the locker room before the game, cuz the team seemed really fired up when they came onto the ice!! The crowd could see it too, fun game to be at tonight!! I didn't mind the student section being taken over, although I will love having the regular student section and the band back! The crowd did really good this weekend without the student section cheers and the band playing! They were fun games to be at!! Now if the Sioux could just play like that the rest of the season, it would be kickass!!! But I'm leaving now, so if you guys have anything to add feel free!!! Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and a good weekend!!! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  22. Alritey, well there's a group of us headed over to the Ralph soon for the game. I'll have my usual post-game comments later for the rest of ya!! I hope they can step it up a notch tonight and get 2 points for us! I'm hoping for another good game like last night's, except that we win ha! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! FIRE UP AND BEAT CC!!!
  23. Alritey well we're heading to the women's hockey game now. Takin the radio with us to the Ralph. Talk to ya guys later!! Probably after the men's hockey game haha bye! GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
  24. Alrite, let's get some defense!!
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