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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. Holy crap, I love Napoleon Dynamite!!!!!!
  2. Red Pepper is soooo much better
  3. Oohh yeahhh..... I might need some help with that Maybe I should do some research this week.... But seriously, siouxforeverbaby is the one who needs to work on their heckling skills ha
  4. We spent time in class today talking about the word "pseudo"
  5. Man I would love to go if I could find someone to go with.... And if I had the money....
  6. Pizza Corner is disgusting... I'd rather pay a few extra bucks and eat some decent pizza!
  7. I hope it's a good game! And I hope that you guys will come out and support the other teams playing this weekend too!
  8. Games this weekend! Friday vs Augustana, 4pm.... Sunday vs Duluth, 1pm... Come on out and support these girls! They need it too, not just the football team!
  9. How did it go? Was anyone there?
  10. Just thought I'd get this thread going.... Anyone have any thoughts?!
  11. Hey Diggler, you should try using the space bar... It's that big thing on the bottom center of your keyboard
  12. So I heard Toews is out for a few weeks with a broken finger?
  13. Bodoh is in one of my classes, and he looked completely fine all last week.....
  14. I'd go, but I have class... And it might qualify me as a stalker
  15. That'd be sweet to go to those games!! And I would totally go if I was made of money lol.... If you need a ride to Fargo, I'll probably be heading there that Friday depending on when you're leaving...
  16. Ugh, the reason I wanted to go to this game was to see Irmen and Stafford..... Well, Irmen's cut and Stafford's not playing?! I hope it's at least a good game!!
  17. Pretty sure it's you, me, and Diggler in the car (that I have yet to find)...
  18. The girls lost to UNO 5-2
  19. I'm going to say UND wins 36-13 (That's the average of both teams from the last 2 times we played them haha)
  20. Like I said, you're free to ride with us.... I just need to find a car that will fit all of us.... And you'll need a place to stay...
  21. Well I'd invite you to come along with us... But I still need to come up with a bigger car... And you'd have to find your own place to stay...
  22. I'm sure you've got green and white somewhere.... Can't you just go along with this for a weekend?
  23. Yeah it's December 15th.... And it's because they're making it a kinda full day event, with maybe a skills competition and skating with the little kids and that kinda stuff...
  24. I can help. Bring a couple for me
  25. I will post a score prediction once I read the game notes.... It was pretty close last time
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