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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. AND HE SCORES!!!!!!!! 3-0
  2. Kozek's back
  3. YEAH KAPTAIN KAIPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2-0
  4. Yeah, I've been saying that all night.... Let's go Sioux!!! Pick it up for an awesome ending!
  6. RADKE
  7. I'll let them know ha
  8. Thanks!! Yay Sioux!
  9. Alrite just got back from watching the Women's team sweep BSU!!! How are we doing?! SIOUX YEAH YEAH!!!
  10. There was a good crowd last night to watch the girls win!! Hopefully it's another good turnout this afternoon!!
  11. Yeah I watched SportsCenter about 3 times last night just so I could keep seeing that.... Awesome!!! At least something good came outta last night ha ha
  12. This totally doesn't help the horrible night I've been having....
  13. UGH LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Game ends in a tie after 2?!
  14. Alrite thanks.... I hope to see a good thread going on here.... Give me some good stuff to read when I get back!!! Go Sioux!! SIOUX YEAH YEAH!!!
  15. This has probably already been posted somewhere, but I'm in a hurry.... Can I watch the webcast later on tonight? Or is it only live?
  16. Umm... the guys as in the hockey team... hence why this is written in the hockey part of SS....
  17. Too bad the Ralph can't play it at the Women's Hockey game tonight.... I know that would be taking away from the girls' game.... But geez I'm in a pickle as to how to listen/watch the game while I have to be there!!!
  18. OK, so apparently I was the only one who caught that.... haha
  19. Man, my friends and I had this elaborate story about a male stripper going.... Guess not!
  20. Yepp, he apparently doesn't know me at all.... How dare you say that to anyone? You have no idea what kinds of fans other people are, and you have no right to tell people who they can and can't cheer for.
  21. Thank you! We really appreciate everyone's comments and suggestions!
  22. I'm in class, and my teacher started off talking about this. I heard it last night from WiSioux, and I didn't believe her at first! But my teacher said something about an old medical school used to be there and something about a flu epidemic, and said maybe it was related to that.... I guess it might be a while before we find out any details. Hopefully the family of this person gets some closure if it was anytime recently and anyone was looking for them!
  23. Tickets go on sale on Saturday at 10am!! We'll be in line at 8am! Anyone planning on going or want to go?!
  24. This is kinda off the subject.... But speaking of live chatting.... The guys were on the radio last night, XL93...
  25. Not true. You just watch. I'm determined.
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