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Everything posted by Teeder11

  1. FINAL. HAWKS WIN!!!!!! Hold on to win by 16. 76-60.
  2. 73-50. UND. Just UNDER 3 minutes to play.
  3. UND all of a sudden up by 21. Lots of Hooker and a little Shanks and Crandall.
  4. 24-34. UND. About to start second half.
  5. Not a surprise. He's been Exposed and every team in the league knows what to do.
  6. Thanks, all, for returning with me to that beautiful time in UND lore! The point being that I sense the trajectory is needling upward for us toward another era of success in multiple sports. And as for football, Bubba and staff seem to be bringing in the right recruits to lead us back to the Promise Land! Go UND!
  7. At the risk of this being in the wrong thread, I think sometimes we, ahem, relatively older fans of UND forget how lucky we were to witness the most recent era of championships 1987-2001 in men's hockey, women's basketball and the 2001 improbable come-from-behind win in the waning seconds for the national championship, and that there are some younger fans on here that don't have the same vivid memories of those times. I was listening to the football game on the radio during a National Guard drill weekend in Dickinson.... I remember considering turning off the radio just prior to the fourth down Klosterman-to-Schleussner pass and run because I couldn't bear to listen any longer. But something in me kept me hanging on, and after what seemed like eternity in radio hell, I heard those magical words "caught!!!!" I thought he just got the first down and I was ecstatic, but I was soon to learn that he had lumbered to almost the 1-yd line to set up the game winning TD. What a game! Still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
  8. That was my take too. And huge is an understatement.. basically giving Jed a chip shot into the endzone for the game winning TD!
  9. Yeah, You're probably right. Time will tell.
  10. He looks like a slightly bigger version of Santiago, if I dare make that kind of early comparison. Coach Rudy really talked up his speed and receiving abilities this morning, as well as his potential as a KR guy.
  11. Yeah, I had heard that somewhere, but never mentioned it again. Best to him. He seemed like one of those west coast guys that actually could have stuck it out and done great things at UND (i.e. Goodman, Cox, etc.), barring the injury bug. If he's healed up; watch out, SW Minn. State opponents!
  12. Hmmmm? Rastas, Marler? You're up.
  13. Turner just wants to be dramatic.
  14. Great! Thanks.. missed Russo, or I got him mixed up with Tobin somehow. Coach Freund mentioned that they are expecting 4 PWOs.... does that indicate that maybe Devan Hunt might not be coming and may have taken the Valpo offer?
  15. So waiting on Dre, Cloyd, Russo and Turner, apart from the PWOs?
  16. As we say good-bye to Loyd, this gives us a year to recruit and develop another tenacious rebounding/scorer.
  17. As we say good-bye to Loyd, this gives us a year to recruit and develop another tenacious rebounding/scorer.
  18. It's all about "optics". As McFooly is fond of saying.
  19. Mike "the social media machine"McFeely is silent.
  20. Helluva a punter, too, FWIW.
  21. Great Point.... currently we have burners in Georges and maybe Iwarri but they're not of the Dressler or RJ Magill mold.
  22. Watching his defensive plays on Hudl, it looks like he likes to get in there and hit people, which leads me to believe that coaches think he'll fit in nicely as a blocking WR on the edges to clear lanes for Santiago and Co.
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