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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. hey now I've been putting alot into the hype for this season and have gone to alot of practices and given alot of insight. Don't care is how I feel about the women's tennis team. I'll be at every game this year and have never been apathetic towards the football program. That said the bandwagon fans need something to jump on to.

    You're not the problem. It's the rest of the community. They'll support a winner, I guess. So the boys gotta get out there and produce and the people will come. Totally agree on the bandwagoners -- and the students.

  2. you really didn't make an argument here. Online education will always be a second-rate alternative for a few people with no good options, and provide degrees of dubious merit, while simultaneously missing the most important part of many degree programs, which is the networking.

    That's another way to look at it, I guess. A glass half-empty way, per usual. Buck up and smile a little; life ain't so bad all the time. ;)

  3. i think putting down bismarck state 'university' is something both ndsu and UND can get behind. This is all about bismarck continuing to try to legislate it's way to be the biggest city in the state.

    As it is the state doesn't have the population to support either of its premier universities. UND and NDSU might as well be U-M Fargo and U-M Grand Forks.

    And what sense does it make to train nurses and doctors in a place with limited resources and off the charts living expenses, not to mention terrible livability?

    If ND ever builds a second med school, it had better be in Fargo.

    Fargo already has a medical school; it's called the University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences Southeast Campus. :)

  4. Did they even advertise for that? I don't remember hearing anything about it/

    mostly a lot of Social Media advertising ... Twitter, Facebook, UND Web sites. Coach Boyd was on the Big Dogz on KJ 108 on Wednesday morning. I am sure other coaches did the radio circuit too.

  5. As far as I know, they are included in the total headcount. It's SBHE policy that anyone who takes a class for credit at any ND institution is counted at that institution. Now, they're not going get counted as a full-time NDSU student if they're only taking one class. They'll be counted as a part-time student just like an LRSC student who takes an online UND class is counted in the UND total headcount. Obviously a Concordia student taking a class at MSUM(or vice versa) won't be counted by NDSU in any way.

    So we're saying that both schools are counting students correctly within SBHE standards and both schools' numbers reflect legitimate students enrolled at each school. What the heck are we are arguing about then?

  6. Insider data shows:

    Engineering College and Aerospace were the two divisions that grew the most between last year and this year. The Engineering College grew by a whopping 25 percent from 1,227 students to 1,532 students (based on first-day data). Aerospace grew by 13 percent, from 1,295 to 1,462. This means that for the first time, that I can recall, The Engineering College has outdrawn Aerospace in enrollment.

    The Grad School grew by 6 percent percent, from 2,458 to 2,604 students. Another big gainer was BPA, which grew from 1,656 to 1,721, or 4 percent.

    The College of Arts and Sciences increased from 3,041 to 3,127, or nearly 3 percent.

    Medical school (professional) gained 7 students, but the law school declined by 12, with 259 and 240 students, respectively.

    As far as classes go... the freshman class was 291 students more than the first day fall numbers in 2011 at 3,013.

    The sophomore class dropped by 9 students to 2,764.

    The junior class grew by 107 students to 107 to 2,180.

    The senior class grew by 194 students to 3,642

    Beginning freshman numbers grew by 272, or 13 percent to 2,376.

    Transfer student numbers grew by 62 or 7.4 percent to 903.

    These are just some highlights.

    • Upvote 1
  7. No way in hell Hanson will see the field this year. On a lighter note I bet Galladay gets his shirt pulled. I'd put money on it.

    For fun, I'll take that bet! With all respect, I just don't think we need it pulled with our depth at WR. I will give you full props if he gets it pulled though!

  8. He put a great stutter step slow down burst move on that would've been TD. One thing I didn't like by him today was when in goal line he tried move again instead of full speed ahead and ended up fumbling.

    Hmmm? I missed that fumble... got there later than I would have liked. Darn kids!

  9. D. Idowu and Devin Coyle had nice INTs today that went for 6. One off Hanson, the other off Hendrickson. In both cases, the DBs stepped in front of the receivers at the last second. If they'd missed it would have been big yardage the other way. Hard to fault anyone in those cases ... just good athleticism by both DBs.

  10. Take nothing away from PJ, but, for my money, A Schaugabay has been really tearing it up this summer at running back. He looks like a man on a mission. That said, PJ had a really good scrimmage today at Memorial Stadium. He looked the sharpest I've seen him so far.

  11. No Teeder, that's our beloved "DaveK".

    Like I've said, he's just a "coming out of the closet Gopher fan".

    That's right.... don't I feel like the horse's rear. I get him and Lakes mixed up because they are both in Fargo and reside on the same fringe of the respective fan bases.

  12. Is this a joke as in someone playing with Lakes' identity on FB, or do you think it's his doing? Must have nothing better to do now that Bison practices are closed to the public. In fact, it was probably his doing that got the media/public banned in the first place. Anyway, whomever this is, consider them not impressed with the new black unis.


    Here's the actual post on FB from this dude:

    Dave Kostka Like all black jersey/black pants combinations, these uniforms are an eyesore. First they drop the Fighting Sioux nickname and now a ridiculously ugly uniform... wow, what a shame. :(

    17 minutes ago · Like

  13. Looks like we're going to Kansas again this year, only this time it's not Lawarence.

    The K-State 2012-2013 schedule has UND's men in Manhattan on Nov. 9 to take on the Wildcats at Bramlage Coliseum. K-State got beat by Syracuse in the East Regional of the NCAA Tournament last years 75-59.

  14. Even the Little Sister to the South has every game on statewide tv. Hopefully we will have the same options as last year for those of us outside the Midco area. For those in Fargo the head honcho at CableOne has a full sized Buffalo in front of his house. And I also believe he is a Teammaker. Can you imagine the pressure he gets to keep UND Athletics out of Fargo? ????

    That's ok. West Fargo is the "new Fargo," anyway. Its population is exploding and will probabaly consume Horace in the future. West Fargo has Midco.

  15. Per Tom Miller's latest Tweets:

    And that's with still about two weeks to go.

    Anticipated strong walk ups mixed with early success could make it a good start for football attendance after the bleak transition years.

  16. Per Tom Miller's latest Tweets:

    I'm told UND has sold roughly 4,300 season football tickets. That's about 400 more than last season.

    And that's with still about two weeks to go.

  17. http://www.chicagotr...0,376988.column

    That's because 6-foot-2, 270-pound senior Tim McAuliffe is on the other side of the line. While the right guard has not received as much publicity as the 6-7, 285-pound Pocic, he's also among the best offensive linemen in Illinois.

    "Tim plays with an edge," Lemont coach Eric Michaelsen said. "If he were taller, every school would be recruiting him."

    McAuliffe, who is expected to move to center in college, is receiving plenty of interest from colleges, even though his height is a couple of inches shy of ideal.

    He reports scholarship offers from Ball State, Bowling Green, North Dakota, Toledo, Western Kentucky and Western Michigan.

    He is in no hurry to make a decision.

    "I have visited all the schools except North Dakota," he said. "I don't want to rush it. I want to take my time and figure out what is right."

  18. Checking out Dustin Hobaugh's Twitter.... it appears he's currently enroute to Grand Forks. Don't know whether he'll be playing this year or not but it appears he'll be enrolled in the aviation program.

    Dustin Hobaugh


    Native of Texas playing bball and studying commercial aviation at Univ of North Dakota! #Secede

  19. Off topic I know, but doesn't coach Mannausau look a little like the kid from the Blindside?

    I can see that. Another off topic, when I am watching practices, Coach K gives me flashbacks to my days in Army Basic Training. The guy can flawlessly lace together 10 four-letter words in a 12-word sentence. And the stuff he says is both hilarious and terrifying to the poor player on the receiving end. I wonder if he was a drill sergeant in another life?

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