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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Not to get ahead of ourselves, but you might want to set the DVR to record the Army v. San Diego St. game at 6:30 p.m. tonight on Midco channel 69 (NBCSP). You'll get an early look at our week 3 opponent, San Diego St. Some of the stuff I've read from San Diego St. fans is that their coach tried some of that "no punt; go for it on fourth" stuff that he was toying with in the pre-season, and, according to SDSU fans, it might have cost them a closer game or even a bit of an upset v. Washington.

  2. What I don't understand is this underlying tone in a lot of posts in this thread that seems to imply UND is above all of this. These things are a matter of timing and any reasonable person can acknowledge that. UND will have it's time as will every other program, sadly the more talented the team the more likely they are to have behavior issues. So with UND heading into what seems to be an upswing in talent, more off the field issues can be expected. It comes with the territory.

    Haven't many of us already stated this?

    Why do you continue to repeat yourself over and over again?

    I know I have said it at least three times now. It is not all that hard to understand that UND fans revel in the misfortunes of Bison fans and vise versa. I think it was Freud or some deep-thinking German who called it "Schadenfreude." I don't think we should act so incredulous over it. Both fan bases do it to the other ... doesn't make it right. But it is kinda fun!

  3. It's true though, right?

    Not that it matters... but Gene from the Herald comments section is a down-and-out UND languages professor, who is angry at the world (especially UND administrators, Grand Forks and North Dakota) becuase he missed out on advancemnt opportunities and because they'll (UND) never give him tenure. He has positioned himself as the local curmudgeon and contrarian on everything that happens in Grand Forks and North Dakota. He's one of those guys who sits on his computer all day -- probably on a state computer at work at Merrifield -- stirring the pot on local and state issues just to make his sorry dead-end life more interesting. I think he's a transplant from Riverside, Calif., who got trapped here in the 80's, and he blames the world for his "misfortunes."

    • Upvote 3
  4. Honest question for those of you who feel you can give an objective response. If this was going on at UND would you be as vigorous about your call to action for Coach Mussman?

    Admittedly, I can't answer your question without bias. But can I turn it around on you and ask the same line of question? If UND were in this kind of trouble, would you be putting up as vigorous a defense in favor of UND, or would the seriousness of the charges magically elevate in your mind based on the color of the football uniform? Would you assume the same "let them have their day in court" posture as you would for your beloved team if the shoe was on the other foot 70 miles north of you.

    Mind you, I don't know you; you can certainly make up whatever answer you want on the Internet and assume the most judicious personality, but I will find it hard to beleive that any devoted NDSU fan could ever put themselves in a position where they would be an apologist for UND.

    It's called "Schadenfreude" (reveling in another's --especially a bitter rival's -- misfortune.) NDSU fans do it to us; we do it to them. Life goes on.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Maybe with all these visitors Grand Forks could actually build something "touristy". Waterpark. Mini golf. Rollercoaster. Ski jump you name it.

    Need lots more "ecolab type" businesses.

    How about an outlet mall like the one near Albertville, Minn.? Oh yeah, and another off-ramp south of 32nd would be nice, too, Santa!

  6. You are also forgetting that North Dakota was not affected to the extent, if it all, from the 2008 economic crash and housing collapse. Hence, why the economy is roseier in North Dakota than elsewhere. Furthermore, you did not even understand my comment about how the weak American dollar benefits the state with oil drilling.

    Nobody does. Sometimes I think you argue crap just for the sake of arguing.

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