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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Has anyone read the post over at www.sayanythingblog.com regarding Douple and Bresciani? Rob Port is trying to once again say that UND (Kelley) was complicit in getting Douple to say something against UND due to the nickname issue.

    It seems Bresciani gave Douple a bad report card. Douple went through the SUU president to find out who gave the bad report.

    What I have never understood about all of this is, if Kelley was buddy buddy with Douple and getting him to help UND get rid of the name and get UND into the Summit, why would he cancel the impending Summit visit days before it was supposed to happen and accept the Big Sky invitation? That never has made any sense to me.

    What a gong show! There's a lot of revisionist history taking place over on that blog, reference the thread you point out.

  2. ...and the trash talking continues. Sorry I don't fully agree with most of you on measure 4. Most other threads I'm calm and collective but the classlessness everyone shows on this thread is terrible.

    It goes both ways. (Admittedly, this is the most childish thing I have written in a long time) But, it's safe to say, you started it and brought it all on yourself with your bashing of most of us who love the nickname, are huge fans of the University, but realize when it's time to move on.

  3. And yet you doubt almost everything I write.

    Mods: I hope this doesn't fall under the category of name-calling, but this poster (scpa0305) is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You can tell when they're on their meds and when they're off, based on the tone, attitude and posture of their posts. Like I said before, very schizophrenic.

  4. Ahh, but it is the University of Central Michigan (or is it CMU?). The scope of the university is different...therefore only the approval of the Chippewa of central Michigan is required. Also, the CMU campus is actually located on the reservation itself. Not the case for either FSU or UND (or Utah).

    Again, I don't believe that it was ever the case that UND could simply have gotten the approval of SL or SR to satisfy the NCAA.

    I don't know. I think things could have been vastly different if SL would have made as much noise back then as the Committee from SL is making today. A lot of this could have been averted. Not that I solely blame SL for this. But they sure weren't helpful back in 2005 and 2006. The tribal chairwoman at the time, Pearson, couldn't find enough Northern Plains American Indian councils to sidle up next to and to vote in the affirmative with to rid the world of all American Indian nicknames, and then she would come back home to SL and hide from anyone seeking an official opinion on the matter, and if she was ever cornered, she resorted to the old apathetic line that the tribe had more important matters to worry about. Where was the Committee for Respect back then??!! -- when it mattered and would have made a difference.

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  5. Sounds a heck of a lot more like Goon than DaveK.

    What's your take on "Chewey"? I notice you leave him out of your sanctimonious defenses of DaveK and Fetchy. You two have had some very classic and very personal public rows on here over the past few months . It'd be only fair to include your friend, Chewey, as another champion in your hollow protests against "hypocricy" and your cheerleading for blind consistency and ignorance in the face of new realities.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Chewy's well thought out opposing take on things. He adds value to the discussion; I'm just curious why you left out someone who's been your obsession for so long now. :)

  6. I no longer live in North Dakota, but I graduated from and worked for UND many, many years ago. It is just unbelievable to me that they have betrayed the wishes of thousands of alumni to come out against the Fighting Sioux name. It is wrong to vote Yes. No matter what, they should be with Spirit Lake and the Standing Rock members who wanted to honor their forefathers and elders and allow the University of North Dakota to remain the Fighting Sioux.

    Ok, thanks. You lost me at "I no longer live in North Dakota."

  7. Screaming for an "example" is just your way of avoiding the REAL point, which is that athletics are not a requirement for a university to provide a quality education to students. The fact that you refuse to address that point tells me that I have won the debate. Thanks for playing, better luck next time (you'll need it). :lol:

    Seriously, you lost a long time ago. And we are all dumber for having watched you BS your way out of that corner you painted yourself into. You're either a bald face liar, on par with "Baghdad Bob," or you seriously misstated your original premise and what you intended it to mean and are now too juvenile to admit it. Because, it's very clear to everyone but you what your original statement actually said. Whether you intended it to convey something else is a mystery to the rest of us. You adjusted your statement to be more plausible in subsequent posts and stated it is what you'd been saying the whole time. Clearly, it was not. And all this means nothing in the end other than providing the rest is us with further evidence, Dave, that you are such a child.

  8. She comes off as a very sharp and engaging person. And she presented heself very well in public during her campus visit in April. The big challenge will be learning the political environment in North Dakota and finding ways to work with Bismarck instead of against it. The best thing about her is that she used to test ride Harleys when she worked for HD in Milwaukee! :)

  9. If we have to get rid of the name so do all others (FSU, IU, etc). I don't want to read anything about their tribes support them because we have some too.

    ^^^^^^Where do these Johnny Come Latelys come from? Do we seriously have to go through the whole saga again to bring this one up to speed? I swear one falls off the board and another one fills the hole. :glare:

  10. The first game would've been played already if Faison hadn't refused the every other year offer that Taylor sent him. Now we have to wait until 2015 for the first game that is the same every other year plan that was first offered by NDSU.

    You gotta give Faison credit, though, for sticking to his guns and demanding what the fans truly want -- and that is to see the great rivalry played out every year. Don't get me wrong, I will take every other year, but it wouldn't be my first choice.

  11. Glad everyone is watching the Bison Media Blog. Problem is they have agreed only on one thing (some open dates) It's not a done deal as there are other details to decide.

    WE never claimed we didn't. We are interested in both UND and NDSU as citizens of North Dakota and/or fans of teams in North Dakota . WE never "moved on." A lot in your fanbase say you have "moved on"; but clearly you and they have not. Which is great! Hey, at least now, you won't have to manufacture some contrived rivalry with SDSU, which you guys clearly do not have the same hate, digust and disdain for. ;)

  12. I graduated two years behind Chris. I looked up to him and respected his kind, quiet approach to life and how he modestly handled his academics and athletic abilities. He never boasted, he never put anyone down unnecessarily and he always acted like he'd been there before -- no matter how many TD passes he threw for or yards he rushed for or three-pointers he drained or sprint relays he helped dominate. The Dickinson High-Fargo South rivalry (a David v. Goliath situation on paper) was a hot one at the time. Chris evened things up considerably for the littel guy out west against the big metro, rife with specialized athletes.

    God bless you, Chris. Rest In Peace.

  13. It boils down to a loss either way. Even a 100-0 blowout does UND no good, but true, a loss to Mines would be even more humiliating.

    To the people who jumped all over me because I'm not enthused about Mines, well I sure hope I don't see you posting any complaints about the team this year

    I wasn't one to "jump all over" you, but I did tend to agree with the sentiment (not necessarily the delivery) of those who did. I think this one can be chalked up under the category of "Beating a Dead Horse," at this stage in the game. No one really likes it (there are surely realities we're not privvy to that make it a necessity and too difficult to cancel or replace only three and a half months from kick-off), but, as someone said, it is what it is. Time to move on and make the best of what we've got for our first real run out of the chute. I'm all for constructive criticims, but this topic is far beyond broken to the point of no return with no hope of fixing. I don't think feeling that way should negate anyone's privelige to criticize our teams in the future. Far be it for me to be the criticism police, though. :)

    • Upvote 4
  14. The point is a school doesn't need athletics to provide a quality education, and you lost the debate as soon as you started deflecting from that point.

    Rest assured, there was no winner. Other than the fact you showed how childish grown men can act on a discussion boad. Sad. Sad. Sad. :sad:

  15. Have you sent this to the GF Herald, is Leeds in Ramsey County if it is send to the Ramsey DA, send it to the North Dakota Attorney Generals office. This principle needs to have her head examined or spend some time in the box herself. This is not Cool Hand Luke.

    It's in Benson County.

    • Upvote 1
  16. Standing was a bigger reason. The NCAA had made public pronouncements concerning the involvement of NA's in the nickname issue and sacred tribal customs have been construed as binding under ND and Federal law. The anti-trust claims were well asserted and had potential. There was some room for the Judge to allow some claims to proceed to trial if he had wanted and thought that SL had standing. The Judge was/is quite erudite and hardly a liberal or conservative hack and he certainly is not worthy (is anyone, let alone an Article III Judge?) of any threats. He made the decision. It is to be respected. It could be appealed if there is an appropriate basis.

    The Judge and even NCAA's counsel indicated that the sanctions are "modest". Quite a different perspective from the extinction level event scenario posited by O'Keefe and company. With rhetoric about having 250K, jetting about in an NDSU plane and commenting amongst each other at "cocktail parties", one has to wonder if O'Keefe and company will receive a similar reception as the SBoHE? Looks like the SBoHE finally threw up its hands and is just deferring to O'Keefe and company now. Given the unpopularity of the SBoHE, kind of a predictable move but it's really just the passing of the Pope's ring from one similarly situated cocktail party-goer to another isn't it?

    You surprise me on this one. I thought for sure you'd have knowledge of the CPA (Corrupt Practices Act). Of course it's predictable; deferring to a private UND-supportive organization, like the Alumni Association is, to take the lead on this fight, is the most logical course of action for UND and the SBoHE. UND and SBoHE can't actively lobby or advocate for Measure 4, but the Alumni Association can. It has nothing to do with perceived popularity or lack there of.

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