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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. After this post, I'm done with UND vs. Aztecs and the coulda, woulda, shouldas. But I can't help but think what might have been if three simple things would have went UND's way: 1) Hendrickson throws a completion or an incompletion on first play from scrimmage instead of a pick 6. 2) Chavon Mackey blocks the punt or misses it completely instead of being penalized for running into kicker and giving SDSU fresh set of downs. 3) Hardin makes the routine catch for a fourth TD instead of dropping it.

    Despite the poor tackling, lackluster running game and blown assigments by DBs, those three plays were complete back breakers.

  2. loud party is a class-b misdemeanor, which according to this board is grounds for getting kicked off the team, as well as the death penalty.

    You only think that way if you're an NDSU fan, or at the very least, a "double agent." (;

  3. Official fall enrollment is in at UND

    15,260 (563 students more than last fall's record official enrollment, or 3.8 percent higher).

    I am sure we will see more about this later today or tomorrow.


    Make that 15,250

  4. If he comes out in Dec as the leader after the conference play then it can be talked about, sorry to say but your going to see tougher d as the season wears on, it's way to early for anyone to proclaim being the best.

    He is a stud though no doubt, is he an Illinois kid?


  5. This thread speaks for itself. It's UND fans who are fixated on North Dakota State Football. I can remember this same attitude from the beginnings of the Bison dynasty in the 60s. Jealousy is the emotion that drives it.

    For the umpteenth time: it's Schadenfreude (look it up) not jealousy. Why can't you guys get it through your dunderheads? Oh yeah, don't answer that. (:

  6. At least the news media has the right schools and cities unlike certain sports assocs.

    In my best Lee Corso impersonation: "Not so fast, folks! UND University Relations just got a call from BBC America (based in Washington DC), asking about the bomb threat on campus. Is it really that hard, people, to keep this stuff straight?

  7. Do you mean when he said "Look at that little monkey run" or something similar to that? Not exactly the same thing. Howard was talking about a specific player, who was black. He had used the term before on the air without getting into trouble. Knuckle dragging is associated most closely with people of low intelligence who are crude and depend on physical intimidation. The term isn't associated with a person of color. The way it was used was referring to the TEAM, not to a specific person. The team has a mix of different races. Therefore it would be hard to use the term in a racist way since he was talking about the TEAM made up of different races, not an individual of a specific color. But way to go, trying to take the conversation down to a new low by injecting the race card.

    As in Neanderthal-like, lower on the evolutionary scale and inferior intelligence = hence "knuckle dragging." Wow! I can't believe we constantly have to expain this stuff to these interlopers from down south. :sad:

  8. Their Coach Rocky Long is really giving us props

    Called Greg Hardin the fastest player they will see this year

    Said our O line is also the biggest they have ever seen this year

    Hes more nervous about this game then his first game of the year lastyear or somtin like that

    He MAY be speaking the truth and not even know it. I am sure, in his mind, it's coach-speak aimed at his own squad, in case they're getting an itch to take Saturday off and look past us to their next game -- though he'd never ever ever admit that's his motive.

  9. A lot of fun was had by others at the expense of Matt Frattin and Dan Kristo. It's schadenfreude.

    And yes, we're just one lawn mower toss from from problems. So is everyone else.

    I believe what has the attention moreso than the actions of the student-athletes is the lecturing to the media ("it's over") and attempts to make the cause of the problems the victims from Bohl and Taylor. Toss in the "empty chair" Bresciani and reason for skepticm abounds. (And I haven't even reopened the issue of: What'll come of this to all NDUS schools at the next Legislative session.)

    You and I have been preaching "Schadenfreude" for the past 40 pages or so but the Bizon guys just don't seem to grasp the concept or what drives it. They act all above the fray, when, in reality, very few, if any of us, actually are -- me included. :bigsmile:

  10. firewall, as someone who did two tours myself and saw first hand the unbridled passion among people who for so long had been denied the right to vote in free elections, I want to thank you, and espeically your loved one, for the ulitmate sacrifice. There is nothing remotely tasteless about it, not that such remarks deserve to even be acknowledged.

  11. I still struggle with the question of whether it was the transition in general, or specifically the Sioux Falls game from 2009. I tend to think it was primarily the latter, and unfortunately we haven't completely recovered yet in terms of interest by the casual fan.

    I think that and the inability to get a real signature FBS "upset" that we could hang our hat on. All those things plus the doldrums of lackluster patchwork scheduling that all transition teams go through.

  12. Very entertaining game to watch, but very concerning as well.

    Lot's of weapons on offense, which is great to know for when the run game gets taken away like it did last night. Greg Hardin could end up leading the Big Sky in receiving at the end of the season, and may not even be the best receiver on the team. Hardin, Jackson, and Golladay are going to be a nightmare for opposing secondarys.

    Special teams were again very good, save for Merserau's fumble and a shank by Cameron. Two blocks, a 50 yard FG, and good field position pretty much all night.

    Aside from a few stand-out individual performances and two opportunistic plays, the defense played poorly. PSU was able to pretty much do what ever they wanted in both the run and pass games. PSU was second to last in passing in the Big Sky last season and their true freshman QB threw for over 300 yards. Lots of big plays and poor tackling. Plenty to get better at.

    The refs stunk, but at least they were consistently bad throughout.

    Kind of concerning that North Dakota's running game was completely shut down.

    9,210 for attendance....................that must be among one of the lowest turn-outs for Potato-Bowl in recent memory.

    You are correct. :sad:

    9,200 = 2012-13 v. Portland State

    8,500 = 2011-12 v. Black Hills State

    9,700 = 2010-11 v. Northeastern State

    8,400 = 2009-10 v. Stony Brook

    10,200 = 2008-09 v. Wisc. La Crosse

    10,700 = 2007-08 v. Central Wash.

    10,300 = 2006-07 v. Winona State

    10,600 = 2005-06 v. Western Washington

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