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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Just a heads up, if there are any National Guard Soldiers or Airmen, Naval Reservists, Air Force personnel, ect. You can get up to 5 free tickets tonight for the UND football game. Just show up at 5 p.m. in the Alerus Center ballroom. That is where they will be doled out. Go UND!

  2. http://www.ticketmas...04&minorcatid=8

    not sure how accurate this is, but looks like there are still lots of open seats. (zoom in on the seating to see individual seats) looks like the equivalent of 6 unsold sections, not including students, mostly in 201, 202, 207, 208, 209, 217 and 218. Not including students, i'd say there are 3000 unsold tickets at this point. Hopefully there are lots of gate sales.

    About 1,000 of those 3,000 might be reserved for Military Appreciation Night (they are issuing up to 1,000 free tickets to Military personnel (Guard, Air Force, Naval Reserve, etc.). I was going to buy 6 tix for tonight, and lo and behold, when I walked up to the box office, the guy told me that I could get up to 5 free tix because of my military affiliation. #bestdayever!

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  3. who exactly do you associate with? that ranking is a huge source of pride with students.

    Mostly Fargo natives and NDSU grads ...... In other words, a bunch teetotalers. (;

    They also have competent education systems, which is kind of a big deal. People always rag on the poor achievement of american high school students ver the last 20 years, but the US looks *much* better if you exclude the former confederacy. The poor standing of american schools is largely do to the south being awful.

  4. Fact and not meant as negative since North Dakota seems to like its high ranking on binge drinking.

    Who are you referring to as "North Dakota"? All the people I talk to are embarrassed by that ranking. No one I know embraces it. What are you basing your statement on? Because if it's word of mouth or what you've heard or read (like me) then I guess our experiences cancel each other out.

  5. Remember how excited the administration got about the Spirit campaign, everybody got together for the "big announcment" at the Chester Fritz Auditorium, then absolutely everybody was let down because the announcement was "we have some money, but we need more"?

    Hopefully this isn't a replay of that.

    We should cut UND some slack on that one. I think enough history has passed and raw feelings have subsided enuff that it can be said that I recall that there was supposed to be a much bigger component to that spirit campaign announcement than what was actually announced, but the negotiations fell through late

    in the game. It left officials scrambling a bit to make the event exciting without the anchor "gift."

    I don't know any details on what fell through, and maybe, just maybe, it's what was announced today, but i am sure there was supposed to be a little more "oomph" to that spirit announcement a few years back.

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