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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. I couldn't get mine to show on the tv screen at first, even though I could see It on my Mac Probook monitor. I could however see my monitor background (screen saver) on the tv screen so I knew so I knew something was clicking -- just no video. I finally figured it out when dragged the Video from the monitor to the left toward my extended desktop and sure enough it slowed up on my tv screen. So it was clearly an extended desktop display issue that I was dealing with.

    I am currently watching the MSU-UNC game just fine now.

  2. Teeder, you just set everybody up for so many jokes with your post. Trying to hold back...

    I'm surprised there was anything left on the shelves at Best Buy.

    (Woops, hope the thread doesn drift)

    I didn't even think of that... .that is too funny! I about shot my beer through my nose across the room all over my wife when I read that. My wife is looking at me with a strange look.

  3. Anyone know how the broadcast quality will be on Big Sky TV tonight? Does Sac St have a local TV broadcast that will be shown like our volleyball game on Midco?

    I will let you know after tonight. I finally went down to Best Buy this morning and purchased a computer to TV connection for my Mac. I tested out a couple shows on Hulu and ESPN3 and those worked great. Now, I know those are well established national platforms. Crossing my fingers that Big Sky TV will be as good.

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