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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. What history shows that? To my knowledge, traveling trophies are never up for grabs in the post-season.

    Well in the old days, it was bar-stool history or water-cooler history or, if someone felt strong enough, it was letters-to-the-editor history. Today, it's message board history or twitter history or any other venue where the losing team's fans can rant about how the traveling trophy should be up for grabs every time the teams meet regardless how many times they should happen to meet in a given season. These various histories have also shown us that these same fans' opinions would change once their team was in possession of said trophy.

    CMSioux was absolutely correct in what he/she stated. While you are trying to explain the way it works officially, CMSioux was simply pointing to the hypocritical way fans act depending on which team possesses the traveling trophy.

  2. I'm surprised the PC Police haven't jumped all over this.

    Is that high school team in South Bend an ice sledge hockey team? Great, now UND lawyers can play hard ball and get all heavy handed on a bunch of kids with disabilities right in the NCAA's back yard. Rich. Just rich. We'll come out looking like the bad guy again. You can't make this stuff up.

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  3. UNC is really good at sucking our players up close to the net and then hitting it hard to our backrow where we have one defender, if any, to make a futile attempt flail at the ball and save it.

    That leads me to the fact that we flail around way too much. UNC blocks and digs are very controlled and usually bounce high into the air and well within the boundaries.

    Finally, save Munkeby and sometimes Parlich and Robinson, why do so many of our kill attempts appear to be rainbow shots instead of low trajectory lasers?

    Maybe I'm being too hard on the girls but these things and the service and receiving errors have frustrated me all year.

  4. Do you or anyone know if there is a "radius clause" in regards to transferring closer to home due to illness in the family? I thought someone had alluded to that earlier. Maybe that has something to do with it. Either way, I know it stinks and I'm not sure why the NCAA is being so boneheaded in this situation. It's really unfortunate.

    Per Tom Miller of the Herald in regard to the Nash situation: "The NCAA is really trying to stick to 100 mile rule for family illness waiver."

    My opinion is that that is all fine and good unless you're a gifted athlete with Division I abilities and you just happen to hail from western North Dakota or eastern Montana or the likes. What would you need then -- a waiver to the waiver?


  5. Without the knowledge of additional near future recruits, am I right, that our arsenal of players that will be here after 2014 are (that we know of barring injuries, ineligbility issues, transfers, etc.): Nash, Hooker, Antwi, Benton, Salmonson, Hobaugh, and Blake Thomas?

  6. What is the deal with all of the illegal screens? Does Jones just not understand something about the rules? Is it a difference of opinion on the rules between officials and Coach Jones? Are the players not understanding something fully? Are we tip-toeing to the edge of breaking the rule and sometimes slip over and get called?

    One is a mistake. Twice is a coincidence. Three times is a trend. Four times is a breakdown in understanding at some level.

  7. Biggest reason why I though Wilmer started was I think with a bigger lineup (and yes foul trouble) they went with Wilmer, I didn't take too much of an issue with him starting. I thought he did a nice job with the minutes that he played.

    Other notes from the game

    The Bad:

    -Stupid basketball plays: We cannot get away with setting so many illegal screens guys, I counted at least 4 of them in the game. Mr. Wilmer, when you see a shot that has no business going in, do not bail him out by blocking the shot, they will ring you up for a goaltend

    -The Announcers: Can you say Homer? ??? I swear these guys were serious butt kissers. Felt like they gave us no chance, and their halftime comments of "why the heck are these guys not up by 30" really ticked me off. They did have a few nice things to say for us, but felt they were treating Hawaii like they were the second coming of Gonzaga

    -1st Half: Was a disaster from the start. I thought this was going to be worse that UNI, could buy a bucket, doing stupid things on offense, defense was average, and that 9:00 drought was killing us

    -Droughts: We need to stop getting these, it killed us against UNI, and really put us in a deep hole to start with.

    -Traylor: He looked a little overwhelmed out there tonight, and with Brekke and Wilmer playing decent and halfway decent respectively and staying out of foul trouble, he really didn't see the court much.

    -Officals: Bad on both sides, should have called a foul on the last 3, Anderson was mugged

    -Last play: I wished Webb recognized that the baseline was not given and pulled out, and tried to not force it to Schuler. In his defense, he should have a foul called on him because he was being pushed out.

    -Antwi: Just didn't have it tonight, reason why he is on this list. You need to make more than 1 out of 3 from the line when given the chance buddy.

    The Good:

    -2nd Half: Gotta give these guys credit for manning up and fighting back, they could have just gave up and let this got out of hand.

    -Rebounding: If you told me that this undersized team would be dead even with Hawaii on the boards, I would have called you crazy. This was the one of 2 areas, with a few exceptions, they played a solid 40 minutes.

    -Anderson and Brekke redeption: These guys were starting to get a little heat turned up on them for various reasons and last night they stepped up in a big way. Anderson didn't do much driving with the trees, just stayed out and buried some big time 3 pointers. Went 5/8 from downtown, but was robbed of a 6th when it rattled in and out. Brekke finally stayed out of foul trouble in a real game and responded with a solid 10 points and 7 boards. He make a couple good moves against Joaquin and nail 2 great jump shots.

    -Schuler: Played very solid once again and continues to be our most consistent player from night to night. You can see he is starting to be a lot more aggressive

    -Free Throws: Got to the line more, which was surprising, and they had another solid performace (15/20). Anderson and Schuler did their thing, but Wilmer and Brekke stepped up and knocked a few important ones down. Webb was ok as well.

    Now this was a nice rally, but we need to play a 40 minute game if we are going to beat some of these schools and especially when we get to conference play. We need to build on this performance, because we are going into a hornets nest at Frost. The good news on that: we have 7 days to prep.

    This ^^^^ All of it.

  8. Haha I could not believe they wrote us off before the game even started.

    I heard that too. Just got me steamed knowing that we were already going into the game with two hands tied behind our back (Huff and Nash -- albeit Nash is still an unknown quantity).

  9. Just have to wonder how this game may have been different if Huff and Nash were playing.

    So true. My how the tune of the Hawaii Play-by-Play and color guys changed in the second half. It was amusing to listen to them go from smoking and joking mode to Ok-this-is-serious-now mode.

  10. Well they got Flea, the bassist from Red Hot Chili Peppers, to wear a "Free Shabazz" t-shirt

    Maybe if we got Phil Jackson to wear a "Free Jaron" t-shirt, that might turns some heads!

    Although the situations are different, the system that they have going in the Shabazz case is horribly broken and needs to be fixed.


    Totally agree! Whose case has more merit in your opinion? Or were they both equally being screwed?

  11. Ya jinxed us!!!

    In all seriousness it was a momentum killer after we had stopped their run.

    LOL, Yeah, to be honest, I didn't say it out loud, but I mumbled it under my breath. I've just seen it to many times this year. I should not be down on the ladies, though, they are doing fine. And, as I look to next year, wow, just wow...we should be stacked.

  12. Clearly, in my mind, it is UND. The relationship between the two schools is so polarizing in the state for many reasons, including the ones you listed. But, growing up in ND and then playing in two NDSU v. UND games, I have seen how heated it can get. UND is clearly NDSU's rival institution. Right now, obviously we aren't playing in football and I would say our most heated rivalry in football in UNI. We have really developed some bad blood with them.

    Anyway, I don't want to be the cause of a thread drift.

    No, you're not drifting. I agree with you. Had you offered up a different rival, I would have followed up with: "Do you frequent Rival B's message board more or less than Siouxsports?" or "Do you have more or less fun on Siouxsports than on Rival B's message board?" All that said, (bringing it back to the topic that I replied to), for my money, I would want to play my biggest general rival every years in as many sports possible, including football, but I do understand that NDSU has its own yard to tend to.


  13. Agreed, I have gotten to the point where I would like to see the game on the schedule every so often, just not every year.

    I'm curious about your opinion on this: Who, in your mind, is NDSU's biggest rival in general? (meaning, not limited to one sport in particular, and not limited to just sports at all -- academics, student recruitment, etc.)?

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