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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. I know we scrimmaged them pre-season this year at a neutral court and beat them rather easily. However, at that time we had Traylor, Brekke and Schuler playing and we don't have any of them this time plus it's a home game for UNO. This one should be tight just like the last 3-4 games and come down to the wire.

    Would Nash have played in the scrimmage too? That's another warm body that might be contributed back then that we won't have this afternoon.

  2. I see our teams are breaking "UND" or "personal" records left and right, based on the headlines on UNDsports.com. This is all fine and good, I guess, when you consider our caliber of athlete must be improving. But, when you consider that when one of ours breaks a "UND" record, they're still finishing in 7th or 8th place sometimes against the other Big Sky competition, it shows we have a ways to go.

    It will be nice when we start seeing some headlines about breaking conference records. Go UND!

    • Upvote 1
  3. The problem I see with playing Hooker is where or who does he play for. We will have 4 senior guards that have been everything since they have been here in Webb, Anderson, Huff and Schuler and then you add Antwi and Benton as guards. So that is 6 proven guards that have the experience and talent. Very tough decision for the coaches indeed.

    Measure his (Hooker's) talent and composure when he gets here and then sit him, start him or sub him accordingly.

  4. The reason everyone jumped to the conclusion the suspension was for being critical is because no normal person would think the term "choke-job" (in the context of sporting event) is a reference to a pornographic act. Every sports fan knows what "choking" or a "choke-job" means in the context of a sporting event. And if some egghead at the University perceived it to be a sexual reference, then Faison should have had the leadership ability to calmly explain to that person what a choke-job really means, tell Ralston to be a little more tactful in his criticism in the future, and move on. End of story.

    Agreed. I think I've heard similar discussions about the word "suck" over the years. There is a talk radio guy in Grand Forks who used to say the word "suck" a lot on his show, as in, "that sucks," that is until someone called in and railed on him for using such an "obscene" word on the air. The caller went on to say that the word is a reference to a pornographic act. The host was incredulous at first, but eventually swore off using the word on the air. Now, while the word "suck" has found its way into our common vernacular, it would seem there are still some out there that think, either rightly or wrongly, that it is inappropriate speech in polite society.

    There must be a few out there that also think "choke job" is obscene. Goes to show you where their mind is! :lol:

  5. I just don't think he needed to be suspended, period. If a suspension absolutely was necessary, then I agree it should probably be announced. I just don't think one unfortunate choice of words that did not include any obscenities rose to that level.

    Good point. However, my guess is that the administration treated the exchange between Paul and Jones as an employee matter in which one employee used objectionable and/or off-color language with another employee. I think this discussion and the whole debate that has gone national got derailed from the get go when the assumption was that Paul was suspended for being overly critical.

    One explanation that I got is that that the term "choke job" is perceived by some (including some in the administration, obviously), and erroneously so, in my opinion, as a description of a pornographic act. If that was the consensus by the administration and it was decided that Paul's language toward a fellow employee was at the very least off-color or at worst obscene, then, it would make sense that, by university policy, Paul would get some sort of disciplinary action. In this case, as Tom put it, the penalty is akin to a couple days vacation with pay. I also don't think Jones would have had to complain about the exchange in this instance due tot the public nature of it all.

    Now, I must also say that I have done a little research on the words "choke" and "choke job" as it pertains to sport and no where could I find any reference that they stemmed from pornographic origins. So, it's still all very baffling even to me. Whatever happened here, I also truly believe that there is some extreme over-sensitivity going on within the administration or possibly just an overzealous interpretation of university human resources codes and policies.

  6. I don't think very many people dispute whether Faison had the right to do what he did. I don't think very many people dispute that Ralston's choice of words was unfortunate. But where I have some issue with Faison, and apparently Tom as well, is whether it was really necessary for an employer to announce a punishment and publicly embarrass an employee who probably felt worse than anybody that the incident happened. It just seemed like overkill to me.

    No offense taken. I like the discussion. I just thought that Tom's piece laid out some concrete facts that were missing from the debate. It set a nice foundation, albeit, a couple days late. I think the reason it was made public the way it was is because UND is a public institution that, for good and for bad must do things in the open, and can't get away, all the time, with what the private sector can, and because the public would presumably miss Paul and wonder about his absence, and in this town, when it comes to our local media "celebs," that gets tongues wagging. So the statement was brief, factual and to the point, but unfortunately, because of those things, it didn't allow for it to be the end of it. So here we are. :)

  7. There must be a clause in Paul's contract with UND that perceived derogatory comments against his employer or representatives of his employer (UND players, coaches, teams) are grounds for disciplinary action. I think this is one of the reasons why Swyg resisted so much when Sean Johnson was going around and "recruiting" the old radio play-by-play guys to come on board and work for UND. It's a common practice across the college sports landscape but it makes for uncomfortable situations like this. Swyg said his meeting with Johnson to come on board was a bit terse and to the point, as in "join the club or take a hike." Swyg stuck to his principles and took the latter. Good for him.

  8. True, everything was ugly but the WIN and honestly thats all that counts. With basically no depth you've got to get ugly wins like this. Saw Archer warming up but then did not dress so he must be close to returning. Hopefully Schuler is close to returning also.

    Archer could see some minutes on Saturday, per Hammer.

  9. Its because no one cares about SDSoM. Now this year with 7 home games all DI and all count towards the playoffs we SHOULD see an increase even more than last year, but winning will be the key. UND had big attendance at a game here or a game there but it hasn't been consistent since our DII days.

    I know no one cared about Mines, but Portland only got 9,200 early in the year when hopes were still high. That PSU-UND game would have been good for only the third most attended in our last year of transition. Montana drew about the same number this past year (9,296). I mean it's Montana for crying out loud, c'mon. Yes, winning will be the key. I'm just looking at the numbers and they surprised me.

  10. The team has to regain the community's trust before they'll buy the tickets. That takes time and winning. 5-6 won't cut it.

    True. I don't disagree, but the modest gains in attendance were evident throughout the year --from beginning to end -- even when we were 3-1 going into our home game with NAU and playoffs were still a distinct possibility. We drew less for that NAU game than we did the year before against Poly when we were in transition in the Great West. Just saying. I hope we can turn it around quickly.

  11. If UND was in a playoff hunt and not get blow out against EWU and MSU more people would have shown up. Transition killed attendance and its going to take a bit including a winning season to get the fans back to the Al.

    I hear you, and tend to agree, somewhat, but we got more than 10,600 for our first game of the year in 2011,in our last year of transition, against Drake. Our first real home game of 2012 (against Portland, following a 66-0 drubbing of Mines) drew 9,200. WTF?

    • Upvote 1
  12. I understand that people like me cannot attend every game but when students can show up at hockey games and not football games there is a problem. Our fan base for football is finally moving back in the right direction thanks to being in the Big Sky. I hope it continues.

    Your post got me thinking, so I crunched some numbers:

    Alerus Center Total home attendance:

    2011-12 2012-13

    49,169 53,770

    Diff. = 4,601

    Avg. game attendance:

    2011-12 2012-13

    8,194.83 8961.6

    True, there was an increase, but I was hoping for a bit steeper incline on the upward trajectory given we had something to play for in a real conference against solid competition, for the most part. ???

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