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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Looking ahead to next year:

    We lose Allard, Archer, Wilmer, Stockdale

    We retain (current eligbile players) Huff, Anderson, Webb, Brekke, Schuler, Antwi, Benton.

    We gain (best case) Nash, Traylor (unless academics dictate otherwise), Salmonson, Hobaugh, Hooker (if he doesn't red shirt), Hobaugh, Blake (essentially replaces Stockdale on bench unless he's a sleeper that we are all unaware of).

    Realistic starters and bench players for next year:

    Huff, Anderson, Webb, Brekke, Schuler, Antwi, Benton, Nash, Traylor (?), Salmonson, Hobaugh, Hooker (?)

    I still think we need some good JUCO help to bolster things inside, though.

  2. PSU radio guy signs off to commercial, and then asks the in-studio producer "How long is this break?" Producer: "Three minutes" PSU radio guy: "Ok, good, I gotta pee!" He should get suspended for that kind of off-color language. :lol:

  3. UND's good D and timely shooting early in the half kept them in the lead. PSU will adjust. Brekke and Huff have to pick it up in this half. Good thing is were in relatively ok shape foul wise.

  4. 28-25. UND leads at half. UND never trailed but went six minutes at the end without scoring. Webb finally drove the lane with 5 seconds to go to hit one. Brekke is struggling a bit. He's been a non-factor. Anderson, Antwi and Benton have all hit from 3 point land. PSU is 0 - about 8 from 3 point stripe.

  5. 26-21. 3:20 to go in first half. UND leads. UND playing with good defensive hustle tonight and hitting 3s fairly well. Just can't shake PSU, though. PSU leading scorer Hartun in early foul trouble.

  6. Addition by subtraction, IMHO, at least as we head into next season. It will be tough to be two warm bodies down the last games of this year, however.

    I had high hopes for Mills her freshman year based on her tenacious defensive play. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, but that's the way I see it.

    EDIT: Wish them both well in their pursuit in finding new opportunities to play closer to home.

  7. Cell phones change what one writes. Are you really that slow?

    Marxism. Yeah, Sarah Palin a marxist.

    So why do neither UND nor the Herald actually present her current ideology as it is other than painting it as "civil rights". That PC at its worst. And if I mention her continued dedication to marxism by even militant means, I get attacked by you.

    Double standard there. As if there are not far-left leaning professors at UND that have great reverence for her.

    First off, I have rarely attacked anyone on this forum in my nearly 10 years of active posting. Maybe, DaveK and Fetch, a little bit, but I'd like to think they had it coming. I certainly have not attacked you. I thought we were having a spirited online discussion about "sensationalism" in journalism. In one post, you allude to sensationalizing by the media, and the Herald in particular, then you mention a "rally" of UND faculty for that Marxist Angela Davis. All I did was call you out on your inaccurate, maybe sensational, description of a public event that took place at the Chester Fritz Auditorium. You accuse someone one of something in one post, then turn around and do the exact same thing that you accused the other of in your next post.

    Secondly, in all the coverage that I have seen in the Herald about Davis' visit (and it wasn't much, and rightly so), she was described as a "communist" and a "radical" and "Black activist." All of the stories I saw were very brief and did not give much background about anything. I think the local media gave it about as much attention as it deserved, a little but not much. As far as UND, all of the promo materials I saw also referenced her communistic and Black Panther affiliated past as well as her FBI most wanted status. There was not much PC revisionist history going on that I could see by either the university or the media.

    Thirdly, yes, I would surmise there are a lot of liberal leaning UND faculty members who've got great reverence for Davis, just as there are a lot who are more right-learning that don't care for her at all, and many more that are probably right in the middle that are pretty indifferent to the whole ordeal. The university has hundreds of professors, and I would imagine like society, there politics run from one extreme to the middle to the other.

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  8. I agree good for you schools need good fans that support programs, but look at the history of your track program why would you think things would improve?

    I said I HOPE we will. That is what fans do. I'm not one to give up too easily. Did we give up when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor -- No! Hell No! :)

  9. Your response in not acknowledging Miss Davis' militant maxism is quite telling. Certainly you don't qualify as a jounalist or a poster with integrity.

    I'm not a journalist. As for being a poster with integrity, I will leave that up to the opinion of the beholder. If the shoe fits, I'll wear it.

    As for Angela Davis, not a huge fan at all of her tactics and/or politics; but from a historical perspective and her place in it, I think it's valuable to listen to viewpoints that differ from my own. I'm not a big fan of echo chambers and only listening to those that are of like mind. Lastly, I would defend her right under the first amendment to gather and profess whatever she wants, and I would defend anyone who wishes to assemble and listen to her speak or to debate her politics. Whether she would do the same for me and my politics, is another matter, but I don't care; I'm not like her, and she's not like me. That's the beauty of America.

  10. Teeder

    Either you are incable of understanding sarcasm or the comment was so close to truth you could not bear it. Really defensive there about the Herald too.

    Angela Davis' life goal is world wIde implementation of Marxism and studIed at avowedly marxIst schools. But of course the HerAld just call her a civil rights activist and glosses over her acknowledged life goals, by violence if necessary.

    To invite her to speak for black culture is like inviting Marx to speak on Jewish issues.

    Defensive? I merely agreed with your general assessment of the veracity or, lack there of, of Herald reporting, and suggested your inaccurate (hardly sarcastic) description of a public event would make you an awesome fit for that bastion journalistic integrity. (:

  11. Were you at the Angela Davis rally with UND faculty?

    What you like are organizations that are against the Constitution. You should have been a KKK member yourself.

    It wasn't a rally with faculty. It was a public Q&A style "Great Conversation" at the Chester Fritz Auditorium, sponsored by the UND Black Student Association and the UND Multicultural Center in celebration of Black History Month. About 800 people of all walks of life were there to see the event. Not just faculty. Talk about sensationalizing. You'd fit in well at the Herald.

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