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Posts posted by Teeder11

  1. Anyone know how Edwards and Lablat are looking. they are two guys who I am hoping will be able step up and be immediate contributors next year.

    Labat didn't stand out today, but I've heard nothing but good things about him since his arrival at UND. I think he'll be a good one. He knows the history of defensive dominance at UND and I think he'll be right there to lead the resurgence.

    Edwards is a beast, and today, had at least one solo defensive stop that got Coach K really excited.

    Other thoughts from today's practice (#6):

    Bartles looked the sharpest at QB, but not by much. Mollberg is still very solid and connected nicely on at least one long one where he and Hardin made the DBs look foolish. Jake H. has come a long way.

    Golloday is now officially a man among boys. I predict this will be his true break out year.

    Konowalski (sp.) really looks good at DB. All of the secondary looks bigger and faster, on average; however, (I never played in the secondary, but) technique seems to be where they all need a lot of improvement.

    Jake Miller looked sharp at RB, but the guy that really impressed me today was Kodee Varner, with his combo of size and quickness. Sparks and Jer were in civilian clothes and DNP.

    Finally, the TEs lumbered a long all practice but I think they hauled in every pass that was within their reach, by my measure. They're not burners, by any means, but they've got soft hands.

  2. Mollberg is still as good as advertised, and there isn't much drop off to Bartles. Bartles' voice projection and command at the line of scrimmage is still the best I've seen anywhere -- H.S. to D-I

    Jake Hanson still puts a lot of balls in the dirt...too many for no-pad scrimmage drills, but that said, he looks a lot more confident than the scared kid he was last year just happy to be in camp.

    Mollberg is practicing and performing unlike your typical red shirt freshman QB. He looks like someone who knows the playbook inside and out and plays like someone who spent his red-shirt year thinking he better be ready because he could be in at any moment. That can only help. My hope is he'll get the kinks out in spring ball, fall camp and against Valpo and then bring it strong against the bunnies! Crawl, walk ... explode!

    I just can get a handle on Bartles yet. He clearly has talent; it's just that Mollberg consistently looks a little better each practice.

  3. Love Mussmans quote when asked about some nice passes Mollberg threw in practice. He's making damn sure to keep his young qbs and team for that matter humble.

    Also the Herald had basically anointed Mollberg the starter for next year after two practices. I'm not saying he won't be but c'mon the competition with Bartells has barely even started.

    After talking to Wayne at Friday's practice, I think what he means is that, RIGHT NOW, Mollberg is the one to beat. Don't read too much into anything else.

  4. Yes-- practice was on today in howling winds, 32 degree temps and wet falling snow.

    Team looked motivated despite demotivating weather conditions. But it was the first day so what do you expect?

    Mollberg to Hardin on a couple of deep bombs despite the windy, snowy conditions.

    Golloday looks really good and confident -- look out!

    J.J. Robertson mostly ran routes to get used to the plays. He had some short distance receptions, though.

    DB Dwayne Brown has left the team.

  5. So lets take a step back and look at this situation with the snow. If mussman wanted the snow gone by today all he would have to do is pick up the phone and it would be done. Maybe he had the crazy idea that it would be a good team building exercise to kick start spring ball and show anyone with a prima Dona attitude that they aren't above humble tasks like shoveling snow off of the field. I like it. Anyone who thinks its because the football team is that far down the list of priorities is kidding themselves.

    Exactly and amen, brother.

  6. Fargo has a snow depth of 10 inches. My yard still has a lot of snow on it. NDSU did what they could to get the players on the field for practice. UND dropped the ball on clearing out Memorial Stadium.

    And I still say, who the he!! cares???!!! It's not like it is August and we're gearing up for the opener only days away. Please tell me what the problem is. It's not like four days is going to make a heck of a lot of difference, even injury wise, for who'll be ready or not for our home opener. We will make up the days this spring one way or another. This seems to be a big deal because eager and anxious fans are hungry to see some football -- understandable but not a big issue.

  7. My, we've gotten soft -- haven't we that this is even being debated? This kind of stuff that we are seeing our players do now is the kind of thing we talk in reverence about when we refer to the good ol' days before America got soft -- when we pine and wax nostaligic about the hard-working, salt-of-the-Earth men that live only in our distant memory, if we are old enough, and in our imagination, if we're not.

    The current UND players are strong, able-bodied young men, itching to help their program out any way they can. For all we know and don't know, the captains called for volunteers to come out and help shovel the field. Big whoop! It adds character on top of a program already oozing with it. Let other schools coddle their athletes with manicures and pedicures, wait staff and golf carts to chauffeur them on and off the practice field. That kind of royal treatment can only breed contemptment in the end, and probably leads to off-the-field issues as a result of the constant celebrity adoration and mamby-pamby treatment.

    I say let the other guys get fat upon the pedestal. It gives the hungry contender a more satisfying target to knock off down the road.

    • Upvote 3
  8. I dont know if theres anything better than a top twenty lax mat hup....Maryland is really pulling all the stops with that 5-3-6-1 defensive perimeter blocking goal line offense..

    I just hope virgina can score an a few triple axels to tie it up for overtime.

    It's all Maryland! Pull the goalie, Virginia! C'mon!!!!!! FTLOG!!!!!

  9. Dumb question. Does RPI adjust and update as quickly as pairwise rankings do in college hockey. In other words, what is our " current" RPI based on -- recent games, beginning of the year or mid season?

  10. I have to go with Nash, he has experience playing against better competition and I think will be playing with a chip on his shoulder.

    Very nice backcourt options moving into next year: Anderson/Webb, Schuler/Hooker?, Antwi/Benton.

    And then hopefully our front court replacements will be an upgrade with Nash, Salmonson and Traylor in and Allard, Archer and Wilmer out. God bless those seniors for what they've done for us. Wilmer will be a great loss given his play of late.

    Finally, you'd think that the staff is making a concerted effort to get Traylor the help he needs in the classroom. I mean, if Beasley could do it, there's gotta be a way for anyone.

  11. When are CIT invitations sent out. It would be great to be at full strength and get a CIT bid against another team within the region waiting for one - perhaps the CIT would create a bidding war to host the game?

    I think I heard tomorrow (Sunday). Faison's been in communication already with CIT officials.

  12. Really sucks to lose that one but it was fun to finally watch this team at full strength. With nearly everyone coming back, next year is going to be a blast if we can stay a little healthier than this year.

    Absolutely!!!! And on top of that, all the "new" guys coming in -- Nash, Salmonson, Academically re-set Traylor and maybe our new freshman phenom Hooker could make it a special special year.

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