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Everything posted by tnt

  1. Duluth didn't win their Natty's in January, so why are you asking that question now?
  2. …and it seems the last few years they had trouble scoring goals, but have really turned it around this year, except against us. We need to get back to putting up at least 3 goals, and our chances go up immensely.
  3. True, and we haven't even played them yet, so what standard are we using to say they are better? Do we go by pairwise, or do we go by league standings? In the end, all of it will be proven out on the ice, this weekend, when they play here, and who knows, maybe an NCAA matchup.
  4. Said it before, and I will say it again. How many more football Alumni are there than hockey Alumni? It's time for some of those Alumni to step up and support the program. Roughly 70 more alumni every year, and if each of them gave another $1000, and multiply that over the past 30 years or so, and you have quite a bit of money. Yes, the administration has to focus more on the other programs, but I think if they see a passionate alumni base in those programs it is that much harder to overlook.
  5. Maybe the fans are bipolar because the play on the ice seems to be inconsistent, but I think as a fanbase we need to be thankful for where we are right now, and hope they can gain a level of consistency in the second half. You can say that we lost more than any other team in the country after last year, but we are still fighting it out for a possible league championship and NCAA tourney appearance. Funny how all of the people that were down on Hakstol and kept saying why can't we be more like Boston College are now using other measuring sticks. Yes, that is what great programs do, but I think we need to be a bit more realistic after losing such a dynamic group -- after all we could be like Boston College!
  6. Would agree that a split would be great, but not sure that a first place team has to feel that a loss is a foregone conclusion either night.
  7. I would say the next 4 games with Jake Sanderson will determine if this could go really south in a hurry and turn a promising year into a collapse. If they come out and just go through the motions figuring they always rebound from off games, then it may not bode well for the rest of the year, especially when much of it will be without Sanderson.
  8. Anybody seen Harper Bentz from Moorhead? Seems to always be on the stat sheet and against some really good competition.
  9. Doesn't he still have another Covid year if he wants it? Wouldn't mind getting him in the transfer portal, but don't know if that would be a possibility or not. Call it an exchange for Tychonick.
  10. But even Blais said that once they saw BU take care of Michigan, then they saw a NC as a real possibility.
  11. The postponement is the worst possible scenario for UND because the rescheduled date will be without Jake Sanderson.
  12. Yeah, ideally it would have been nice to have the two losses to Cornell fresh in our minds, but hopefully they have some fire having to sit on the losses like St.Cloud had to do after getting swept by Western Michigan before they took it out on us.
  13. Maybe we should pull a Michigan and rest up our players until the NCAA tourney and hold our position.
  14. …and the fact a some of these guys will probably play another year of juniors makes it more likely that they will transition better to college hockey.
  15. So you can't dig down a level and make a two-tier parking ramp without obstructing the view of the arena? Yes it would cost a ton of money, but if they want to be considered a World Class facility, parking half a mile down side streets doesn't say that to me. How often do the current lots fill up with club members? For the first time since the Gasparini days I am looking at giving up our season tickets and just purchase tickets online as the fancy dictates. Based on the crowds lately, I would guess others may be thinking it would be cheaper to go that route as well. Like I said, creative thinking to try and hold on to the season ticket fanbase in a new era.
  16. I think the UND athletic department and really administrators across the country really need to find a way to keep fans coming to games. In the era of Covid, people have gotten used to staying home and watching games, and guess what it isn’t half bad. If the game isn’t going well, you can flip the channel to another game. You don’t have to leave your house an hour before the game and get home 45 minutes after the game. You don’t have to walk several blocks in 30 below wind chill. Digital ticketing is nice in ways, but since Covid, if you can’t make it to some games it is harder than ever to sell your tickets, and in the case of hockey impossible to sell last second at the arena because nobody comes anymore without digital tickets already secured. Attending a game in person will always be preferable, but people have become more accustomed to being at home and skipping some of the headaches of attending. I think the Athletic Department needs to be proactive in making it easier and more fun to be at the game in person. You snooze, you lose. Look at what happened at Minnesota in hockey. In North Dakota, start by creating more parking spaces close to the arena so everybody that isn’t in one of the major champions club doesn’t have to walk a mile in brutal weather. Get creative, and please do so before we have embarrassing showings game in and game out. Poor atmosphere only brings down the need and want to be there in person even more. When you don’t have atmosphere in North Dakota, how do you attract recruits - the weather?
  17. There is a reason he needs to self medicate and try to expect perfection from others when he can’t even complete a full sentence!
  18. Why aren’t you comparing to Duluth in this aspect? After all, none of those teams have Nattys since we won ours. Perunovich wasn’t drafted coming into Duluth, and their best recruit this year, Dominic James, wasn’t highly sought after. The list goes on and on.
  19. Yeah, that was under Hakstol, who you wanted fired.
  20. So in the same realm, where are the Sandelin backers being that their games were cancelled last weekend?
  21. Two tickets for Friday, 01/14 & Saturday 01/15 vs. Omaha. Section 302A, Row G, on the end UND shoots twice. $25 each ticket, sold in pairs. (701) 330-8439 Brian. Accept PayPal.
  22. Great, so we are screwed. Last week Berry said they had great practices leading up to the game, so I suppose we can expect Cornell to come out and play inspired hockey. UND better not have anymore carryover to their holiday blues.
  23. If he is a depth guy, then it makes you wonder why Duluth isn’t pulling local guys for their depth then. It very well could be that they would have been more interested if they didn’t already have Johnson. Don’t think we want to dump local guys already in the system to add new ones. Seems to me that guys like Casey Johnson and Simonson took a lot of crap on the message board.
  24. Zach Sandy commits to Duluth.
  25. Two tickets for Friday, 01/07 & Saturday 01/08 vs. Cornell. Section 302A, Row G, on the end UND shoots twice. $25 each ticket, sold in pairs. (701) 330-8439 Brian. Accept PayPal.
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