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Everything posted by hrkac

  1. Per twitter, Jordan Schmaltz will be at the game tonight. Hope the Sioux can show him a stick salute with a sweep!
  2. Dell out...ouch. doesn't seem to matter with this bunch. they just keep plugging away. Play some good D, so Eids has a easy night. Rowney stay on that roll! Let's go...Sioux!
  3. anybody know what lead to the Knight penalty late in the 3rd? Unsportsmanlike penalty was called but anyone see it?
  4. Go to Senser's in Roseville. They always have the Sioux on t.v. and usually a nice UND crowd too.
  5. Go Fighting Sioux! Will their games be on FCS after UND takes one in the shorts and only gets 4 games televised in the new league?
  6. hahahaa...if that happened, could UND refund us for all the cash we spent on trips to Columbus, Milwaukee, St.Louis, Denver, and Minneapolis?
  7. Dan Bareiro is killing the whole state of North Dakota on KFAN. he said," I give up!!!! give them the f-in nickname back! i'm so sick of hearing about it, just give them back the nickname!" actually pretty funny rant.
  8. the only way he'll be in the mix is if UND wins the Final Five tourney.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Yeah, quit recruiting the best players from Canada because it's unfair or something? Maybe each Minnesota school should only be allowed to recruit so many from MN to make all things fair. UND has always recruits have always been Canada heavy and UMTC is well.. UMTC. That's one of the reasons both the teams hate each other so much. it's great.
  10. dude, i'm not trying to be a richard here, it's something i heard him say in an interview. his stance is that he wishes the gentleman's agreement would go away because of all the early commitments--kids change their mind from the age of 15 to 18 years old. obviously, he could benefit from it more so than lose recruits to other teams. if you don't think he'd steal a recruit from a smaller school at the 11th hour, i want what you're smoking. It's everyone for themselves.
  11. yeah, let's meet up! you bring the fake i.d.'s and i'll bring a lawnmower!
  12. yeah, it's funny about these teams. it's never been a huge rivalry. UND v Gophers, Denver are the tops. UMD fan says Wisco. wonder why that is? i'm sure it will become bigger in the new league tho.
  13. i don't think the jerseys "will be ready" in time for the regular season. maybe postseason though..
  14. nice article. he sounds like he's really got his priorities straight. hopefully, he'll come to UND.
  15. he's a good player who will sign a free agent contract this summer. late bloomer for sure. surprised he isn't a lightning rod for his incident this summer like some of UND's players have in the past. am i sensitive?
  16. i'll be there saturday. you going up?
  17. I've thought about this extensively for the last 24 hours and I cannot get over the FACT that UND somehow let the current availablility of Sioux hockey to be threatened.... If there are other possiblities of viewing options in the next 1.5 years that transpire, great. BUT to negotiate a deal that gives less availability to Sioux fans all over the country for the better of a league UND supposeldy organized? Assinine. UND had something that only one other program in the nation had as well, UMTC. that is national viewership on a 2nd tier cable network. BC, BU, Mich............they didn't. Now we are sucking it up for the St.Clouds of the world for the betterment of College Hockey??? PUke.
  18. who's the last Canadian that played for the Gophers? Was it Stu "Class" Bickel? also, as i've stated with MSSOH on twitter, I love that UND has so many Canadians and that UM fans tend to think it's almost like cheating or something. It's the Minnesota folks who are racist against Canada.
  19. Go tell that to Halo wearing Hammy over on GPL. He always has a pompous stance on things when it doesn't affect UMTC.
  20. any UM games that aren't on BTHC will be on FSN. that is the deal UND should've negotiated from the beginning in this new league and used existing FCS. yes FSN North is regional but it's also national on the same sports cable tier as FCS which broadcasts ALL UND HOME GAMES RIGHT NOW. like someone said earlier, this whole thing has been a race to make a mistake.
  21. what a pile of crap! no reasoning or logic can explain how having all home games on a cable sports package to a webcast is furthering UND's exposure. it's going backwards!!! I'm livid.
  22. yes, he certainly had a run with Goligoski, Leopold, Ballard, Martin, etc... I don't get all the talk on GPL about how Seth Jones won't go to UND because they don't turn out defensemen. fact is, if Jones is playing in the NCAA, North Dakota is his choice, he's stated that. not that i think he will, but it just seemed like the bashing was just because there is talk of the highly touted defensemen going to a rival. Both programs put out quality NHL players.
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