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Everything posted by WiSioux

  1. Saw Chay tonight at dinner and although he was walking with a noticable limp, he didn't have a boot or crutches or anything.
  2. Yes... he's currently a freshman
  3. Not sure if you're in the Madison area or not, but it isn't like the Badger Coaches' Show... it is broadcast throughout the resturant. The Coaches Show at Green Mill is literally them sitting in the corner of the bar area with headsets on interviewing all the coaches. The only way to listen to it is to get a table right next to them, and then it's tough....
  4. You can't replace Weston Dressler....
  5. I didn't see what happened to Genoway, I just saw him trying to get back to the bench from the blue line.... I thought it was down by the UMD bench, which would have been our defensive blue line if it was actually the second period. There must have a been a faceoff in our defensive zone because everyone else was in between him and Jean-Philippe. He had a VERY hard time making it to the bench because he wasn't putting any weight on his left leg. He remained on the ground behind the bench (where Walski normally stands) for maybe two minutes with the trainer hovering over him, and then the training had to help him back to the tunnel. For anyone that has been down in the tunnel... I know that the locker room is on the left (when looking from the student section) and I'm not sure what is on the right, but they took Chay to the right. I didn't think that it looked good at all... too bad we just had our bye week....
  6. I saw him leave the ice.... wasn't putting ANY weight on his left leg... I didn't think it looked good. He could barely make it to the bench and had to be assisted to the locker room by the training staff
  7. The women ended up losing 6-2 The officiating was pretty bad tonight. I didn't even know you could get a five minute penalty for slashing.... but we did. And then we got another penalty for body checking so it was a 5 on 3.... although amazingly enough when they checked us they got nothing, but the very next time we touched them we got another penalty. Smaller crowd tonight than usual... but I got to ride on the zamboni!!!!!!
  8. VERY nice! Welcome to the family
  9. Here are the pictures that I took at the hockey games this past weekend. All I've got is my normal digital camera, so they obviously aren't as good as some of you guys with the fancy cameras. However, I was busy taking pictures of the handshake line and happened to catch the coaches being seperated in the background, I thought it was pretty funny (and a nice shot!) UND @ UW Pictures Friday pictures are mainly warm ups and Saturday pictures are mainly the game...
  10. It's green on Friday and white on Saturday. And all your suggestions were good... In the one meeting I've had with the people involved I was under the impression that they would be doing the publicity. I don't have the free time to publicize an event for 11,000 some people by myself... hopefully they'll get something going.
  11. I've seen it on the scoreboard at the Ralph and the tv in the concourse... however originally they had the colors on the wrong nights, so I had to have that changed. Where I sit I can't hear when the announcer talks, so I can't say whether or not he's mentioned it at all. Just keep your eyes peeled and you'll find the publicity that is currently in place.
  12. He didn't have a water bottle for the entire game... I can't remember whether or not he did during Friday's night game....
  13. City/State you were born and where you live now? Cheyenne, WY, moved to Madison, WI, now live in Grand Forks Did you attend UND? Currently do Favorite current sioux player? Duncan, and Lapoint cuz he's from WI Favorite all time sioux player? Stafford or Spirko Favorite all time NON sioux WCHA player and team? Ryan Lasch and CC Season tickets? Have had student season tickets for the past three years
  14. Being home in Wisconsin they replay the game right after it finishes so I came home and watched parts of it again. On T.J.'s goal it actually looks like Drewskie crosschecks Chay and not T.J. There isn't a reverse camera angle so it's hard to tell exactly who he hit, but I'm pretty sure that it was Chay, and that Chay did the majority of the shoving after the goal.
  15. Not sure if anyone else at the game got the same feeling as I did, but the Badger fans seemed to honestly think that when our players were being escorted off the ice their players would not be. The honestly thought that all five of our players were going to leave and none of theirs were... I was shocked by this...
  16. Badger fans do not take well to losing. My family almost got in a fight with the entire section that we were in. All started by eight year old children, continued by their parents, and then increased to people in surronding rows. When they tried to insult North Dakota, my family informed them that we live in Madison which resulted in one of the funniest comments of the night: "Just because you are from here doesn't mean you aren't a**hole" Amazing statement coming from a 60 year old man trying to start a fight... my brother was impressed. He said it was the first time he's ever seen the general fans act worse than the student. What a night! What a win! I missed the coach argument so I'm glad to see it already up on video
  17. Lines are up on Brad's Blog and it looks as if Miller will be replacing Martens but no Forney:
  18. Sioux kneeling USD take their final timeout 1:02 left in the game Sioux should be at home next weekend for the playoffs. So how long until the students start complaining that they are moved from midfield? I like my midfield seat....
  19. 2nd and 5 1:10 left USD timeout Chappell get to the corner to the 40, runs out of bounds but gets the first down
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