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Everything posted by Irish

  1. Agreed that we are not currently in a basketball hotbed - however, here's my frustration with Jones: - The group that just graduated was probably the most talented team we have ever had. Many started for 4 years. However, during their careers, Jones showed absolutely no ability to either coach them on some of the most basic basketball skills such as boxing out or passing. They were more than content to go 1 on 3 and play playground basketball. In addition, they turtled every time they went on the road. He could not add any significant talent to the group. Now they are gone and after all this time it seems like we are starting from scratch. I have not seen through his tenure a solid foundation that we can build on.
  2. A 60 minute game - what's the over/under on the time we spend standing around. This will determine the outcome.
  3. I really like this team, especially when they play with the passion that carried them into the frozen four last year, but holy crap they stand around a lot, and when they do bad things almost always happen. I thought after Bemidji State that the lesson would be imprinted, but noooooo. This group can't afford to take shifts off ever and it is happening way too much.
  4. He doesn't walk on water, but he did win a couple of National Championships after taking over a sagging program. Championships count for a lot here.
  5. The general tone on this board was one of "problem solved" - Look, I'm not trying to take away from what this group did in the last two games - It is obviously a bunch that worked their butts off. But remember, only 4 games ago they were still a huge concern. The point I was trying to make was only that we are all in on Bubba Ball and that means we have to be dominant in the O line - otherwise things go sideways in a hurry. I see O line as our number one recruiting need.
  6. Although the last two games were fun to watch, I am not 100% sold on the idea that our O line problems are over. Remember, just three games ago we were beaten by winless Weber State and four weeks ago we managed to put up 3 points on what was then considered a very porous Eastern Washington defense. This theory that has evolved over the last two weeks that our O line has arrived is way premature. It appears that we are all in for Bubba Ball so my wish list is for lots more Big Uglies. I agree with Oxbow on his analysis on QB play, but we need to see way fewer second and 9's next year.
  7. You just put the best goaltender in the World on the bench
  8. Toe to toe my ass - since when do we settle for this - this isn't Muss's football team for God's sake - this is Fighting Sioux Hockey
  9. Hey - In defense of Adrian he has at least 6 kids (maybe more) by at least 6 different "baby mamas". I'm sure that individualizing punishment for them all is too time consuming - he may just have to grab a switch sometimes to keep up.
  10. I don't know if us guys "need to lighten up on Rudolph", although it certainly is a different game when the line gets a a bit of a push. I know he was dealt a crappy hand with talent this year. However, in my opinion, there have been far to many 1st and 10, 2nd and 9, 3rd and 7 (incomplete pass), punt sequences throughout the season. If you can't beat people physically you need to try keep them off balance. I really didn't see this from Rudolph much at all. And although our special teams have made some great plays this year, there have been and still are far too many mental mistakes. It is nice to get a win like this at home. I think hopes were too high at midpoint (see the can we make the playoff thread) and when we crashed down again entheusiasm waned. Hopefully we will continue to improve into next year.
  11. I too have been frustrated by the progression of 1st and 10, 2nd and 9, 3rd and 7 (pass), punt that we have seen a lot of this season. Although some game stats show a reasonable amount of passes, many were of the 3rd and 7 variety or not until we had no choice but to play catch-up. That's a tough spot for any quarterback. We don't work very hard at keeping defenses off balance at all. Having said that, I think that it is hard to evaluate Rudolph until we get some talent to play with. I have a feeling that other adjustments that I have been hoping for would be like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. It is, however, hard to go into game after game with our game plan to establish the run when you have our O line. I was hoping for a little more flexible gamecalling.
  12. Irish

    2015 Recruiting

    If it were home and home, then great, let's have at it - but to agree to these terms is just plain reckless.
  13. Irish

    2015 Recruiting

    Precisely - "most likely will not have it all together" - Not saying we shouldn't play them ever, we just don't have to bend over to these terms just to get a game we won't be ready for. We need time to rebuild the train wreck that was the Muss era. This is on Bubba if things go south.
  14. Irish

    2015 Recruiting

    Bubba shortened his timeframe to get things together in my opinion when he insisted on bending over for NDSU and wanted to schedule two away games. He darn well better be competative next year or that decision will be a disaster.
  15. Not laying this all at Bubba's feet, but perhaps a new low for Sioux football. Still making many of the same mistakes we did in the first couple of games. How many times are we going to field a punt at our 5 yard line this year? I am very disappointed in the progress so far. We got our butts handed to us at home by a winless team in our conference. Not good.
  16. couldn't agree more - Now that the warm glow we felt when we started "Bubba Ball" is matching the outside temps, we should call it like we see it. So far, a muffed long snap that led to a score and we fielded a punt on our 5. Sound at all familiar?
  17. Because the business owners in Sioux Falls, Fargo, and some extent Grand Forks lobby for a supply of cheap labor. Chamber of Commerce wants the cheap labor here, but won't do anything else to help the immigrants. LSS is good at getting them here, but that's about the extent of their help too.
  18. We won the toss and instead of defering, took the wind. We ended up kicking off to start both halves.
  19. Should we be worried if we win the toss?
  20. In my opinion a huge screw up. Either the captains got confused or Bubba and staff thought that having the wind first would be a huge advantage even though both teams get exactly the same amount of time with wind at their back. I've seen this choice a few times in high school games with high winds, but never in a DI game. Bubba made other decisions that turned out poorly and in retrospect seemed questionable, but in my mind he gets a pass on those because he was trying to be agressive in a game situation. This choice is just a blunder and if Muss made it people would be howling.
  21. I wonder if USD will lose the toss and end up getting the ball twice.
  22. Very true, but just because wins and losses aren't reflected accurately early in the process doesn't mean that they aren't important when that tally becomes more precise.
  23. Irish

    EWU Predictions

    With or without the mini-Ditkas
  24. The REA management has to be aware if not complicit in this crap. Instead of thinking of how to make this a better and exciting atmosphere for students it has become how can we catch a few having a drink. We need the student energy and this crap needs to stop. If there is a problem then deal with it. Until then stop pestering people.
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