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Everything posted by STS
+1, way better anthem than last night.
I think they had a better plan, and your first post about letting the free market handle this leads me to believe that you do as well. Take off your blue colored glasses and maybe you'll notice that the GOP plan called for developing the energy reserves that we currently have available domestically and using the royalties from that development to further research into renewable energy. With better technology driving renewable energy forward the free market would take care of itself. A "prize system" would be preferable to the ponzi scheme that's about to be shoved down our throats. Wind power has the potential to be great, especially for North Dakota, but it's not ready for prime time and can't power our country alone. The same people that are backing this legislation are the ones fighting wind power farms in their backyard, and doing their level best to crush our best hope for clean energy out of existence, nuclear. You can't put up nuclear reactors, not a single new has started construction since 1977, you can't build wind farms because they're ugly and kill bats, and you can't put up solar panels because they might take the ecosystem of a mouse that nobody should care about. Can't win for losing with this crowd.
I'm not going to get into the argument about whether global warming is or isn't BS. But how does forcing "environmentally unfriendly" industries to move to nations without environmental laws while simultaneously increasing the cost of EVERYTHING in the U.S. help the planet. China and India win again.
WTF are you talking about? Taking inventory of you post, there's not one accurate statement in there. You're right, let's become more energy independent by ceasing production of major domestic energy deposits, we can buy that stuff from friendly nations like Venezuela or Iran, no worries there. And we should for sure let larger states like California or Minnesota make all of our decisions, I mean, let California handle fiscal policy, they got that down pretty good. Minnesota can run the elections, after all, they haven't had any election problems lately, and they're good at counting, they don't call it the land of 11,842 lakes for nothing. Small states like North Dakota with their pathetically low crime rates, laughably low unemployment, and ridiculous budget surplus should just STFU once and for all. American are looking at a average yearly cost of about $1600/household, but that won't matter anyway because nobody will be able to pay it when unemployment explodes. The bill is modeled after laws in Spain, Spain has unemployment of 17.4% and are forecasting 20% by the end of 2009. That'll be more an 30 million American without jobs if we can only be more like lovable, green Spain. Hope and change indeed.
I disagree, I think bowing to the "politically correct" minority does very little to "make a clear-cut line in the sand". If anything it's a step back, what if a handful of people don't like the next nickname, or the one after that. And exactly what do you mean "morally", if changing the name is "moral" to you, than keeping it, respecting the will of the majority, is immoral?
While that is hilarious, political subjects are generally frowned upon at SiouxSports, they get DaveK too wound up.
Anybody got video of Finley introducing himself to Murray and then testing the durability of his stick on Geoffrion's face?
Freakin' unbelievable. So you want to provide an incentive to make less money? That'll do great things for the country. Worked for the U.S.S.R. right? What exactly is the man doing to keep you down Dave?
Dave, The fact of the matter is, you're willing to trample the rights of law abiding citizens over some IRRATIONAL fear of an inanimate object. You post "facts" from questionable and unquestionably biased sources and refute anything else submitted as "right-wing, gun nut spin jobs." You ignore any argument that is detrimental to your cause and then accuse other of being ignorant and stubborn. You're probably the 'belle of the ball' in your middle school speech and debate organization, but when you grow up you'll learn that arguing is as much about listening to and learning from your opponents as it is putting your fingers in your ears and repeating the same old tired argument again and again. What you have chosen not to see is that while so called "gun control" has a dismal history of success, at best. Stripping the right to bear arms from a populace is a historically bad sign, and in my opinion would put us on a slippery slope ending with the abolishment of many of the rights Americans are accustomed to. Don't see how it could happen, "well yeah, the first amendment guarantees free speech, but it's pretty dangerous to have everybody running around saying whatever they want, what we'll do is pass some 'common sense' legislation to restrict so called free speech to, I don't know, lets say elected officials, I mean the people elected them right." "And freedom of the press, I mean what is the press really, we'll just pass a law requiring journalists to be licensed and registered with the federal government, that's reasonable, right?" "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." Benjamin Franklin "Only the dead have seen the end of war." Plato This is my last word on the subject, I refer all inquiries to www.nra.org.
Somebody in the ocean is eleventy billion times more likely to be bitten by a shark than I am sitting in the Cheap Seat at the Metrodome, so what. A study claiming "guns are three times more likely to kill you than help you" is a total fraud. Even using the low figures from the Clinton Justice Department, firearms are used almost 50 times more often to save life than to take life. More importantly, however, the figure claiming one is three times more likely to be killed by one
You're right Dave, the numbers don't lie, you do. You're ignoring everything else and keep parroting this nugget spewed by a COMEDIAN who's been dead for 14 years. Hicks was dead three years before the UK even passed their most recent and most restrictive gun law, after which gun crime rose by 40%. Maybe Carrot Top has something interesting to say about that. What about the 1.5-2.5 MILLION times guns are used for self defense in the United States each year, does Gallagher have something to say about that? Does your guy Hicks separate the people that deserved it from his 23,000? Unsurprisingly you didn't answer my question, at the very minimum, I hope you took the time to look it up. Maybe you missed it so I'll try again. Why don't "the streets run red with blood" in Kennesaw, GA?
Ethanol definitely isn't the answer, yet. The only real reason it is where it is now is because of government subsidies. I'm not saying it should be abandoned, the only way the process will get more efficient is if we do it. But at the same time we're reaping the whirlwind in grocery prices now. I watched a Modern Marvels on alternate energy recently and they talked about other sources of ethanol like sugar cane and switch grass that would actually have a better yield but I'm not sure why they aren't being used yet. The same goes for hybrid vehicles, last I checked the math doesn't make sense, you'll pay more for the vehicle and maintenance than you'll save in fuel costs. This may have changed recently, but the last time I saw it totaled up you'd still be in the red. Again, the only way it'll get better is if we give the car companies incentive (sales) or maybe more importantly lack of sales to make the product better. I also have a hard time vilifying "big oil" for gas prices, they've been handicapped by environmental laws for decades and are understandably reluctant to invest the billions and billions of dollars it would take to build a new refinery when they may not get a return on that investment. On top of that they're corporations, their sole purpose is to generate a profit, if I were a shareholder and they started cutting prices to the detriment of my investment I wouldn't be very happy. Stopping buying oil from OPEC countries, even if you could do it, would just reduce the price and make it more attractive for the companies that aren't currently buying it. Want to reduce demand, air up your tires, take unnecessary weight out of your vehicle, and get your oil changed. And make sure everyone you know does the same.
Wow, I didn't take the time to read the entire thread, but just wow. I guess it's a measure of the programs overall success when fans want to fire a coach for leading the team deep into the playoffs year after year. For whatever reason the team wasn't ready to play, if you watched the pregame show BC followed their game plan and executed perfectly. I would of like to see Hakstol make some changes in the first period when things were getting out of hand, I think he should of taken his timeout after the third goal to try and regain some control and I wouldn't have been unhappy with him if he had put Walski in after the fourth goal. Would it have been an upgrade in net, almost certainly not, but maybe it could been a wake-up call for the rest of the team, at that point there was little to lose. Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and everything I know about hockey I've learned from watching the game. Firing Hakstol is ridiculous, but I think he needs to take a long hard look at how he prepares his team in the playoffs, something is definitely amiss. As tough as watching the game yesterday was, now comes the really painful part. Checking "Early Departure" threads and NHL transaction reports and watching favorite players become UND Alumni.
Anyone rooting for MOO U on Saturday isn't a true Sioux fan!
STS replied to rick blaine's topic in Football
Soooo....do the Bison belong in the Big Ten or do the Gophers belong in the Great West? -
Anyone rooting for MOO U on Saturday isn't a true Sioux fan!
STS replied to rick blaine's topic in Football
My hatred of the Gophers eclipses my hatred of the Bison. Go Bison! *shudder* I think I'll go take a shower. -
There are approximately 200 million firearms in the United States, someone with the education to properly and safetly handle a firearm is infinitely better off than someone who hopes to never come in contact with one.
Surely you'd have no problem attaching these stickers to the doors and windows of your home then. Naturally, if the figures don't support your case the other guy must be doing something disingenuous.
Play with whatever you want, like it or not, you're safer because Americans that choose to do so can legally own firearms. Not sure if anyone is aware of this, kind of relates to the topic at hand. http://www.concealedcampus.org/ From the site: The NATIONAL COLLEGIATE EMPTY HOLSTER PROTEST: College students, nation wide, are participating in an event, the "National Collegiate Empty Holster Protest," to highlight the issue that students, faculty, and staff are made defenseless on campuses by state and/or campus rules which prevent firearms carry on campus. The Empty Holster Protest will take place the entire week of Oct 22 thru Oct 26. See links to related articles at the end of this. To assist our students to temporarily obtain holsters for this event, I'm asking you if you have any old belt or paddle holsters that you would lend. Even old In-side-the-waistband holsters will work ... since no gun is being used, an IWB holster can be worn outside of/and attached to the belt as a cross draw holster, or on the off-side as a reg. draw holster. Since the object of the Empty Holster Protest is for the holsters to be seen, certain holsters would not be useful for this event. Holsters that are not easily recognized as holsters, like belt-slide and nondescript nylon pancake holsters, would not be useful. If you want to loan some of your holsters, you might want to get in direct contact with the student leader of the college closest to your home. See http://concealedcampus.org/leaders.htm to find listings of colleges and campus leaders all across the nation. Links to info http://www.concealedcampus.org/press.htm http://www.concealedcampus.org/arguments.htm
Restricting guns won't prevent another tragedy Monday, Jun 25, 2007 - 12:14 AM BY JOHN PIERCE SPECIAL TO THE HERALD COURIER On April 16, Seung-Hui Cho, a mentally ill English major, attacked and systematically killed 32 people on the campus of Virginia Tech. Almost immediately, a heated public debate was sparked about how we can prevent this type of attack in the future. Gun-control advocates were quick to use the tragedy to propose new and sweeping gun-control legislation. However, the best solution may be just the opposite. It is easy to see why the 20,000-plus gun laws in our nation do not deter these types of attacks. Only law-abiding citizens honor the law, not the criminal nor the mentally disturbed. This creates a society of law-abiding, disarmed citizens who are helpless before those who would prey upon them. WHILE CRIMES such as the one at Virginia Tech are always front-page news, you almost never see reporting of the more than 2.5 million successful defensive handgun uses that occur in the United States every year. This amazing number comes from a peer-reviewed study by Dr. Gary Kleck of the University of Florida
What? Are you mocking me?
Pssshh, I ate frozen pizza 22 times last month! It'd be more but they don't have Pizza Corner down here.
$3.02 in the Twin Cities this morning. You guys will enjoy low prices for about three weeks, then I have a nice long trip planned and gas will spike about $.35-$.65 two day before I leave.