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Everything posted by UND Fan

  1. In case someone didn't see this..... There were negative comments about these two guys - but they are the decision-makers! Our commiserating on this board isn't going to do any good!
  2. Honest question - what did you expect him to say? He is a classy kid - he isn't going to throw anyone under the bus! By the way, he said "coaches" - he didn't say "Jones"! I do feel for Q along with all the other players. It has to be very frustrating for them - most do work very hard and they truly do care! They deserve better!
  3. Tonight was yet another embarrassing loss to an inferior team - at home!!! I would suggest brief, classy, sincere comments to: robert.kelley@UND.edu brian.faison@athletics.und.edu
  4. Unreal, unacceptable and embarrassing! Against another team with significantly less talent!
  5. Thanks for the update. Has Cox added some weight over the winter?
  6. Is what a general comment or do you know that someone is having some grade issues?
  7. Was Georges the only FB player involved?
  8. I asked this question a week ago but don't think any of the pro-Jones folks have provided a response. I will ask it again.
  9. Do games like losing the final league game last season to a winless team and playing a totally heartless, embarrassing game against a former rival in a post-season tournament bother you? To me, a good, well-coached team doesn't put in those kind of efforts. While the players were the ones with the lousy efforts, a good coach instills a work ethic and heart into a team so these types of games do not happen!
  10. I was unable to watch the game last night. I see that Shanks only played 14 minutes (and didn't score). He didn't get hurt, did he? And Cashman only played 2 minutes. Zero points from the post is not good! I realize that Shields had a nice game but he wasn't truly playing the 5, was he?
  11. I think many of us could answer your question but that thread has already started.
  12. It sure didn't look like it was 10 feet, do you know that it was? If so, very impressive!!
  13. You are obviously quite supportive of Jones and, although I disagree, I respect your opinion. I am curious - do you think he is a good coach or do you simply think he deserves more time to prove that he is (or isn't) a good coach?
  14. Simple odds would dictate that the home team should win as least half of all games that come down to the last minute! It certainly isn't the case with us. It is especially frustrating as we have better talent than many of these teams!
  15. It is but a couple of those it was because we had two 6-footers rebounding against MSU's bigs!
  16. OK, guys – this is not a question meant to “pile on” the Fire Jones bandwagon, just a legitimate question to those who follow UND basketball closely: Can you remember specific situations over the last few years where you are confident that coaching decisions won a game(s) for us? ,
  17. The final was 11-4 - we gave them a good game until the late innings.
  18. Wow - at 6'4", 230 and 4.5 speed, there may be a lot of folks courting Lund!
  19. I was wondering the same thing - I have been following our FB recruiting for many, many years. I don't remember a year when we didn't land someone from WI!
  20. He indicated that they trust their evaluations and they don't really care if a kid was offered by others. We offer kids that they feel will fit our program and contribute!
  21. Agree -I asked the question and that is exactly the answer I was hoping to hear!!
  22. Mid-year update on our three HS recruits: Player Team Record Ave FG% 3-PT FG% FT% Seales 12-3 18.6 54 52 79 McDermott 8-6 16.8 46 45 88 Collins 13-2 9.5 Some very good shooting %s for Seales and McDermott. We certainly need players who can hit the 3 and shoot FTs well. I wasn't able to get detailed stats on Collins. He obviously isn't scoring a great deal but he plays on a team with two studs, scoring 10/game isn't bad. I would guess that both McDermott and Collins will redshirt next year.
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