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Everything posted by teamsioux

  1. I agree that it is funny how the students feel entitled to stand! It wouldn't be so bad if they were actually cheering, but 90% of the time they are just standing there. I don't think the team gets any energy from the fans just standing there. I think that it would be a different story if the students were going nuts and making some sort of noise while they are standing. Some use the argument that at places like Duke's Cameron the students always stand...well, they are also always making noise and getting on the other team in a clean way.
  2. At the UND-USD BB games on Sunday, some Bison players "roadtripped" up to Grand Forks to watch. The Bison needed the Sioux to get swept to reach the playoffs. I only stopped by the games for about 20 minutes and noticed how belligerent the NDSU players. Other fans stated to me that some of them were drunk, gotta love it! It was mentioned in today's Herald how they were cheering for USD and congratulating them while standing right besides the USD dugout. Nothing wrong with them cheering for USD to help them out, but acting like idiots is a different story.
  3. DMB-how much scholarship $$$ do you think we still have available?
  4. I rather doubt the reception will be too warm. Especially after what Johnson stated as his reason for leaving earlier. I wonder what the reaction of the team was after they heard he was going to now play and not "focus" on his teaching career. It sure doesn't bother me to lose these players because they were nothing special, but I happen to think they betrayed UND and its fans. It took them 4 years here to figure out this wasn't right for them?? Kind of unusual, its not like they were far from home and had to make adjustments. Their reasons seemed like copouts to me, but that is just my opinion. The only reason I even remotely wish they had stayed was just to have some experienced players on the team, especially people who understand the riggers of the NCC.
  5. DMB-did you have any inside info on those other girls you mentioned...or were they your guesses? Those were the same ones I had thought of also. Elias and Kilander just don't seem to have a feel for the game. They are athletes, but not basketball players in my mind. They seem to be kind of lost out there. Even if they stay healthy, I don't think they add much to the team. As far as Hausauer goes, I thought she lost her passion for the game, she was definitely a different person and player on the court.....losing didn't seem to bother her anymore. Perrizo leaving is a new idea, I think she will have quite a few minutes from the wing. Hopefully playing her natural position will help her. Hopefully these new players bring some heart to this team. I felt that was this teams biggest problem. Not that they weren't working hard or trying, I just didn't think this team had what it takes mentally to go as far as the talent could take them. The games just got away from the girls sometimes, the whole team seemed lost out there. Other than Boll and sometimes Leighton, I didn't see a lot of emotion or leadership out there. I think that potentially Boese has what it takes to be a leader out on the court, hopefully she can fill that role as she gets more experienced.
  6. Ah, Tony....let's remember who the Bison did play in BB this year, yes that Bible College.
  7. Yes, which is too bad, because it sure doesn't seem to bother them when it comes time to renew the FSC membership fees. If other schools can afford it, I KNOW UND can. Maybe you are right that Mesa was supposed to be better when the contracts were made, but boy did they ever fall fast. 66-7 last year and UND had its most inept offense in years.....yes, due to many injuries, but still. It would of have better if Mesa has shut down its program like it was rumored. Maybe UND would of had a better chance to bring somebody worthwhile onto the schedule.
  8. I hope UND remembers who the future boosters...yes, the ones they are screwing now. It seems as if sometimes they don't think of it that way sometimes!
  9. It will be interesting to see if UND has any more committments by the signing day on the 16th. Hopefully we a juco point guard and about three front-liners.
  10. How is it that everyone has been able to get decent schedule over the years, but not UND? I would think that if other schools can get better stronger schedules, so can UND.
  11. Or anything else new from your last update?
  12. I don't think the fake money was that bad, I thought it quite hilarious actually. If that is the worst thing fans do, well we wouldn't have much to complain about then.
  13. he means front page of this site I believe, there is something there.
  14. Yes, but it still fun to think how it must burn JBB's ass to hear that some "ol' hayseed" would posess any good qualities that Taylor would desire! Don't you guys remember that Lennon just fell off the turnip truck! God I miss JBB and his moronic blurbs! What an idiot! The Forum articles are very interesting, I am curious who this mystery candidate is?
  15. North Star, I see you bought the Siouxrock decoder book also!
  16. It doesn't really seem to correlate. Even though the hockey team wasn't too great during that time. With the students BB just doesn't draw well the past 10 or so years. The hockey teams have been good and bad during that time. Hockey has become such a monster as the social thing to do. Even with the success of the women and attractions such as Beasley, the BB teams just don't have that much interest with students. I don't think that even if the hockey program starts to slide that we will see that much interest move to BB. There seems to be a few hundred student fans and that is it.
  17. But they were both down to the wire against out biggest rival, I had hoped it would of been louder than that. This is why I doubt that it could be solid venue for BB. You are also correct about the students and their background of BB, but here hockey is king. It is the social place to be, just the like with the adults...which is too bad. Like I said before, if people didn't come to see the Beas, what do they want. He was hyped as a potential NBA 1st rounder all year, what more do they want to see. It would have been interesting if Allen hadn't gotten screwed over. I speculate that the community/team lost some hype after that incident. It sure seemed that way.
  18. Minnesota's gonna make it that far, keep dreaming!!
  19. I think you are right on the 6067, I think that is why I had the 6600 or 6700, dyslexic I was. I remember that sellout figure too.
  20. First, siouxrock, attendance didn't go up for the Beas, so why would it go down? People didn't come out to see him like they should of have. And I don't think Brandt brought in the crowd with his poor shot selection from 24 feet and 39 % FG shooting. I have heard that the NCC fully intends to back to Fri-Sat games, so that will help. I just wonder how good a team it would take to bring the fans back though. This area is VERY spoiled with the success of UND recently and NDSU before that in all the major spectatoer sports. It seems that being a playoff qualifier isn't enough to get excited about anymore. The bar has been set very high and will take some time to come down. I was surprised how few people came out to see the Beas. If UND does get a new BB venue, I hope their is some atmosphere like at SDSU. Even the new Mankato arena is stale. The new Ralph is horrible for BB, the noise just disappears to the second level. The players said it was quiet, even during the NDSU game with 8500 there. It would have to be that full and actually get those fans off their ass, which will never happen. Students just don't care about BB here. Too many of the fans are older, quieter ones. Hopefully someting can be done at the Hyslop or the old Ralph.
  21. I think the old Ralph was around 66-6700, I am sure someone will coreect me though.
  22. As far as Newberry goes, people on the D2 board don't think they will be much of a team. I also wonder if the small guarantee that UMC gets plays much of a role.....or least I think it has in the past.
  23. If fans didn't come out to see the Beas', I don't know how the crowds will ever come. The women have already reached their peak attendance over the years I would think.
  24. Kinda of surprising, I thought. He is young though, was only 17 when he came to UND. Probably should have played a couple more years of juniors before coming to this level. He never could put the weight on that they wanted him to. He is listed at 185, but if you have seen Chris in street clothes, you know that is VERY inflated.
  25. Siouxrock, did you hear that from your imaginary friend? DMB-Any word if Roebuck is looking at bringing any more girls that haven't been in the media? Thanks for the info above!
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