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Everything posted by ESPNInsider

  1. Updated list. I'm lost when it comes to anyone before probably the class of 96 or so. RR: Grant Potulny (UM) Tim Skarp (UND) Casavan (Wyo) Godfread (Utah and UNI) Marsden (Nebraska) Schneider (UND) Ziggy (UND and UMD) Ryan Potulny (UM) Irmen (UM) Beth Seymour - Geogia (I think) Julia Pederson - ASU Cheryl Weingarten - Oregon State actually it was Oregon Bobyck you idiot Shane McMenamy (ASU)? I'll add Jackie Meyers (North Carolina Basketball) and Paul Murphy (UND) GFC: O'Connell (UND) Brooks (Wisc.) Bina (UND) Lamereaux (UND) Steve Johnson (?) Jake Marto (UND) Mike Markovich (Denver hockey) Jay Ness (Lake Superior State hockey) Chad Johnson (UND hockey) Tony Gasparini (UMD hockey) Jake Moreland (SCSU hockey) Jay Panzer (UND) Jeff Panzer (UND) Nick Fuher (UND) Joey Gasparini (Vermont hockey) Wade Juntunen (AZ) Dani Parkos (MN)
  2. It would be tough to count if you wanted to count all sports. You would probably just look at scholarships. Which school produced the most scholarship athletes. Let's just start a little list here between RR and Central. If someone is knowledgable about FSH they could help too. I'll start with guys I know and only from Basketball, Hockey, football and baseball and only D-I. There are more but these are the for sures. RR: Grant Potulny Tim Skarp Casavan Godfread Marsden Schneider Ziggy Ryan Potulny Irmen GFC: O'Connell Brooks Bina Lamereaux however the hell you spell it And I'm drawing a blank I know there are a bunch of hockey players from Central but I'm hungover and can't think right now. Someone please help. Just copy my list and add to it. Can't really think of more non-hockey types from GFC though? Help
  3. Anyone watching this on C Span ? They are going to do GF early today aren't they? I watched for a bit yesterday and they had GF listed before Ellsworth on the list to get to.
  4. I would spell it cha-ching
  5. I don't agree with the money, car, nice house thing. That has always been the cry from others in the state. The kids at RR work just as hard as the kids in every other school. Why would a nice car make you not practice football? My reasoning behind this argument is look at some of the kids who have come out of RR. Marsden, Glas, Schneider, Casavan, Godfread, Ziggy, the Potulny brothers, Irmen, and on and on. That is quite a few kids who have made it to some of the top levels of their sports who come from RR. They didn't make it there because they drive a nice car, I'll tell you that much. I think football just isn't that popular with the kids that go to RR. A steady coaching staff and some wins would probably change that. In no way do I blame the coaches solely for this, that would be really stupid of me. It is just a combination of many things. Hopefully Vern, with his great knowledge of the game, can get things turned in the right direction. Until then I'm going to go hop in my new BMW my parents just bought me and lay on the beach!
  6. Hopefully they can get that thing figured out this year. It's been pretty pathetic in the past!
  7. Yeah, it seems like in the past Perry was always a Central kind of guy. He would lean to Central whenever possible. Hopefully Todd won't do the same. It would be nice to see them stand behind RR for a change. I disagree with Old School though, I don't think Todd is looking to go elsewhere. I think that Perry was though, if that's what you were implying. But ultimately you need to look at the parents and tell them to get a clue. It starts at the beginning in youth athletics. Too many dads coaching teams thinking they know what is going on when they really have no idea. I've been wanting local coaches to do workshops for youth coaches for a long time. Look at local baseball. The coaches at every level are split. High school coaches don't agree with legion coaches, babe ruth coaches don't agree with legion coaches. It just goes on and on and no one is on the same page. It is the same with football and basketball. You have these young teams (5th and 6th grade kids) thinking that their dad must be pretty smart at basketball since he runs my team. Then when I get up to high school and my coach tells me something different I go ask my dad if that is right. If the local coaches would put on some clinics (Central does this once in a while, maybe every year for football) for the young coaches and they would attend it would help blend the relationships and maybe teach these parents a thing or two. With basketball it is a little different, but with the youth football and baseball they could make it mandatory to attend. Then they need to just tell parents that you have the opportunity to apply for coaching positions as they come available. You can also approach the head coach to inquire about openins on the staff. That way if they are so smart about the sport we will be able to use their smarts for the good of the program. Working with basketball as an official I've also noticed how many parents are professional refs too. It's just sick. It's to the point that many kids say they wish that their parents just wouldn't come to the game. There was actually quite a bit of discussion on relatively the same subject on ESPN.COM yesterday. About parents over-coaching their kids. In closing, I'm not a parent, but those of you who are, please either let the coach coach and the ref ref, or go learn more about the sport and coach the team yourself. And for God's sake don't call the coach because your kid is not playing enough! (unless he is God's gift to the Earth, in that case move to Virginia and enroll him at Oak Hill Academy) ...What happened? I blacked out
  8. So what would the full set be? You, Kauk, and Gretzky? I would for sure pony up for a Kauk bobble head!
  9. Actually, living in Chicago, I've heard little to nothing on the subject in the local media. Funny that when the Illini basketball team was making a run everyone in this city was huge fans. Now you don't hear a peep. (Kind of like how the White Sox are struggling and everyone is starting to fall off the wagon)
  10. I think that they will still be allowed to use it as well they should be, as the NCAA is putting this on UND, not UND itself. This is obviously just my opinion, what is yours?
  11. mksioux I would agree with you. I would think, unless the other schools can get the backing of the tribes the names will go. Maybe UND should reach out to these tribes and try work with them to get their backing. Or maybe just give up and not put any more money into the fight. That'll be the tough decision facing the leaders now. Then, when they figure that out, they'll be able to relax for about 5 minutes before looking at the DI question. I would not like to be in their shoes at this point!
  12. Legend, again I think that goes back to the changes. People aren't going to do that to Mike Berg, because he's been there for almost 30 years(?) and has a proven track record. If RR can get some stability going it would do wonders for the program.
  13. Hopefully they don't go the way the Twins give-a-way did! Scandal?
  14. Like I said, it goes then to tradition and stability. Central's coaches have been together for 25+ years and kids are coming through who know the coaches and know the tradition. RR has been through multiple coaches and different schemes and that makes it much harder to build a tradition and a winning program. It's not just the hockey players who don't play football. Many of the top athletes just don't play football. These kids are playing basketball, hockey, tennis, whatever sport it is on a year round basis. That may be the difference between RR and Central. I don't want to get into the whole money thing, but a lot of the athletes from RR are the ones that play golf at the country club and tennis year around at Center Court. If you look at the Golf and Tennis teams that is why RR is dominant and Central is not. However, I think that if Vern can get a couple of winning seasons under his belt and in front of the kids that it will help spur a few good classes out of the youngsters. Another down side is the parents at RR. The parents think they have too much say with these coaches. Mike Berg couldn't believe what RR coaches put up with with these parents. They just call the coaching office or the coaches house and say what they think is wrong and what needs to change. Berg said he just doesn't have to deal with that. That is really a branch off of the coaching changes that RR has gone through, but it's also a reason the changes have happened. Remember Kerry Jaeger? The guy won multiple state championships and the parents revolted against him saying that he was playing the wrong people. Remember Paul Peterson? He was working hard to turn the football program around when the parents, led by someone we've talked about quite a bit on this site, and his wife, ran him out. I mean they tried to run off Bart Manson. The guy turned around a program that was down and had some great teams. Sure, they didn't make the State tourney for a few years, but that doesn't happen over night. Now RR is predominantly one of the better teams in the East. Well, my kids not playing and he is the next LeBron James, better call Bart. The parents just feel that they need to control everything. Let your kid take his lumps and maybe not play as a freshman, even though you think he is God's gift to the Earth. Every parent thinks their child is the best, some just realize that the coach knows what he's doing. Peace and hairgrease
  15. The hockey reasoning is actually a strong one. Many of the top athletes from RR have been hockey players and hockey players only. There have been a number of kids who played football for a year or two then stopped playing, either to leave RR for hockey or to play only hockey. Also Central's tradition and coaching staff (25+ years together) helps them get kids out.
  16. Looks like it was the scheduling that was the problem. Ryan Bakken has this article telling about it. That is a problem with so few games in the season.
  17. I think everyone involved with the program was relieved when Dorothy, oops I mean Drew, left the program.
  18. Those guys would be under contract with Disney so they would have to get out of that and be hired by Comcast.
  19. Heard of the Reebok-Adidas merger?
  20. Hopefully Ziggy will get his due shot up there. Never really had his chance here.
  21. I found it interesting that they get comparible ratings for "Bowling Night" and "Stump the Schwab" Do not alot of people watch when it's on ESPN? I wouldn't expect the ratings to be very good, but comparible to bowling? Surprising.
  22. A couple of thoughts: 1) Do the coaches vote for Mr. Hockey? I thought they changed that to the media? The media was doing Mr. Basketball, and that is why they never announce it over the PA, only on TV. They also don't do an all-state team anymore, the media does that too. Thought the same would go for hockey, but maybe not. 2) It is not the WDC, but the WDA right? Just thought it sounded weird when I read WDC.
  23. Speaking of ego, maybe Bruggeman's was part of the problem. When RT was in charge Bruggeman could be seen wearing his suit and palm pressing the big timers, now he's between a rock and a hard place.
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