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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I liked that letter to the editor. It's mean-spirited, lacking in dialogue that is relevant to the 21st century, lacking in 'completeness' and totally irrelevant in regard to the use of the Sioux name. Who can take that cr@p seriously? PCM's editorial, on the other hand, is filled with relevant facts and figures. It lacks the 'meanness' and irrelevant name calling of the tauthor of the letter to the editor. The information places UND head and shoulders above all other programs with Indian nicknames, logos and/or mascots; including those that have been gante exemptions. Well done, PCM. And as far as the lady's remarks about the national athem, pshaw!! Loyalty, respect, honor, and yes, mushy as it sounds, love are the reasons we yell 'SIOUX' at the end of the national athem. NO DISRESPECT is intended.
  2. My tickets are also in a safe place where they wouldn't be inadvertantly thrown out. Still safe from everyone, including me.
  3. Does anyone still have their Ralph Engelstad Arena Dedication Program? My son has a new girl-friend from Conneticut who was curious about the REA. I pulled out a bunch of my memoribilia and went through the program with her. The article on page 12 is about the American Indian programs at UND. Dr. Jeanotte is quoted, Why is this interview in the REA dedication program? Why would Jeanotte allow this to be printed in a program for a building that personifies the use of the Fighting Sioux name and logo? What a @#$% hypocrite!!!
  4. Only once or twice . I did transfer in good standing after my freshman year but will admit only under the guise of anonimity that I don't remember much of my freshman year. I agree open dialogue is and should be an essential part of our continued use of the name.
  5. To take my mind off the pummeling the Bears were taking I did a little search on NC$$ lawsuits. There's more but I need to get the laundry done. How many lawsuits can they continue to defend and lose?
  6. A friend of mine has been deployed to Biloxi, Ms to cover for staff who have been affected by Katrina. This is part of an e-mail she sent me Another best thing about North Dakota!!
  7. You're right, it's not overt. But since there were comments about about the women being a 'sexual ornament' and 'It's appealing to adult men..', I paid attention to what the women is wearing when I watched the clip. Sexy, yes. Inappropriate wear for what she is supposedly doing, yes. Inappropriate for a commercial, no. As a women, I have to say that the man was also very attractive, shirtless, and I did not have to go back to see what he was or was not wearing because I most certainly noticed the first time. The other times I went back was to check to see if I had missed anything. Sex sells. Burk is a publicity seeking, PC extremist. I am all for women's right but this commercial is not offensive. She should go to Paris if she want's something to protest. Billboards of women wearing only g-strings are used to advertise cigarettes. Burk should spend her energy raising her son's to be respectful of women regardless of how they are portrayed in the media and educating on what is real and what is fantasy.
  8. It was announced but very low. I asked my son why it wasn't announced and he said it was but he barely heard it.
  9. Of course the woman is a sexual ornament, it's a television ad. Sex sells. I don't understand Burks comments, "they see enough sex and violence anyway. Why put it in warrior terms? That's offensive, let alone the sexism." This ad is not protraying women as victims of violence. I believe that warriors were dressed by women before battle in 'ancient times'. I don't believe they were dressed in their underwear when they did so. But again, sex sells especially if your goal is to appeal to the men in your audience. I can't remember the product but there is also a commercial out there where women customers were ogling young buff male waiters. Who's complaining about that one?
  10. FINALLY, a newspaper admission that the threats could not be verified and it's an American Indian newspaper!
  11. Quick, shade her green!! If pink is suppose to soften the oponents, green should pad their bank accounts.
  12. As a bleeding heart liberal, I feel shame! PC run amock! Maybe the NC$$ thinks this is ok as long as the opponents aren't forced to wear pink.
  13. Since there are new SL leaders who were not involved in the previous resolution, could it be they are responding to what nay sayers said the agreement was, in addition to what is documented. Although they don't hold up in a court of law, many times people with contracts have disputes because of 'side' agreements that were made and not included in the contract. Just guessing.
  14. Well, I can't go a'la 'Stupid-cia' and call you 'KnowNothing'. Given the lenght of your posts, we know you know it all. But seriously, just kiddin'.
  15. I think these guys should start their own thread. NHL Hockey...Anyone going?
  16. While serving out my 'time out', I came across this old piece. It's a great read. http://commarts.wisc.edu/Fac/Asen/Handouts...i%20mascot'
  17. You offend me, yet, I would never presume to ask that your voice be squashed. Tunnel vision is not a punishable by law crime. Keep talking and presenting biased, self serving non-facts. First Amendment rights apply to all citizens of these United States even you.
  18. This bodes well for us should the case go to court. Can't go wrong with a First Amendment issue (I hope).
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