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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. You want to call an athletic team the Mexicans, the Tejanos', the Chicanos, the Hispanics or my favorite, the Fighting Martinez' DO IT. I'd be damn proud.
  2. And I bet you have enough 'white man' in you to be his cousin.
  3. Yeah, Krack, you're right. Jesus would just call his fellow man "Hang around the fort Indians." He'd also call them "rabbit chokers". And as far as knowing who you are, there ain't no way that YOU are 100% anything but a hypocrite; certainly, not 100% Sioux or Lakota or Dakota or Nakota or whatever side of the blanket you were born on. As for the 'brown' folk South of here, I'm one of them. It's my family you ridiculed because they marched with Martin Luther King in the '60s. It's my family you ridiculed because they're not whining because the invading white man done us wrong. It's my family you ridiculed because 85% of the off spring of 14 siblings who never got past the 3rd grade have attended college instead of sitting back and whining about how badly the white man has treated us. Oh yeah, Krack, with that type of documented 'solidarity' the 'brown' folk down south are real anxious to join your segregated world. Look, quick, we're already gettin' in line to join you!
  4. Sorry,no reference to American Indians can be used. If ND stands for North Dakota,the two Dakota Sioux who will be offended by the use of the name will be carrying placards and marching down University Avenue with 100 persons of the Caucasion persuasion in protest. The NC$$ will then send in a battalion of PC police with tear gas and spray paint to remove the hostile and abusive references to the Dakota.
  5. I think you're right. At one point, I believe, he said something about taking another questions from a reporter; with the emphasis on reporter. That was after the janitor statement. I didn't hear the question/statement he was responding to either.
  6. The Fighting Non-American Indian Sioux
  7. I had a check ready to send for the Band fund. I'm redoing it and sending only half the original amount I was going to send. The other half will be put aside in case it's needed for a legal fund to support the court case to keep our Sioux name. The American Indians of North or South Dakota do not own the name Sioux and if they are offended by our use of it they can just go by their 'real' names. As an alum, I am offended by the NC$$ and all the Name Changers. They are not only insulting the University but they insult me as well with their unfounded accusations and distortation of the truth. The audacity of their small minded, ill-conceived notions!! The fact that they actually think that they can take away our right to the First Amendment is appalling!! The fact that we love and feel a strong loyalty to the name will prevail and we will win this case in a REAL court of law. Don't trample on my rights as a U.S. citizen because I'll trample all over your face and win!! I intend to wear Sioux gear every day. I have to be a bit formal at work so I will wear a Sioux pin on my work clothes every day as well. Geeze, I'm so mad I want to hit somebody, hard and often. Where's that Brand @#$%&?
  8. Me, too. I believe the reference was made by either Kracker or KnowFacts.
  9. Thanks for the update. We were really worried about you. Trees can be replanted, people can't.
  10. On WDAZ 10p news, Spirit Lake MIGHT meet with Kup next week.
  11. I grew up in Chicago during the end of Mayor Daley's (Sr.) reign. Boy, right now I wish I could just slip someone a C-note and turn the tide in our favor.
  12. Has Spirit Lake formally recinded their resolution giving UND 'permission' to use the Sioux name? If not, than the original stands as initially written. Aren't resolutions considered law by Indian Nations? I don't thint that the vote taken by the Tribal Council to oppose the name and logo can be said to be a resolution. Only a particular tribe can pass resolutions for itself; that's what we've been waiting for Spirit Lake to do, again. Since they haven't and they haven't recinded the old resolution as far as I can tell we're golden. But as stated many times, the Lakota/Nakota/Dakota do not own the Sioux name. While UND has respectfully been looking for formal continued endorsement from Spirit Lake, that lack of cannot be used as a legal format by the NCAA. If they do not grant our appeal, it's off to court we go. And as previousily stated, there is no way that we are going to lose what is a First Amendment issue. Winning in court will protect us from going through all this cr@p imposed on us by the NC$$ in the future.
  13. Character + Ann Ruley = Oxymoron
  14. According to the news Spirit Lake is sick of the controversy. Jeanotte gave a statement saying the people have spoken and are against the use of the name.
  15. KVLY 10:00P news promo just said, 'Find out why Spirit Lake isn't meeting with UND tomorrow.'
  16. Does anyone else think that maybe there's beatings, humiliating, death threats, etc. going on amongst the different Sioux tribes that is not coming from non-Indians?
  17. Now ain't that just great! Now there's a football bowl that is enabling drug use!!! When, oh when, will it all end?
  18. Hey, back up a bit, there's a Nokia Bowl? Has anyone asked the residents of Nokia, Finland if it's ok to name a football game after their city? Who the he!! does the BCS think they are naming a football bowl after an entire city. And there's a Tostitos Bowl? As a woman of Mexican heritage, I am offended! Using a Spanish word that means, well, it doesn't really mean anything, maybe 'little toasted' but it's suppose to be a spanish word and I'm offended. How dare the BCS use a meaningless, supposedly spanish word as a name for a football game. My PC sensibilites are running amuck with intimidation, humiliation, fear for my life, and a complete lack of purpose in life. Who do I can I complain to?
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