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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. MafiaMan, wait, wait, I'm brown, I'm Catholic, I buy my liquor from a Jew and I'm sure homosexuals live in my neighborhood! Please, don't make me go away, I promise to be good.
  2. Drop the Frito, put bullets in his ammo belts and there you go!! The North Dakota Banditos although as an off spring of the Martinez clan, I would prefer, the Fighting Martinez'. All six of my uncles had big bushy mustaches and were a rowdy, bunch of guys who loved to mix it up at every opportunity. They worked hard and played even harder! I have great memories of those big burly guys who loved all of us to pieces and made us feel as if we were the most important people in the world. I never heard them complain or whine about injustices to the the Mexican American's in this country. They went out and actually worked their butts off to improve their lives and the lives of their off spring. Lables, names, mascots, cartoons, bigots did not govern our lives.
  3. I went out and bought a knock off FB jersey from Schells that has the Sioux logo,big,rather than the ND insignia on both sleeves. It's not authentic but I plan on wearing a Sioux logo at every Sioux event I go to. I hope there are NC$$ PC cops at the gates refusing me entry, I may not be real big but I can kick bu** when pushed. It may not be a physical fight but I will win any fight. I once made a Gopher fan, male, almost break out in tears when he tried to talk smack to me. My son kept warning him to back off because he wasn't going to win a verbal altercation with me. After I verbally turned him into a bowl of rancid jello, his friends finally carried him out. No alcohol and only a minimal amount of profanity involved.
  4. And here you are, still with your hand out, not totally able to be totally independent and self governed.
  5. I posted a similar statement many posts ago. The U. S. is the only country to my knowledge where people address themselves as something-American. I do. I'm proud of my heritage and where we came from. But I agree with you, just because we're 'something' American that doesn't give us any more rights or LESS rights than those who identify themselves as only Americans.
  6. I answered on the other thread and am not smart enough to know how to transfer script from one thread to another.
  7. Sioux-cia


    Damn straight!! But thank's for the good words and thoughts.
  8. I understand your view point but as we all know the NameChange group are not the majority. From those that have been identified, it's too late to cancel AM programs. They have already reaped the benefits. We can't let our anger at them (and I too am super pissed off at the NCAA and the NameChangers) affect the good these programs provide the AM community. It's through education that they will be able to join the 21st century and quit living in the past. I agree with you, I don't want a casino in my back yard either. Keep them out in the boonies.
  9. How's this, UND FS>>Un-Named Defenders of Freedom of Speech!
  10. There you go, lumping all primates into one group. Don't you know Whiplash is a hang around the taco stand monkey who is too dumb to know that he is being exploited by the capitlistic taco stand owners and the dog. Duh!! I bet he doesn't even get to keep his on air clothes and is sent home to his cage naked without even a taco shell to keep him warm.
  11. No can do, Flatland. Dakota is the name of an indigenous tribe also known as the Sioux. The fact that settlers of North and South Dakota adopted the name means about as much to the NC$$ as UND having adopted the Sioux name 80 years ago.
  12. I really like this http://www.windycitynovelties.com/EPaysoft...nd+Games&ovcrn=FLASHING+INDIAN+HEAD&ovtac=CMP I have a wall hanging with the 1950's UND logo that looks similar. Maybe I'll get this and hang it in my front window next to the Whiplash poster I plan to buy.
  13. Frito Bandito would make a great mascot. If we can't beat them on the ice, we can blow them off it. Free lunches? Are you sure? It sure looks like he's stealing them. But my sensibilities are so traumatized by the commercial I must have missed the whole point of the commercial. Diggler, I will only accept you as the evil twin if you wear a sombrero to the first Sioux hockey game!
  14. Oh, crap! There goes my credibility!
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