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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sorry. We don't use recipes. It's all a little of this, a little of that, what's on hand, how much you want to make and who you take seriously.
  2. Can the duties be shared? I nominate Diggler, Dagies, AND jimdahl.
  3. I know it's not the same as watching but there's a good group of people who do a good job doing a play by play on this board.
  4. Kracker, I am formally calling you out. You so are a bigot. I actually had a fleeting thought that you probably put your children up for adoption when you posted your wife was half white! I have spend so much time writing about my family history and their accomplishments, ad nauseum, because of your whining about how mistreated your people are, how there are no oppportuntites for you because your not white, how mommy and daddy didn't finance your education or buy you a car, how people threaten you because your American Indian, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. If fourteen Mexican-American siblings who were orphaned when the youngest was months old and the oldest wasn't quite 21 could accomplish what they did with their lives why can't you? Sioux is not a derogatory word. My family members were not respectfully referred to as Mexican American but other degrading terms. I'm not going to repeat what I already have about my proud heritage and wonderful family. You choose to ignore and belittle all I've written about them and have conveniently taken information out of context and attempted to attack me with your distortions. Tell me about your families' accomplishments. 1. How many of your children/siblings/cousins have attended college? 2. How many of your children/siblings/cousins have jobs? 3. How many of your children/siblings/cousins are economically stable>not counting government assistance? 4. How many of your children/siblings/cousins can enter any room and know they belong because they were brought up with pride in who and what they are, not who and what someone else says they are? 5. How many of your children/siblings/counsins know that they are more than American Indian? 6. How many of your children/siblings/cousins speak and understand their native language? 7. How many of your children/siblings/cousins believe that there is more to life in addition to being Lakota/Nakota/Dakota? 8. How has the name Sioux kept you from accomplishing your goals? 9. How has the name Sioux hurt your children? 10. How has the name Sioux made you less of a person? 11. Where is it written that the only Sioux are Lakota/Nakota/Dakota? 12. What obstacles have your children/siblings/cousins hurdled to achieve your dreams and goals? Come on Krack, do a little bragging of your own. Answer the questions. You think because the rest of us don't live on reservations we have lost our sense of heritage, of where we come from and who we are. Your wrong. My ma was the last of those fourteen siblings who accomplished great things with their lives. I have pictures of the family gathering after her burial. Want to see them? What you would see is a bunch of 'brown sisters and brothers', eating Mexican food made by the women folk, children running all over the place and going to the nearest adult for a hug or a kiss when they felt the need, you would see traditional dress, see people swaying to traditional music, 'brown brothers and sisters' celebrating the life of the last matriach of the family. So don't give us your American Indians are the only ones with an intact culture because they live on reservations BS. The rest of us, the white, black, brown, yellow, purple and green ones, have kept our cultures intact off the tit. Try it. You keep repeating that we're not Sioux. Your wrong. I am a Sioux. I am a Sioux because the students and athletes of the University that I graduated from are known as the Sioux. So in addition to all the other things I am, I am a Fighting Sioux and a Fighting Sioux I will be for life. And every student before me, every student after me, every athlete, every fan of UND athletics are Fighting Sioux. Deal with it!
  5. No way, man, no way!! BisonMav is putting his money on Bisonguy!! I don't believe it. An imposter is signing on as BisonMav, someone notify the Administrator.
  6. The University of North Dakota has more American Indian programs, students, graduates and employment opportunities than any other institution its size and larger. Besides giving up the name what more can be compromised/contracted?The students, athletes, alumni,and community use the name with respect. Despite unproven allegations, there have been no beatings, death threats, harassment, etc. of American Indians on this campus for decades. Shamefaced, I admit it may have happened 30/40 years ago. Because of the First Amendment, we cannot control the abuse of the name by our rival athletic opponents. Those rivals are not referring to the indigenous people known as the Sioux when they yell out their demeaning epitets. They are calling our athletes and fans those names. Just as I am not referring to my Norweigen friends when I yell similar epitets at the Vikings or my butcher friends when I yell stuff at the Packers. Dispite what GK has posted, American Indians do go to UND athletic events. I have never seen anyone harass them. Obviously, I am pro-Sioux name. I don't believe we need to change it because the indigenous people known as the Sioux say we should. It's our name too. As a UND grad, I am now and forever be a Fighting Sioux. The Spirit Lake Tribe said we could use the name under certain conditions. If dispite what the University is already doing for American Indians, it is not doing all they promised then Spirit Lake needs to tell us what that is and UND needs to do it if they had agreed to them originally. The Sioux that do not want us to use it have already expressed demands that they want implemented in addition to ceasing to use the name. There's no compromise there. I don't believe there ever will be. Sitting at a table to work our differences should be the way to go but I don't believe it will happen. We should continue to support the education of the American Indians at UND because it's the right thing to do. We should keep the Fighting Sioux name and continue to use it with whatever appropriate changes the Sioux people want. Sitting at a table to discuss compromise while great in an idealistic world, isn't going to happen because a small contingency of people like GK won't allow it to work. Our only real option is going to a real court of law.
  7. This is great! I'm sending it out as a Thanksgiving card. Thanks PCM (It's ok to still have Thanksgiving, isn't it?)
  8. I heard Potts' statement on the 6 o'clock news last night, GF channel 8 and posted it here. I don't know if there is a formal written statement.
  9. Hum, Siouxguy? I cared about the Cleveland Indians for a little bit, for a little while this past week. As I watched my Chicago White Sox slide down that slippery slope that every year gets higher and slicker in September, I cared what those Cleveland Indians were doing. But, now I don't care anymore.
  10. I come from a neighborhood in Chicago, lots of blue-collar immigrants and children of immigrants. When it was on the mind, it came out the mouth. My biggest problem after moving to ND was the 'quiet stoicism' of most residents. Bugged the he!! out of me not knowing what was going on until action was taken. Guess that's what's going on here.
  11. Thanks, Guys. I went to bed and missed the "no father for your children" remark. It's interesting that Krack is continually complaining that we call him names, don't know him, don't know what's going on in the reservation, yet he takes the ONE thing out of my post that he thinks will "hurt my feelings" and ignores the relevant parts of the post. Yup, I'm divorced. Had my first kid four years after marriage and divorced three years later. I'm sorry it didn't work out. My second child is adopted, his mother my sister, was burned to death in a fire when he was just an infant. There were a lot of others who wanted him but I was the lucky one to get him. His father who couldn't raise him was murdered five years later. Sad. But life goes on. I'm blessed because I have two wonderful sons. You know GK I'm telling you this not because you deserve any explanation but to let you know terrible things happen to all of us. We don't all lie down, cover our heads with self pity and blame the world for our misfortunes. You totally missed the point of the struggles my family endured and the successes they made inspite of all the cr@p. As I've said repeatedly to you, your not a label, a macsot, or even a name. You're a man who is and will be judged by his accomplishments in life, not by his race. AND certainly not because you come on this board and profess to want the Sioux name changed for supposedly idealogical reasons. Although, that is your right. You hate, and this is one avenue for you to profess that hate. We don't hate you, we don't believe what you believe and that's our right. My life is not going to be judged here or anywhere else because I'm pro-Sioux. I hope my life is judged on my accomplishments as a women who has made a difference in my childen's lives and in those I come in contact with everyday. I'm proud of the accomplishments my family has made, not because they're Mexican-Americans, because they were and are good people. Look at me, a product of their hard work. I am a damn good person who has accomplished all and more than my parents could have hoped for when they were helping me become who I am. No they couldn't help me financially after I left home. But they gave me the tools to help myself. So attack me all you want, I won't fall down, I won't give up, I won't blame the world for my failures, I'll learn from them and become stronger and better in spite of them. Vaya con dios.
  12. My friend's dad collects tickets, she called him and he said no.
  13. I'll look for your avatar on the big screen. My tickets are in section 207.
  14. This is Homecoming weekend, so if you can get your tickets ahead of time, you should.
  15. I wish! When my son speaks of the incident, he's not bragging about his mom, he's 'pitying the poor fool' who tried to take his mom on.
  16. Potts said that Kup is handling the Sioux name well. They have not become involved because they have not been asked. He also said that the policy adopted by the Board of Higher education regarding the name, even though there are new members on the board, will remain in place unless the University asks them to change the policy.
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