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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I was ready to jump on the ice during that friggin' penalty then no penalty crap!! The net and my kid kept me from making an a$$ of myself! I do believe that if it's Mike, no matter what, no penalty. P#icks!
  2. My kid wants to know if this is a contact or no contact game so he can bring the appropriate gear. Thanks.
  3. Just got back from the game. Holy moly!!! OK, I'm gonna give my highlights not the kind that Redwing or PCM do, just mine. Stafford's goal, geez louise, he hit it so hard it got stuck in the net!! Beautiful. Sparky gets a stick in his skates falls on his face and gets a call for diving. Insert "We want Shepard" chant. TJ is a friggin work horse. That kid never stops! Gotta love his work ethic. I know how he got so big this past year>> carrying three opposing players on his back every time he's near the puck! That line was a thing of beauty tonight, great puck handling and passing. Kaip gets a mother ducken penalty shot. He didn't make it but holy cow when was the last time we even saw one! Duncan, man, if that kid were taller and heavier he would be perfect!! Saw a Tech guy two feet taller and 50 pounds heavier, try to take him down and he just pushed himself away, giving the guy a look that shrunk him down to size! Also saw a Tech guy grab Duncan by his face mask and throw him into the boards, a$$hole! Dunc, unfazed. My guy, Prp, would have pissed off a lot of you. Smiling, talking trash and getting under their skin but didn't draw any penalties. I am so gonna miss him! The pre-game show (did you see it on the tube?) >>LAKOTA SIOUX FROM SOUTH DAKOTA performed a dance. LAKOTA SIOUX FROM SOUTH DAKOTA!!! That is friggin' big!!! The whole teams performance was outstanding. It's all green and white from here on out!!!
  4. If your uncle had boobs he'd be Marilyn Manson, .
  5. It's my understanding that he estabished a special trust fund specifically for that purpose.
  6. I agree with you. The CFB penalty has to stand as is with lots of education for the refs. As noted in our CFB penalties, it appears that the penalties have been a deterrent for our guys.
  7. I heard this on the sports news this morning. Good for them!!!! It's great to see them moving ahead. Must be getting a little help from that Ralph Engelstad arena!
  8. If she can be good during this series, she deserves an ice cream. But I betcha I'll have that 5 bucks to get myself a cold MGD!
  9. 12 CFB penalties and two players had more than one; Fabian with 2 and Smaby with 3. Doesn't really look like there's a pattern. Those with better memories than mine (or those with the games on tape) can tell us how many of those were actual CFB penalties and how many were 'turn arounds' meant to draw the penalty.
  10. Thank you. And thanks for no insults as some would have been prone to do.
  11. It's unsportsmanlike conduct and that should draw a penalty.
  12. Damn, it feels like forever since we had hockey at home. GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! IT'S SWEEP TIME BABY!!!!!
  13. Be good and I'll buy you an ice cream. GO SIOUX!!
  14. SIOUX Women BB are 30-0 Woo hooo
  15. ...only if they were academically inelgible to return to school if they had not turned pro. But if they were academically elgible to return to school and turned pro, what category do they fall into?
  16. I know this includes all student athletes, found it interesting and made me proud.
  17. What a friggin' idiot! I can just about hear the other hockey fans, "Did you hear what the Sioux fans did to the Paukovich family in Denver!?
  18. Ok, so I should tell my son to leave his gear at home? Do you already have all the players you want? He is a member of SS.com but has never posted a message.
  19. Hmm, this sounds so familiar. Let's see now, who has been given exemptions for the use of Indian nickname and mascot use and who has been denied? Woo hoo!!!! I can't wait until this issue is argued in court.
  20. He is a big boy. Graduated HS at 17, 5'11" and 250 pounds. Still plays hockey with the 'old guys' on a couple of city leagues. Bring your skates PCM, you can play too.
  21. If you still need or want players, my son (age 23) would love to play with you. He's not TJ but he has played hockey since he was 4-5 years old.
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