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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Wanna compare salaries, grill boy? Now get back to the fryer, I think your fries are burning.
  2. All purple for me too. I don't want those Gophers fans to miss us!
  3. Chris, et el, hockey next season!!! I was a total Holy Cross fan Friday night and while I didn't cheer for you on Saturday during the game, I did cheer for the Crusaders after the game; not because they lost but because the Holy Cross players are a solid, talented, hard working hockey team>>Holy Cross Crusaders.
  4. I have a picture of him smiling. Taken at the same time and place where he took a shot of tequila with my friends and me. He said, "I don't know why people say I never smile. I smile all the time."
  5. Hey buddy, how ya doing. Can I get you a cup of coffee? tea? maybe a beer? Have I told you, how good you've been looking lately? Love what you've done with your hair......... Let's keep in touch!
  6. I would say that you are a Fighting Sioux fan with great taste, a good eye for talent, and my buddy for life!! (Is that your cardboard box home/shack next to the dumpster behind K-Mart?)
  7. The only ones that can 'vote early and vote often' in Chicago are the dearly departed! (Oops, we better be careful so we don't get nailed by the 'relevance police' )
  8. GREAT clip. It took me a while to get it figured out so I can hear it (I felt like the forgotten step child). I'm gonna make a Holy Cross helmut, flowing plume and all, and wear it when we play the Gophers.
  9. Email it to someone who knows how to post it. That's what I did with my Prp Salute picture. PLEASE!!! I would love to have a copy!
  10. Yep. I've been told that as soon as I die, the jerseys will be on eBay. Of course the boys deny this.
  11. Game aroma cost extra. It was all I could do to come up with the cost of the jerseys. So I deferred on the Eau de Hockey Player (read with French accent).
  12. And you know how much money we make how??? Get back to your grill orders and leave us Sioux fans to our gloating!
  13. I will be wearing my green, away, game worn Prp jersey. My older son will be wearing my white throw back game worn Prp jersey. My friend will be wearing my white, home, game worn Prp jersey. My younger son will be wearing my friend's green game worn Brandt jersy. My son's girl friend will be wearing my white throw back game worn Porter jersey. My other son's (girl) friend will be wearing my white throw back game worn Zajac jersey. (My signed white game worn Schneider jersey will remain in my safe depost box at the bank; safe from Digglers clutches.) That's what we wore at the Final Five and at the Regionals, no reason to change now. On Friday we're just gonna wear our regular Sioux jerseys while in Chicago and at the BlackHawks/Oilers game. (So now you all know why I live in a rusted out '63 Buick parked behind K-Mart.)
  14. I heard that their home on record was going to be Vermont. They would then qualify for the Verizon family plan.
  15. Phew!!! I had heard they would blow up your dog!!! Thanks for dispelling that rumor, dagies.
  16. Don't mess with my paranoid, conspiracy theorys MM, my medication isn't due to peak for another week or two!
  17. As I was reading this, I thought for a minute PCM had posted the wrong appeal. Guess the U of ICU knows a strong case when they see one. Go for it Fighting Illini!!!
  18. Is the Bucky logo one of or their official logo and is it on any of their jerseys like our logo is?
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