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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. http://www.UND.nodak.edu/org/bridges/resolutions.html
  2. I don't think that summer break is the time to get faculty member signatures.
  3. Well, DUH!! Doesn't he see that this is not a UND vs NC$$ issue? Doesn't he see that when the NC$$ says our name and logo is hostile and abusive, they're announcing that as FACT to the entire collegiate sports communities in the country? The NC$$'s mission statement states Their purpose is not to dictate social norms to its membership institutions. Pomeroy, this issue already is 'a national forum'!! Aaargh!!!! (*banging head on brick wall*)
  4. I do have the 'typical UND'mentality. But I have to admit that I only skim through your posts. I'm having fun with the UND/NDSU student athlete academic comparisons. UND IS SO FAR AHEAD it's just fun playing with your little pointy head. My posts are meant and succeed in showing you as a smack talking troll who comes on SS.com for no other reason. It's not my intent to make fun of the NDSU players who are academically inelgible to do the thing they went to NDSU to do. It's unfortunate that the NDSU leadship, coaches and fellow players, were not available and/or willing to help these kids before it got to the point of suspension. They're academic failures could readily be predicted just by looking at their HS or previous school transcripts. Their failures are also the failure of NDSU, the NDSU football staff and NDSU football players in leadership roles.
  5. Look who's calling the kettle black!! http://www.bisoninsider.com/reaction.html A number of players that will be key performers this fall did not play. Mike Maresh, Nick Compton, Shamen Washington, Travis White, Cinque Chapman, Ryan Olson and of course Steve Walker did not participate. [url="http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=127881
  6. Quitting the team and staying in school. Going pro because your that damn good and quitting school. Hmm, a lot different that getting kicked out of school because your so bad academically that tutors, summer school and 'the athlete' slack combined can't get your grades up to even minimum standards!!. http://www.fightingsioux.com/sports/footba...RELEASE_ID=4938 Brady Trenbeath wins Thomas J. Clifford Freshman Award 5/19/2006 Freshman football player honored for academic excellence, leadership Trenbeath, a native of Cavalier, N.D., and a 2004 graduate of Cavalier High School, owns a 3.85 cumulative grade point average, including a perfect 4.0 GPA during the 2006 spring semester. A biology major, Trenbeath is also a member of the President
  7. If that's our only choice, should we stay DII?
  8. I heard at the Uptown after everyone was treated to an all you can drink buffet for $5.95, that Eddie's coming back. He still has three years of eligibility left and he wants to get his degree as an example for his children. Honest, really, I heard that...... burrrrp.
  9. You make me feel so cheap and dirty...
  10. 2005 NCAA Report on the Federal Graduation Rates Data (data relects 1998-1999 rates, found 2001 graduation rate for UND 77%, but couldn't find same for NDSU-maybe none graduated?) http://www2.ncaa.org/portal/academics_and_...l_gsr_data.html University of North Dakota Student Athlete Graduation Rate 71% North Dakota State University Student Athlete Graduation Rate 63%
  11. My post is in response to your negativity, not your opinion. Your entitled to your own opinion just as everyone else is entitled to theirs. Being dumped is one reason for only seeing the DARK side! Com'on pull up those boot straps, chin up, move on to your next victim love. The sun will shine again.
  12. I think this guy's just been dumped by a UND student/alum. Posting here is a way for him to assuage his angst.
  13. I do want to wait until I have firm commitments from everyone. The entire suite fee has to be paid before any tickets are disbursed. It would be really expensive to rent the suite and then have people pull out and not pay. I don't have a date yet. There are some 'corporates' that have some dates on hold. They have to commit to their dates by June 19. I'll post the available dates when I get them. You and your group (7) and the maybes would bring our number up to 25, just three short!!
  14. Cool! Sioux-cia - Yes Siouxmama & Mr. Siouxmama - Yes & Maybe ftnsiouxhockey - Maybe Siouxman & Mrs. Siouxman - Yes & Yes HeidiSioux62 - Yes 82SiouxGuy - Maybe Siouxnami + Siouxzy - Yes & Yes redwing77 - Maybe Norge & Mrs. Norge - Maybe & Maybe SiouxTupa - Yes HockeyMom & Mr. HockeyMom - Yes & Yes YaneA - Yes Ba Ba Canoosh - Yes 12 Yes + 6 Maybe
  15. Oh my Gawd!! I almost forgot!!!
  16. With confidence and no small conceit, I can say with confidence, NOT MY GIRLS!!
  17. With $9M to be used at the discretion of the University, scholarships and D1 should be able to share the wealth with more than a few bucks left over for renovation, refurbishment and reinvestment.
  18. I wouldn't but all those blind guys wanting the initials in braille spooked me!!!
  19. That says it for all of our young men leaving with eligibility left. I miss 'em but I don't begrudge them!!!
  20. I wish the a$$hole would just implode! I think Greybeard was channeled by my dear, sweet, 4 foot 8, dearly departed mom. When Richard Speck was arrested for killing all those student nurses in Chicago (in our section of the city), she said he should be stripped naked and tied to a cornor lamp post. Then, everyone in the neighborhood using a well used razor blade should cut a little piece off his body. Slow, painful, and terminal!! Ma was really a sweet old gal but she knew what justice was all about!
  21. Good job YaneA and Forecheck, without you we'd be painting purple and white HC's on our nekked chests at the FF!!
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