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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. We are confirmed for Saturday, November 25th, the big suite (28 persons) at $3700.00. Julie Frey will be mailing me out a contract. In order to hold the suite, I will have to put a deposit down of $1800.00. The remaining should be paid 30d before the event. The tickets will be released after the total amount is paid. Julie wasn't sure when she could send the contract out, "..but it won't be real soon." I'm gonna go out on a limb and pay the deposit. Don't let me down!
  2. This is what Laraque said of McSorley re the stick to Brashear's head incident,
  3. I do like the sound of his letter!! Tribal approval be damn@d when you look at it this way!! Brand,et el, eat $h!t,
  4. Say, save for two!! The ol' lady will probably be nicer to you if you bring her along!
  5. Only six more for the big suite. Sioux-cia - Yes Siouxmama & Mr. Siouxmama - Yes & Yes ftnsiouxhockey & 1 - Yes & Yes Siouxman & Mrs. Siouxman - Yes & Yes HeidiSioux62 - Yes 82SiouxGuy - Maybe Siouxnami & Siouxzy - Yes & Yes redwing77 - Maybe Norge & Mrs. Norge - Maybe & Maybe SiouxTupa - Yes HockeyMom & Mr. HockeyMom - Yes & Yes YaneA - Yes Ba Ba Canoosh - Yes Sioux Hockey Fanatic & 1 - Maybe & Maybe Gopher Fan in Sioux Land - Maybe 15 Yes + 7 Maybe
  6. All it would have taken was just a lil' ol' C-section or some drugs to induce labor. I wonder if their omission could be classified 'child neglect'!!!
  7. Funny siouxman child, Trix are for kids. Besides didn't someone post something about this fantastic job you have that pays a gazillion dollars a month?
  8. IF he had done so, some 'SU fan would call him a racist for excluding Christians, atheists, Muslems, etc. Instead he donated them to persons in need. I guess you could call him prejudiced for not including able bodied persons as wheelchair recipients.
  9. I want it to be the UND Fighting Sioux Herald. PC be damn@d. UND Herald has a German conotation that given the posts in another thread wouldn't be as readily accepted.
  10. My question was not meant to sound like over the fence gossip chatter. Regardless of how much he wants to ease back out of the lime light, he was an important part of the Sioux hockey community for four years and before that the GF Central HS hockey community. We all are concerned about his future and how he's doing. But, I will respect his request.
  11. Oh my Gawd!!! Sorry for laughing! But I see a Jewish boy, a white Catholic girl and a brown Catholic girl all laughing at the same Nazi/Hitler spoofs. I can almost hear ol' Adolph spinning on his rotissaire in hell!!
  12. I totally agree with you SiouxTupa, that's why I bolded and said 'IF the allegations were fabricated'. I'm the first to admit I don't know the circumstances, only what I read in the paper. I have been in the unfortunate situation where I was once physically abused but not raped, thank you God. It wasn't an 'obvious, witnessed' act so I didn't report it. I didn't think I would be taken seriously. I also thought I would be blamed for ... whatever. Different time, different place. I know that it takes a lot of courage to report sexual abuse. I will be the first to support any one who has been victimized. I'm in a different place now. I used to be the first in line to defend the accuser and assume the accused was guilty until proven innocent. Now, I'm the mother of two young men and I know that all it would take is one immature, jealous, hurt, mentally ill, or just plain pissed off girl/woman to ruin their lives. I don't have the answers. That's why I hope that our law enforcement folk have received the training necessary to do what's right.
  13. I feel like I've been robbed! I saw the 'Canes play that Minnie team at the Ralph (exhibition game) and the Oilers play the 'Hawks in April. Neither team played like the 'Canes and Oilers I've watched in the playoff or the Championship games!!!
  14. Don't waste your money! The 'STINK' will mug it, stomp it, and hurt it until it runs away squealing like a pig!!
  15. http://www.mankatofreepress.com/breakingne..._158144118.html If these allegations were fabricated for whatever sick reason the accuser had, I hope she faces charges for what she put these young men and the young woman, their families and friends through; not forgetting the school itself!
  16. I know a person who has NEVER made a mistake, NEVER. Has no friends, family won't have anything to do with him, animals shy away from him, babies cry in his presence, kids don't trick or treat at his home.... Man, it's a bit@h being perfect!!
  17. Sioux-cia


    I'll have to try the Peace coffee. I haven't tried Kauai coffee but I do like my Kona coffee. I get mine from the Kona Historical Society. We toured their 'plantation' and liked the coffee and the volunteers. The coffee doesn't have a great deal of caffeine and that may be why it's not acidic. I will definitely try the Kauai coffee next.
  18. Sioux-cia


    Hey, you're remobeling, start it at your end and I'll meet you in the middle!
  19. Yes! I'm off the hook! I mean well but am technologically impaired.
  20. Sioux-cia


    Someone you know has, oh, about ten pounds of the stuff. Freezes well and tastes just as good after the beans are defrosted.
  21. That would make me a MULTI MILLIONAIRE (if they lived past puberty). And yes, a jersey or two has me living out of my car at the present time.
  22. Hey I got confirmation for an open Saturday!!! November 25th, Saturday against Colorado College. I told Julie I'd confirm or decline before the week end.
  23. Yeah, you're right on there!! I, myself, with my own two eyes, have seen those wheelchair recipients cutting out poker chips with those strong wheel turning hands and fingers they all have and then in order to get the chips juuuust flat enough they roll over them with their wheel chairs. The little ridges on the side of the chips are made with their teeth.
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