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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. The pendulum swings both ways. More specific to the "America's" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_massacres
  2. And of course, the Europeans were good Christians, http://www.indio.net/aymaco/slaughter.htm Who were the savages?
  3. If we started new posts everytime we went off track, there'd be hundreds of new posts daily/weekly!!
  4. Sick!?! Is there an age limit to hotties?! If so I'm in deep doo doo!! I've been admiring hotties of all ages!! No offense but thinking that's 'sick' is sick!
  5. I found it distasteful and arrogant that he or someone for him (can't be an agent-not allowed) called a press conference to announce his going to UMTC, his behavior on the ice at Wisconsin was petty, and although I can't provide a link and won't devulge my source, his obnoxioux, cocky behavior in the locker room. Since I won't provide the source of that last reason, you can take it or leave it. If this is all that is known,I have to wonder how much more is there? BUT this is only my opinion and in the greater scheme of things not worth much more than a few lines on a sports forum.
  6. Sioux-cia

    I spy...

    Do you think he'd wear a Sioux hockey jersey if he had one?! I like lots of rap, I guess I'm a product of my environment>>24 year old son plus his friends=exposure over and over again to rap.
  7. OH $HIT!!!!! I must have a colony in my garage by now!!!!
  8. 14 NHL draft picks beat by zero draft picks>>>how sweet it is......
  9. Is PK angry because he doesn't have a fan base on SiouxSports.com?
  10. Hate is a strong word. I don't hate PK, just don't like him. Leaving talent aside for the moment, let's look at on ice, locker room and off ice behavior. Both Jonathan and T.J., are head and shoulders above PK. They've proven themselves to be great team players and represent themselves and the team very well in the public eye. If PK were on another team, pulling the same antics there that he has with the Gophers, like/dislike/respect/lack of respect would be the same from the same folks who post here and those who have commented about him at the combine.
  11. I was at the United Center in Chicago for the Blackhawks/Oilers game and I had on my white Sioux hockey jersey. As I walked down the concourse, this guy yelled, "Go IRISH".
  12. Maybe 'f-@#$%^' means 'buddy' in the Duluth Indian language. I mean he was complementing you on a 'bunch of awards' right?!
  13. Uhm, thank you, IowaBison?
  14. Ditto. I started this thread for that specific reason. Problem, I bait easily and respond quickly.
  15. I've always wanted a wife. The 1950's kind>>clean house, hot meals, laundry, ironing, total kid and pet care, grocery (and all) shopping, gardener, chauffeur, etc. (No sex though, I don't swing that way. )
  16. She also reported at that October 25, 2005 meeting, What isn't in those minutes is that Jake Brandt was given one of two WCHA post graduate scholarships.
  17. If you had my '89, you might think about it. I had to let my '89 go to the big Junk Yard on HW 2. I'm getting sad. Sniff,....
  18. Thread getting lost, so I thought I better post again. Anyone thinking about joining us? I can put you on the maybe list.
  19. Just don't do it in my yard, the dogs have put enough holes there!!!
  20. Ya gotta admit that was funny and there's no mention of D1. There are a lot of posts in this thread that are puzzling......
  21. I seem to remember posts that said Kessel was a quiet, shy young man who would NEVER toot his own horn. The implications were that someone was pulling his strings, puppet style and all the bad things said about PK were not true. Those NHL folk just don't get it! I also remember many posts about Jonathan and the NHL folk concurred with all the them!
  22. Well, I'm going to dig up the bricks on the side of my driveway that have sunk down below the driveway level, put down more dirt, put the bricks back in, dig up two near dead bushes around the deck, plant a couple of new ones, put down more rock around the deck, place a cedar border around the deck's landscaping, fill some holes in the back yard and ready it for reseeding after Labor Day (a horticulturist told me to wait until then) and after that's all done, I'm gonna sit in my screened gazebo and drink something tall and cold and read a good book!! Pheew, I'm tired already!!
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