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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. I've never shot at anything that was alive but had fun shooting at clay pigeons (missing hundreds but did get one!!). Wouldn't be the same for you, I know. And your pooch wouldn't get to have any fun or exercise either. Is it October yet?!
  2. I suspected there was more to the story than 'family reasons'. While I'm sure some can do it, it's hard to step down to a subordinate position and stay in the same organization. I wonder how long it will be before Dean moves on...
  3. Your right. If a Chancellor is hired for a specific purpose and he is not given the authority to perform his job as hired, why bother.
  4. See, there you go again, getting the facts wrong and/or totally overlooking them. The name is Sioux-cia, not sioux-CIA. Sioux-cia is pronounced the same as the Spanish word sucia. Sucia means 'dirty girl'. OK DI, now you have the correct facts regarding my name.
  5. Are we to believe what Dr. Chapman told the Attorney General or what he's now telling the media. When was he lying; then or now? Without bringing Clinton into the conversation, please, what are your facts? http://www.ag.nd.gov/documents/2006-O-11.pdf http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/n...te/14989410.htm [url="http://www.in-forum.com/articles/index.cfm?id=132374
  6. November 25th, against Colorado College. Saturday after Thanksgiving. Only six more for the big suite. Sioux-cia - Yes Siouxmama & Mr. Siouxmama - Yes & Yes ftnsiouxhockey & 1 - Yes & Yes Siouxman & Mrs. Siouxman - Yes & Yes HeidiSioux62 - Yes 82SiouxGuy - Yes Siouxnami & Siouxzy - Yes & Yes redwing77 - Maybe Norge & Mrs. Norge - Maybe & Maybe SiouxTupa - Yes HockeyMom & Mr. HockeyMom - Yes & Yes YaneA - Yes Ba Ba Canoosh - Yes Sioux Hockey Fanatic & 1 - Maybe & Maybe DougM - Maybe 16 Yes + 6 Maybe
  7. Did you read nodakvindy's post and comprehend what he wrote? The SBoHE members know the rules and know how not break them yet still get their mission accomplished. The AG doesn't have to be in cahoots with them to determine that they were successful in not breaking the rules. The fact that Wayne's report is as complete as it is tells me he also knows that something stinks in Fargo but because the law as written was not broken his office can only render the opinion that the rules were not broken.
  8. Let's stick to the subject shall we? Chapman's dancing aroung the truth with his selection of specific words and phrases and his early dementia (not Alzheimers', then he's a liar!!). The only positive thing I saw in the AG's report was that Chapman and Co. did not come straight out and call Dr. Thigpen a liar!
  9. So the key word here is 'demand'? Chapman conceded asking for more pay and improvements but he did not 'demand' them. Geeze, these guys (ALL of them including the SBoHE members) sure know how to use the English language to their advantage, don't they!?
  10. ay, there's the rub
  11. So far, I haven't been asked for a deposit. She said she had other things to do first. I'm hoping we have until August or September.
  12. I'm very uncomfortable with the content of http://www.ag.nd.gov/documents/2006-O-11.pdf. I don't know how else to put it. Is Dr. Chapman a liar? or is he a victim of Alzheimer's? I hope for the sake of our State's University system he suffers from dementia. The idea that a University president is a liar, back stabbing schemer, and has the support of our State's Governor and SBoHE members is very scary. Where is the power and who yields it? The State's Attorney's record appears quite complete and doesn't read as if he's holding anything back. I wonder what Wayne thought of all the backdoor crap that seems to be spilling from NDSU's President.
  13. Any of you on the maybe list know if you can be moved to the yes list for the suite rental?
  14. Please show me any post where someone is defending Rodriguez?! No one has. My post was simply to point out that a good defense by his attorneys will prevent his getting away with murder based on the appeal process or LAW. If he does not get adequate defense his appeal process could drag out for decades!! Or heaven forbid, he could get off on a technicality. My sister was murdered and because of the way she was killed, even though we all know who did it, there was no evidence. Her murderer was never arrested. Pissed? Damn straight!! Would my family have been happy to have a family member or friend kill him and end up in jail themselves? NO!! A few years later, another woman that he was attempting to attack put five bullets into him and my family finally found peace. She was never arrested because it was self defense and I say a prayer every day for her. So, I know what the Sjodin family is going through. I also know that if you asked them, they would tell you that they also want the best possible defense available to Rodriguez so at the end of the day he will have no basis for appeal, mistrial, etc. and he can go to the electric chair to pay for his crime. We have a system of law that has to be followed in this country. If it's not, more criminals will walk free than are given jail terms or put to death. I believe this because there are more of them that would have no problem blowing you or me away than there are those of us who could blow them away! Don't kid yourself, it takes alot to kill someone. And if you fear for the life of your family/friends and know that there are scum bags out there willing to kill you first or if you do blow someone away there are fellow scum bags who will act in retaliation, you won't be so quick on the trigger as a moment of passion makes you think you would be.
  15. OK, quit getting off subject!! What did a little birdie tell you about Gopher hockey team changes?
  16. I agree that it's time to get this trial going and the killer should be put to death. The evidence will speak for itself regardless of what the defense will be. I have a little trouble with the 'scum of the earth' adjectives for his attorneys. Our constitution provides a trial to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. I believe Rodriguez' attorneys are court appointed. They are charged with giving the defendent the best possible defense available. If they do not, the defendant will have grounds for appeal for 'inadequate, poor, etc.' defense, mistrial or God forbid, getting off of a technicality!! Don't blame the attorneys for doing their job, just hope that they do a good, non-appealable job for the defendant and Rodriguez gets the death penalty.
  17. So many have said that when the NC$$ has been sued, the NC$$ is unbeatable. I like this statement.
  18. Ok, enough teasing!!! Spill.....
  19. I would like to thank all our current, reserve and veteran military men and women and their families for their part in keeping our country free and safe for the rest of us. It takes more sacrifice and dedication than many of us are willing to give to do what you have done and for what you do for your country and country men. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
  20. Towes said he would stay if he was going to be sent to the minors. If he gets to play with the big boys, he'll go.
  21. OK! Now, Does anyone think that Jordy might get an offer from Colorado?
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