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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. This is a case where you want to throw the 'baby' out with the bath water.
  2. Cool! So when TJ and Jonathon out skate and out play him, there will be NO excuses! Whoa, wait a minute.. NCAA rules pop to mind, was he playing as an amateur or a professional?
  3. My son and his wife will be here next week end. While they've been to many games, they've never toured the Ralph. My other son and I would like to go as well. That brings the number up to 8. I can get four others to go as well. We could ask for a special tour then.
  4. Yes, the SBoHE bears responsibilty for this fiasco but let's not forget the involvement of Chapman and Co. 1. Governor Hoven had NO BUSINESS getting involved with the SBoHE. The SBoHE was developed specifically to keep Governors and other politicians out of the decision making for the State's institutions' of higher learning including the critiquing of the Chancellor. A meeting is called 'from Governor Hoven's office', this was not a personal call from the Governor to a couple of buddies who happened to be SBoHE members, this was not 'social conversation' where an opinion can be expressed 'unofficially', this was a formal, official meeting. The Governor used his office and title to involve himself in something that he had no official business! 2. Paulson and Smith can call their 'conversations' anything they want when in reality they had 'official' SBoHE meetings to discuss how to get rid of Potts in order to make Chapman happy. Collusion, deception, lies, backstabbing, all words to describe Chapman and Co. and many members, if not all, of the SBoHE. Was this the first time? Hardly!
  5. I know this is a Toews thread but I have to say this. Not as a Gopher supporter (shudder) but as a healthcare provider, I have to remind all about a talented Grand Forks boy who was turned down by the Air Force Academy because of a history of depression. Hirsch may not be able to make a comeback because he was off the ice for a year or more, that I can speculate may be factor on how well he does. If he did what he had to do to get healthy, his past health problems should not be a factor in how well he does on the ice. I did my share of ragging on Hirsch and I was wrong. Let's make fun of our opponents because of their show boating, diving, 'riding on the shirt-tails of others', immaturity, arrogance, etc. but I think, like many others, that we should not make fun of anyone because of an health issue. Hirsch and his family did the right thing in prioritizing what is important and he took a year off. I hope he comes back healthy, skates well and gets smoked by our boys!!
  6. I've been getting 'signed out' at different times since yesterday. It occurs when I attempt to respond to a post, click on 'Forums', or move to another thread. At first I thought I was clicking on 'log out' by mistake but I've been really, really careful and it's still happening; not everytime, only about 75% of the time.
  7. ..and we have Robbie, and Ryan, and Eric, and Zach, and Andrew, and Philippe, and Chris, and Joe, and all the rest of our hard working, nose to the grindstone, play with heart, give it their all every game Fighting Sioux hockey players. We are truly blessed!
  8. How's this for a start,
  9. .....playing in the WCHA!!!!
  10. So if an interim Chancellor cannot be found and Potts' can pursue another job and take it, who will assume the responsiblitites of Chancellor? Fargo Paulson? Chapman? Hoven? Well, there goes any chance of equity among the schools!! Was this THE PLAN all along? The guy with the most friends in 'high places' rules and ends up with the biggest pot? This whole issue is stinkin' more and more and the citizens of North Dakota are the ones who will end up getting it in the 'end'. Thanks for the fiasco SBoHE members AND Governor Hoven.
  11. I sooooo want to believe this. But I keep thinking about those Fighting Sioux 'Matts' who told me what I wanted to hear and ended up breaking my heart anyway. (He will come back, he will come back, he will come back....... )
  12. Hallelujah!! Hallelujah, hallelujah...
  13. Shouldn't be a problem, I'm betting he'll be hanging from it!
  14. Check out PCM's new sig, http://gra.midco.net/pcmiller/Copies/NDSU_Cowardly_Bison.jpg Now that's a t-shirt!
  15. Here, here!! Bravo!!!
  16. Ad hominem lives and thrives in Bisonville!! Geeze Louise!! I ask a question and I keep getting 'you hate NDSU, you're jealous of NDSU, we're better than UND, Chapman is god, Chapman get's us what we want, no one else matters except NDSU because we're better and above all the other schools, yada yada yada!' I've asked the same question numerous times and have yet to get an answer from any Chapman supporters. When did Chapman lie? Did he lie to the AG when he answered some of the questions asked of him and when he feigned memory loss when asked other questions? Or did he lie to the media when he denied answers he had given the AG? (refer to post #79 for specifics.) Read the thread, nd1sufan, for the information regarding Chapman's refusal to follow the rules and regulations of the SBoHE. It was an extremely busy day at work and I don't have the time nor the inclination to spoon feed you.
  17. I want Jonathan to stay as much as the next Sioux fan but I don't think he may have made a decision as of yet. I keep thinking about Matt Green. He didn't sign until after school started.
  18. I already have one of you.
  19. We all hope that you'll stll be able to take your great pictures from there.
  20. Hopefully the contract stipulates he's going to their minor league team first. Jonathan has said if he's not going to play in the NHL he's coming back to UND. He has to come back, his is the only signature I don't have on my jersey!
  21. And everytime you post something, your avatar cracks me up! Who needs the Comedy Club when there's.......
  22. Everytime I see the new Bison logo, I think of the Cowardly Lion. And, yes, I laugh everytime. I don't think the joke will grow old anytime soon!
  23. Smart kid, too. Graduated with honors, was a member of the National Honor Society and is a Math major. He probably could have (maybe did) gotten an academic scholarship.
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