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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. When you say two weeks, is that Thanksgiving weekend? I hope, I hope. I'll be home for a few days at that time!!
  2. Well, a girl can still dream.... *Damit*
  3. Woooooo Whoooooooo, Go Sioooooooooooouuuuuuuux!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Didn't go to the Grand Canyon, stayed in and fixed this rotten piece of technology!! OK now. Great updates on the game. Thanks. Anyone know what NO is doing?
  5. I'm screwed!!! My computer is slower than molasses today. It's taken me over 40 minutes to get to this screen. As I'm typing the tool bar is still filling in (I'm done typing and previewing,tool bar still filling in)!! I'm going to the Grand Canyon; it's about an hour and a half away. Maybe by the time I get back this will have posted in the thread. (made the mistake to preview this post, 3 minutes later....) GO SIOUX!!!!! *sniff, sniff, *
  6. Thanks, I'll sign on ASAP in the am.
  7. I'm still in the boondocks!! How do I get the video webcast? As PCM will point out, I am pretty much computer illiterate, , so very simple instructions with as little computerese as possible, please. Thanks
  8. Sniff, sniff, (wallowing in self pity), I would if I could.
  9. Woooooo Whoooooooo, Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wearing scarlet red to work tomorrow!!! One of the clinic pharmacists got her degree from Rutgers, I'm gonna buy her a beer!!! ( Root beer, we're on a dry reservation )
  10. UND has a higher percentage of Native American students and programs than most institutions of higher learning in the entire United States. Yes, most of the money to implement and maintain those programs and scholarships/grants come from sources outside of North Dakota, i.e. federal money. But the programs and funds are here, at the University of North Dakota. Other institutions have the same opportunity to seek federal money for the same programs and scholarships/grants but choose not to. South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana and other institutions of higher learning in North Dakota choose not to have the same or more Native American programs/grants/scholarships than UND does. No matter how you phrase it, when all is said and done, it's the University of North Dakota that has provided an environment where those Native American programs are thriving and has provided a place for Native Americans to fullfill their goals of a higher education. Not in spite of or because of the Fighting Sioux name and logo, but because it's the right thing to do in the state in which the school is located. The Fighting Sioux name and logo belong to the school's athletes. Students can choose to support those athletic programs and athletes or not support them. Their decision will not affect their education unless they choose to let it. When an organization such as the NC$$ oversteps it's authority and decides it will be the moral conscious of it's membership, it's important, it's mandatory that they be stopped. This country is not a dictatorship and no one has the right to impose their idea of political correctness on anyone else. UND may some day choose to change it's name and logo but today is not that day. This is a very important issue to members of SiouxSports.com and members are going to respond strongly when someone comes on with an opposing view point. In some cases it may not be in the most tactful manner; but to quote a famous movie coach, 'NOT IN MY HOUSE'!!!!!
  11. You have to go back quite a bit. GK was banned from this forum March 2006. Go back to about page 11 or 12 in the Sioux name threads. His mental health (IMHO) guickly deteriorates as can easily be seen in reading his posts from begining to end. Fortunately, many of his more disgusting posts were deleted. Few of us were safe from his tirades.
  12. I can't wait to hear the NC$$ defense regarding FSU's use of a flamboyant mascot and logo. "Well, uhm, Judge, sir, it seems that there is a Seminole tribe that does not consider FSU's mascot and logo hostile and abusive. Uhm, yes sir, Judge, there are Seminole's who do find FSU's mascot and logo hostile and abusive but, uh, they, uh, their rights, 'er opinions, no, their feelings, don't represent the more vocal group that does not find the FSU name and logo hostile or abusive. And, uh, with all due respect, Judge, sir, the Seminole Indians have nothing to do with Sioux Indians. Uh, they're different kinds of Indians. We are the authority on hostile and abusive Indian imagery. And, uh, furthermore, Judge, sir, you have no authority over us, WE ARE THE NCAA!!!"
  13. Coming on a Sioux Sports forum it's unlikely that you will change minds. There has been discussion regarding the Sioux name for years. Your veiled insults presented as an opposing view point are not new. YOU don't know that Snake10's dad is wrong. Your presuming he is based on facts that you perceive to be true just as he has determined his 'truth' based on facts he perceives to be true. Beause someone does not agree with the name change crowd and they react strongly to them does not mean they are immature. You want immaturity, go back and read GrahamKracker's (Gary LaPointe's) posts. Those are classic 'immature' posts. Because a person posts on this forum doesn't mean 'they don't have a life'. I enjoy reading and posting my opinions on this forum, as evidenced by the number of posts I have made. Doesn't mean I don't have a life. Yes, it's 1 pm here and I'm on SiouxSports.com replying to your post. My morning was spent in the ER where we had a three hour code, a trauma (crushed pelvis) and a stabbing. That's in addition to the colds, diarrhea, etc. patients. Being on this forum for a half an hour while I wolf down a sandwich is helping me unwind. So, please, when you come on this board to 'maybe teach people a little' don't insult us by making presumptions about who we are and what are lives are all about. Thank you.
  14. One fall/winter I killed so many animals with my one year old Toyota Camry that my sons wanted to buy me a rifle scope as a hood ornament!
  15. I drove from ND to AZ this past Sunday and Monday. I saw a bunch of 'suicide by car' deer in the ditches. Guess some 'party pooper' deer elected not to participate in the great annual 'deer off'.
  16. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary....ility+of+parole
  17. The city PD put the onus on the University police. The State's Attorney's office told the UND police that 'no crime had been committed'. (I have recently been told that federal law was broken.) The University bounced me from one department to another with the issue finally being brought to a complete halt by the Director of Residence Life and Education, Cindy Spencer. She told me that any action (if any were taken) would not be disclosed to me due to Mr. LaPointe's right to privacy. She did tell me if any action were taken it 'would not be punitive'. Any action taken would be an educational one. All of this occurred March 2006. This fall, after my pursuit for 'victim's rights', Mr. LaPointe started grad school. So, no, his leaving grad school had nothing to do with his actions on SS.com. IMHO, he just couldn't 'hack' grad school and dropped out.
  18. I was still suffering from travel fatique but I'm pretty sure the games were in Grand Forks this past week end. They were weren't they? http://www.universitychronicle.com/media/s...mp;mkey=2165787
  19. It wasn't a win but I had a wonderful time last night. Just finally being back to the Ralph after several weeks in the 'boondocks' was very therapeutic. The atmosphere, the food, my first beer in weeks (numb cheeks after only a beer and a half!!!), and being with my sons and daughter-in law watching a great game was FANTASTIC!!!!! To me, the team looked like it was really hustling, working together and trying hard not to take stupid penalities (well most of the time). Sitting where I do, it looked to me that the bounce of the puck kept this from being a 5-4 game, Huskies. Now back to the Navajo Nation, where I have been promised to have reliable internet access waiting for me. No television yet but I may get dish, satelitte or something similiar. Going to Anchorage next. Hope to see lots of you there.
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