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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. My son was born yesterday! 8 lbs, 2 oz. Baby and Momma are doing great!!!!!!! His collection of Sioux apparel is already larger than mine!!!!
  2. Anybody gotten theirs yet? I know the first home game is still three weeks away, but I seem to recall usually receiving mine in the first part of August.
  3. There was a blurb in today's Fargo Forum that said Brian Lee left the junior evaluation camp due to soreness and swelling in his knee. He said he didn't think it was anything serious. Anybody have any other info?
  4. Is there a realistic chance that they can get some sort of injuction or something before the football playoffs?
  5. UND FOOTBALL: Big shoes to fill
  6. This article is about three months old but I never saw it until now. Just a little blurb about UND and Denver taking Kuper: SCHOOL IN THE SPOTLIGHT Is Bowenkamp back in Vikings camp this year?
  7. If this was already posted somewhere else, I missed it. There is a press release at Fightingsioux.com giving a position by position outlook for this season. Football team hits the practice field for first time today
  8. As much as I'm looking forward to watching Strouth at RB this year, I think this is a game were Beatty, and the O-Line, has to have a huge day pounding it up the middle. UNI is not a team that we are going to be able to run around. Defense is too fast.
  9. I like the slogan and thought the highlights are pretty good. However I think the narrator has an excessively lame voice, and it isn't produced very well.
  10. I appreciate having Tim & Swyg to listen to. They are the only guys who ever regularily talk Sioux Athletics on the radio in this region, even though it is usually only for about 10 minutes every week. Unless Swyg mows his lawn that week. Then the Sioux talk is cut down to five minutes that week. When UND hired their first new men's basketball coach in nearly two decades, they did take the time to interview him.........10 days or so after he was hired. When UND announced they were going DI, they broke the story by interviewing Tom Buning.......4 or 5 days later. I understand that when they work in a small market like GF and real job is the play-by-play gig that they shy away from posing challenging questions or criticism of coaches when they work so closely with Hakstol, Roebuk, Glas (now Jones), even Lennon. But it would be nice if they would do a half-hours work of homework the day before their show in order to at least have an intelligent discussion during their show about Sioux athletics rather than an hour and half devoted to reading the GF Herald on the air, and another hour and half devoted to Swygman's latest yard project. For those that don't know, Swyg bags his grass, while Tim does not. With Forum Communications now owning the Herald, I wonder if Clear Channel will ban them from referencing the Herald in the future. This could mean more time devoted to Tim's lawn-care strategies. I will continue to faithfully tune in every morning. I think tomorrow is the day for UND's 10 minute alottment.
  11. It also says that Freund enters the season third on the depht chart at QB and more importantly that Brandon Strouth is entering his first season as starting tailback.
  12. And I don't think there was one visiting Fargo in October of 2002 either, a whole month after NDSU announced there intention to go DI. Which is where UND is at in this process. And I wish the Bison good luck in getting into the Mid-Con as well. It's step in the right direction for UND's future as well by adding stability to the GWFC, and bringing the footprint of the Mid-Con into the Dakotas.
  13. The presidents of the Big Sky schools added PSU, Sac St., UNC, and Northridge, not Fullerton. He has little power in regards to expansion.
  14. That's funny, I know funny, and that was funny!
  15. Here is in article from the Omaha World Herald. UNO's A.D. has been negotiating with the MIAA. Tom Shatel: UNO A.D. working on finding a new league Not good news for the NCC. UNO actively pursuing membership in another DII league, even before USD announces what its intentions are makes the NCC basically a ticking time-bomb. This could also help USD make up their minds and leave for DI, or maybe a slim chance of them also trying for MIAA? Not surprisingly, with all of their other current problems, it doesn't sound like UNO will be joining us in the move to DI anytime soon.
  16. I really hope that the word "Subdivision" isn't actually going to be part of the official new names. That would be really lame.
  17. I agree. There are a number of concerns in every universities athletic dept. I'll give you that. I don't think Kupchella supports athletics in general very much. Also a concern at virtually every university in the country, especially when making a DII to DI transition. I'm confident that when NDSU moved, there were people wondering about how it would be financed. The task force was a fact-finding commission. It did not make a recommendation one way or the other. It did say that UND more closely resembles DI schools as opposed to DII schools. It also said UND should find a conference. What did the Carr report say again? Presidents come and go. NDSU's president was recently sending his resume to Wyoming was he not? ?
  18. I am intrigued. If anything, it may help a few people show up for a soccer game or two. The article also said that the UND soccer team will be playing at Creighton in 2008.
  19. I always laugh when a Bison fans argue that by not declaring 2006 the exploratory year that Kupchella is obviously creating an exit strategy. What's the big deal about taking two years to plan things out the right way. Were you all so up-in-arms when President Chapman also left NDSU a two year window from the time NDSU announced their intention to go DI to the time they actually joined DI?
  20. 12-2........Close losses to UNI and UNO. Victory in Florence.
  21. I hope the Koenig is ready to play, and be a presence on the inside this season. This squad needs an effective big man. I read over the USD board that they got a transfer from Creighton.......a 6-11 center. The Sioux were pounded on the inside and out-rebounded last year by every team that had any sort of inside presence. http://coyotesports.proboards100.com/index...9992&page=1
  22. I think it is interesting that everyone seems to say that USD is in no position to make this move because their athletic budget is only around $4 million. But apparently that is about where SDSU was at when they jumped up.
  23. We're talking about the Gophers here. Gopher football no less. I don't expect the Bison to keep the final score within 17 to 20 points, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did.
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