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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. Well it was indeed a choke job.....................
  2. Gene Taylor doesn't want the game because UND wasn't willing to fall on the sword for them back in 2003 and it made him have to work a little harder to fill the schedule during the transition.
  3. I think all of these classes are housed in the College of Forensic Accounting. Not sure if that is on the main campus or the downtown campus though.
  4. Oh good lord................ SRSLY? Why doesn't NDSU go offer a 4 game contract to some other DII school?
  5. How so? You say that UND tried to screw NDSU by not even agreeing to play them. I say NDSU did screw UND by changing their mind about playing UND after entering into a contractual agreement to do so. Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at all about the baseball game, nor am I seriously implying that because of that scenario I truly think NDSU wouldn't honor a home-and-home contract with Montana or anybody else. What I am saying is that it is misguided at best to insinuate that anyone would think there is a good chance that UND would not honor a contract to play NDSU, just because they would not enter into a contract with them 10 years ago when the two schools were not even playing in the same division. And folks, let's be honest with ourselves. If the shoe were on the other foot, does anybody here, Sioux fan or Bison fan, really think that NDSU would not have done the same thing? Money ain't easy to come by at this level of NCAA athletics, so when a chance to make more comes along, you jump at it. Doesn't matter if it is $50,000 or $500,000 more. Every school is looking for more income. That includes UND and NDSU, Montana and Montana St., Prairie View A&M, and SMU too. And if any of you think that that NDSU lap-dog Kolpack's forensic accounting analysis is based on any actual financial data that he's seen from any of these contracts, well then that is comical.
  6. Well as far as I know, the only contracted game between the two schools that was ever cancelled, was a baseball game that was to be played in 2006 that NDSU cancelled. So using your criteria, NDSU is the school with a track record for not honoring commitments. Perhaps Montana should think long and hard about coming to Fargo next year, because a return game from the Bison may not be a sure thing. History seems to suggest that NDSU has a propensity to opt out of contracted games with regional schools. I don't think one can really point to any instances where UND has done the same.
  7. OOkkkayyyy?.................. Care to cite an example of that then?
  8. I don't recall UND ever backing out of a scheduled game with Fargo. Care to cite an example?
  9. If there is no Summit, they may have no choice. Even with Creighton apparently staying in the MVC, alot still needs to play out. It will be interesting to see what the A-10 does. Even if the Catholic 7 doesn't take Detroit Mercy (which I personally think is unlikely), they may end up being a target of the A-10 once the Catholic 7 gets done plundering them. That is when the Horizon may start looking at Summit schools.
  10. Me thinks that may have been a bit of BS from Denver's AD on that subject.
  11. Southern Utah's third leading scorer has been suspended indefinately because of an arrest for drug possession. Link
  12. Who knows. My guess is that Denver is coveted enough by both the Summit and WAC that they could afford to wait it out and see what happens to the Summit. If it falls apart, they'd likely be immediately re-admitted to the WAC. I don't think the Big Sky is going to look at anybody unless they have defections, which seems unlikely right now. Fullerton's #1 priority right now is to get Idaho football into the league with the rest of their sports.
  13. I see that article also lists Richmond and Sienna as possible candidates. It says St. Louis, Xavier, Dayton, and Butler are "locks".
  14. That's pretty impressive. That's the reason I think there will be a fairly healthy diet of UND and Denver games on CBSSN next season. It will be interesting to see what the numbers will be on NBCSN for for friday's game between the Sioux and Pioneers. Have to think it will probably surpass the numbers for the UND-UNO game, given Denver's following. Anyone know if there is a website where one can easily check TV ratings? I have yet another question for Jayson Hajdu: Do you by chance know what nights the CBSSN plans to air games? Fridays, Saturdays, or both? I'm assuming it will probably be only Friday's. The college basketball schedule is normally pretty light on Friday's, which is why it seems there is more college hockey to be found on Friday's versus Saturdays.
  15. Game time is Wednesday Feb. 20 @ 8:00. As usual game will be on Big Sky TV. Obviously, every game is critical at this point, especially following the choke job against NAU on Saturday. This could prove to be the most challenging of the 3 upcoming Big Sky road games. Northern Colorado is one of the four teams tied for fifth place and just a game back of North Dakota. They are 7-9, have won 3 straight games, and are 5-3 at home in conference play. Looks like they are a perimiter team. They are second in the league in 3pt FG % and have made more 3 pointers than any other team in the league. They have two of the top three 3 point shooters in the conference in Garnica (#1) and Unruh (#3). They are prone to turning it over a bit, and we are first in steals that could play into our hands. This game will be a challenge. Any updates on Brekke and Schuler?
  16. Pulled this from the football forum from Sioux10Fan: Here is a link to the page at the Alumni Association where one can donate specifically to the Indoor Practice Facility: UND Foundation They don't care if a person gives $10 or $10,000 dollars. Let's get this thing done!
  17. The men's tennis team opened the season yesterday with a pair of losses: 7-0 to Drake which is ranked #41 in the country, and 3-4 to Western Illinois who was picked to finish 4th out of 6 teams in the Summit. The women, who were pretty decent back in the NCC days, are 1-8 to start the season, their lone victory coming in the season opener against MSU-Moorhead.
  18. Again though, it was a business decision. Not an attempt to "duck" Fargo. Not dirty and not bush league. Obviously it was done completely within the frame-work of the contract that was signed by both Athletic Directors. Perhaps in the future, all atheltic directors should put a deadline for which buyout clauses can be excercised in addition to the monetary penalty. But from what I've seen of Gene Taylor in the past, my guess is he would have been just as teary eyed had this taken place back in September as he is now. So I call BS on the whole "well it would be alot different if it wasn't February" argument.
  19. So what else is new? NDSU is frustrated and rightfully so. But It is not like Montana St. did anything dirty or under-handed. They simply excercised a clause in a contract that was mutually agreed upon by both parties. Does anybody really think that Fargo would not do the same thing if a Big 10 or Big 12 school came knocking with a $500K+ payout?
  20. Yeah, that was a bad loss to take at home. Shorthanded or not, NAU is a team that we should not lose to at the Sioux Center.
  21. In order for Fargo to get an invitiation from the schools that currently make up the Missouri Valley Conference, their new basketball arena would have to be under construction at the very least, the salaries of the coaching staff would have to double if not more, as would the recruiting budget.
  22. I'm a DirecTV subscriber and I've been emailing them almost weekly asking that they add Midco. Can't hurt anything! Here are links to both the DirecTV and Dish customer support portals: DirecTV Dish I say let's flood them both with requests to add Midco!
  23. That's terrible..............
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