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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. Nice to see that they didn't dwell on getting their asses kicked to long.Let's celebrate with a loud party and who knows what else.I have lost some respect for TJ this time around.
  2. No funny stuff.Thanks for the laugh.
  3. That play right there I knew we had a great player.Lets hope he can add to that 5 game winning goals total.
  4. Thanks for the pics.Todays game will be happier pics.
  5. SIOUX look terrible right now.Lucky to be only 1-0.
  6. They are getting outworked and it's hard to watch.
  7. I will be there and you can bet your bottom dollar they will here from me.GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!
  8. Thanks.I will have the family in their white SIOUX jerseys for the weekend then.
  9. Well I'm going with SIOUX in 2,both 3-1 sores. Is this suppose to be all white weekend at the RALPH?
  10. Any current news on TJ and Genoway?
  11. I don't watch enough of the other teams to make fair picks but with the 2 posters who have done so who would of thought before the season started that Finley,Bina,and Genoways names are mentioned but not Chorneys.
  12. I think Duluth finally finds the back of the net today but 1 goal won't do it.SIOUX win this one 3-1. Any word on Trupps injury?Damn I hope he will be alright.
  13. sioux rube


    I hit Whiteys in East Grand Forks usually and take their bus to the game.Good food and drink and a mix of young and older fans.
  14. Nice comeback by the SIOUX tonite after looking like the walking dead in the first 30 minutes.The goal by Trupp will go down as one of the best in SIOUX/rodents history.Sweep em tommorrow boys.
  15. Great post and I agree with pretty much everything.If it weren't for puffy college hockey wouldn't be talked about all that much on the airwaves.The guy knows his hockey plain and simple.Of course your not going to agree with everything he says but if ya did why listen.Sometimes the green lenses around here are thicker than coke bottles.Just my 2 cents.
  16. According to the National Geographic article it's doom and gloom around here.
  17. I think with the Kaip fight last night and the way the SIOUX are playing right now that they come out smelling blood and win this one going away 4-1.Be interesting to see,if I could watch the game that is,how the refs will call it tonite.
  18. Thanks for the great recap.Since I couldn't watch or listen to the game because of my coaching duties I appreciate a game summary in detail.The rented mule statement is hilarious.
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