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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. Never said I hated him. It's a privilege to be a Fighting Sioux not a right. I have met and talked to Danny on more than one occassion and he is a nice guy. It just seems to me he seems to get involved in a bunch of this stuff when things go down. I'm just tired of hearing his name come up for all the wrong reasons.I'm still behind the guy but his next screw up(which I hope doesn't happen) he will be shown the door. Drop the damn puck already.
  2. This Sioux fan is sick and tired of Kristos act. Obviously to get a second game he was involved a bit more than the other captains. Hak takes his A away for the entire season it will be just fine with me. Grow up already.
  3. Feel for the kid. I read on another site now that it could be his MCL also and he could be done for good. Lets hope that isn't the case.
  4. sioux rube


    True because all refs in every sport basically suck arse.
  5. sioux rube


    Never liked this league in the first place and this just adds to it. I'm going to enjoy this last year of the WCHA and who knows I may not renew my season tickets for next year. I'm sure I will give it a year before I do anything drastic like that but ya never know.
  6. He will be 21 in october. I thought we only got the old freshys.
  7. My source says it was the annual rookie party. So obviously under age drinking was involved. Better shut down the program. I kid of course. Nip it in the bud now and pray nothing else happens the rest of the year. Last year it was injuries,this year lets not make it suspensions.
  8. Yes I know boys will be boys but these are our captains. They should know better. I find it hard to believe Corban Knight is involved with this. From what I have heard over the past 3 years is he is about as straight as you can get. I'm sure more facts will come out as time goes by.
  9. I highly doubt the Sioux continue to recruit a kid when he has already committed. Of course it was a goof fan who suggested it. Enough said. But like the Merrimack coach said,he really didn't decommitt since he was committed in the first place. Good point.
  10. Oh how I agree. I mean I will give it a chance but I don't understand why they messed with a good thing despite Minny and Bucky leaving for the Big 6.
  11. What the hell has gotten into you JF?
  12. Game. Hell of an effort by the offense anyways.
  13. Make that 3. Just go away,far far away.
  14. I have never understood that either. Same goes for rodent fans. I have said over and over, I don't care where our Sioux hockey players come from as long as they give us a great product on the ice. A hockey player is a hockey player regardless of where he is born.
  15. Get over it already. I read page 10 skipped to page 20 skipped to page 30 and it's the same stuff basically. What I'm getting at is thing is just going in circles. Let it go and let Bohl and the Bison live with the scrutiny that will follow them all year.
  16. 44 pages on this and nothing solved. Hmmmmm.
  17. Hak could go the coach Bohl route I suppose.
  18. Dangit. I will be in St. Cloud for my daughters AAA tourney. Not that that it is a bad thing.
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