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  1. Rube I sent you a PM on SiouxSports. Here’s what I see in the first video 1. if you look at the far ref there is a player coming off right next to him that may have distracted his eyes for a split second. 2. Far refs angle to the hit may have made it look different from there 3. 4 white guys on the ice in front of the bench, both refs might have looked there for too many men and looked away from the hit. 4. I’m assuming the near ref is near the blue line so blue #16 may have blocked his view. 5. Maybe a parent banged on the glass or yelled something, maybe the ref caught an edge, maybe a player or coach from the bench said or did something, bottom line is none of us know what the refs actually saw. When I started reffing after 15 years of coaching, I figured how hard could it be after all I’ve got every call right from the bench for 15 years!! I can honestly say every ref I’ve worked with is trying to do their best, but they are human and make mistakes. I have one question for you about the games your team played last week, if you watched videos of them, how many times would you say to yourself “I should have done this or I should have put #_ in instead of #_”?
  2. Rube, Not that I have as much experience coaching as you but I retired this year after 22 years of coaching, actually my son played summer hockey for you when Amber was also on the team. I started reffing 7 years ago because we were so short and here’s what happened about 5 years ago that really made me look at things different. I was doing a PW game, I’m on the goal line and the puck squirts out from a scrum in the crease. The puck goes into the other corner and three guys are going after it, as the goalie gets up he losses his stick and it slide’s towards me. I looked down for a split second so I wouldn’t trip on it and hear a loud impact with the boards. When I look up I see a kid on the ice and his coach goes nuts! I asked my partner and he couldn’t see it because he was screened by other players. Coach is going nuts yelling that he could see I was looking straight at it. I finally told him what happened and he was still pisses but let it go. Since then when coaching and I disagree with a call I’ll ask the ref what he saw, right or wrong refs can’t see everything.
  3. Rube I agree these should have been penalties and maybe the refs are bad but unless someone has a high def video of where the refs eyes are at the moment of impact, they might not have seen it.
  4. Most points earned in head-to-head competition (double points earned if teams only play once) If still tied, Most goals scored head-to-head competition (double goals scored if teams only play once) If still tied, Most regulation wins in region competition (double each regulation win if teams only play once) If still tied, Most points earned against the highest ranked team in the region (next team below if teams are tied for first place. Double points earned if teams only play once) If still tied, Most points earned against the next highest ranked team in the region (double points earned if teams only play once) If still tied, continue down the standings until the tie can be broken. If still tied, Greatest goal differential in all region games, with a maximum of a six goal differential per game (double each goal differential if teams only play once) If still tied, Coin flip by a NDHSAA representative
  5. iluvdebbies, Are you sure? Haven't looked it up, but most tiebreaker lists I've seen have least goals allowed before most goals scored.
  6. A hidden gem. 2915 South Washington. Steers Somali Restaurant. Great fresh food and friendly service. Myself or my college age daughter have been here about ten times in the last year and never been disappointed. Nice to try unique foods in town and reasonably priced.
  7. Not early since he was a senior, but Mason Morelli to Calgary, had 1 assist in his debut weekend series for AHL Stockton.
  8. waldo

    Hobey Baker

    Not a Sioux kid, but a good North Dakota kid Mason Morelli is in the mix for a finalist, currently #3 in votes. Vote here https://www.hobeybaker.com/vote
  9. Peluso is a tool and always has been. A couple years ago he was pissed off about some calls in Bismarck and emptied a garbage can in the ref room. It's gotten to the point where its hard to get anybody to ref BHS games in Bismarck.
  10. Thanks for everyone's votes, but Rapid City beat us. MAYSA will still get $25,000 for making the top 4.
  11. Would appreciate any votes from Sioux fans, only 8 hours left.
  12. bump
  13. I stand corrected, here are the final standings. 1 UND 2 St Thomas 3 St Cloud 4 Mankato 5 Eau Claire 6 Wisc 7 NDSU 8 Goofers
  14. Joeyjr, Actually the NDSU club team took last in their WCCHA league, UND's team won the regular season
  15. http://app.fanly.me/article/8lmi9vc1HZ Alex Schoenborn from Minot signs with the Sharks.
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