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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. I envy all who got to see the game and thank all who posted to keep me informed of the action. I was in and out of the room too much with kids to really listen. It is much easier to pull up a page of posts and catch the action.

  2. Butler drops men's lacrosse:

    Butler drops men's lacrosse and men's swimming

    Butler drops lacrosse

    Women's lacrosse has been added at major schools like South Carolina, Miami, Florida, Louisville, and Cincinnati, but men's lacrosse loses a school

    With the Great Western Lacrosse League now down to six schools (Denver, Air Force, Notre Dame, Ohio State, and Quinnipiac), it needs another men's school when Q finds another league.

    Dropping the Men's Swimming is more of a surprise than the loss of lacrosse. It was non-scholarship and been a sport at Butler since 1928. It looks as though the Horizon will be looking for another swim team.

  3. I see this list keep growing, which is great, but how many scholarships are available? Are we getting near capacity?

    Also, I don't see too many ND kids on the list. Is this a down year for ND HS football?

  4. The east side addition was pretty significant. It included a new, large lobby on the first floor and a set of meeting rooms and offices on the second.

    From the sounds of it, this bridge has been crossed before without incident. Thanks for the input.

  5. Excess dome tax monies have to be used for the dome period. The dome has already expanded twice since it was build and this wouldn't be any different. IF the money is there and approved by the dome & city comm. the addition may be build. This new addition would give the dome an intermediate venue for smaller events and thus more event days. It gives NDSU a new bb arena that they will be paying 1/3 or more for. If the stars all line up it would be a win-win situation for both.

    I understand that in the by-laws the taxes must be used for the Fargodome, but my question is in the following paragraph

    B. FargoDome Sales Tax Surplus Fund - All proceeds from the sales and use tax

    which are not placed in the FargoDome Debt Service and Reserve Fund as

    hereinabove provided shall be placed in this fund to be utilized for

    construction, operation, and maintenance of the FargoDome. Use of such

    funds by the Fargo Dome Authority shall be subject to approval of the board

    of city commissioners of the city of Fargo.

    Is the construction mentioned in this paragraph the original construction or construction in general? I would think that it were meant to cover future construction it would have been stated as such. I don't think that you could add on an arena and call it operations and maintenance. You mention that the dome has already expanded twice. Were these actual expansions or were they items such as vestibules and interior renovations, which could be operations and maintenance items? I have never been in the Fargodome and know very little about the place, but I am in construction and know how sticky contractual language can get.

    I didn't see it make the Forum's "Talk About it Section", but I don't visit the site every day and could have missed it.

  6. It's still in the earliest planning stages and nothing is certain yet. If it happens(and that's still a big if), it should seat between 6000 to 8000 and it will adjoin the Fargodome on its west side. The very tentative money figures are a $30-45M facility with $10-15M coming from the excess Fargodome sales tax, $10-15M from NDSU, and $10-15M from naming rights/outside monies. An architect is being hired to put together some rough proposals to see what could be built at the different price points. We probably won't get to see any drawings until late-spring/early-summer.

    Hammersmith, you seem to be quite involved at NDSU and Fago in general, I posed this question on another thread, but didn't receive any answers. Any thoughts? Also, I find it interesting that the Forum always many topics for readers to comment on, but the issue of a new arena attached to the Fargodome isn't there. Is that because the Forum doesn't want dissension on the issue or because there may be a question of whether or not Dome tax money can be used for the arena?

  7. This discussion reminds of how UND got blasted for such low attendance for the Winona state playoff game. UND had already played and beaten Winona quite handily, so many folks just didn't have an interest in going to the game. Same can be said for some of the opponents that NDSU has had to schedule this year in basketball. People don't come in droves to see Mayville State or Valley City.

    When both schools have finished the transition things will get back to just how they were in the NCC, but with elevated figures due to the higher quality opponents. By back to how they were in the NCC, I mean that NDSU will have higher attendance number for football and UND will have slightly higher figures for MBB and WBB. The thing that NDSU cannot emulate is the attendance that UND consistantly has for hockey.

  8. Sioux get a another verbal....

    Brandon Quesenberry


    260 llbs

    offensive lineman

    Billings West, Montana

    All State in football and track (shotput)

    One of the super elite recruits out of Montana....Great Future!

    Wait a minute. Isn't one of the arguments that anti-Sioux have about the Big Sky is that Montana isn't in the recruiting area. Something smell fishy here (to quote NanoBison). :lol:

  9. Students Rub Elbows With National Investment Leaders

    Lee Groeschl, an M.B.A. student and president of the group, said the summit provided the students with new ideas and some unorthodox methods for fundraising. "We've got enough already where we feel confident in coming back to North Dakota," he said Friday.

    After learning about other programs around the country, Groeschl said the Dakota Venture Group has a unique flexibility in the way the fund is structured. The group can tout the Center for Innovation as well as UND's academic programs when seeking additional money. It's a luxury not every fund has, Groeschl said.

    "We've got the right pieces of the puzzle in place right now," he added.

  10. A reunion party like it's 1999

    Ludwig recently visited the University of North Dakota for the 25th anniversary of its 1982 NCAA championship team and said there's something about winning a championship.

    "Some of those guys I probably hadn't seen in 25 years, but it all comes back to you," Ludwig said. "When you go through something like that, you bond as a team. You don't have to talk to guys all of the time; you can just walk into a room, and it's like you never left. It's a great feeling."

  11. I'd like a Colts-Saints Bowl. Will you be cheering for Archie's boy today, too? I think this is the day they break through and finally hand Belichek his a$$.

    Saints/Colts would be great. New Orleans would be crazy for both these teams, with the Colts having a Manning.

  12. Since the Vikings are not in the playoffs, I'm sure many of you are on the fence about who you would like to see in the Super Bowl. With that being said, do you have a preference?

    I'm sure you can detect who I'll be cheering for today. Go Saints!

  13. WCHA needs upgrade in officiating

    Looks like Virg is seeing the same thing that many Sioux and WCHA fans see ....

    The same directive from the NHL has opened up the pro game and worked very well. NHL players know the obstruction penalties will be called, without fail, and they play the game accordingly. It's brought a new level of excitement to the pro game and opened the door again to smaller players to excel.

    But go to Engelstad Arena on any Sioux home hockey game night and you'll see players tackled, wrapped up with both arms of the opponent along the boards and hooked from behind by opponents to slow their progress down the ice.

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