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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Serious post following the light post. I'm one of those weird people who won't read the newspaper the next day after a Sioux loss. After the loss to Wisconsin the week before last I was despondent. My wife just looked at me and shook her head. All that being said, "No excuses, just go out do your job and win!"

    The true Sioux fans are there win or lose. Go Sioux!!

  2. Me too!

    The old Whitey's was really my place. Ended many an evening with a burger basket and a few beers. I just found my Premo night pint glass this weekend!

    I loved the old Whitey's. I was just relating a story recently to someone about how you would get a table on a weekend night. No hostess, just the knowing glances between different parties about who was next and who was getting ready to leave. I still go in for a Riverboat sandwich when I'm in town.

  3. Ok, I added a "non-collegiate sports" subforum to Community. We'll see how that goes.

    I'll continue to ponder basketball, as well. The reason that's not quite as automatic is that I would make it a main, front-page forum, which changes the layout of the front-page "real estate". It is a good idea, though. There's enough talk about basketball, now, that having it's own forum would make it easier to create separate threads for each topic, which may stimulate additional discussion.

    As it is now, you have to be a member to access that sub-forum. If you log in as a guest you can't see it.

  4. Dartmouth College rocked by racist controversies

    The students complained that fraternity pledges interrupted a American Indian drumming circle on Columbus Day. They also opposed the scheduling of a Dec. 29 hockey game against the University of North Dakota, whose mascot is the ''Fighting Sioux.'' UND is one of several schools whose use of American Indian imagery has been labeled ''hostile and abusive'' by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

    Did I miss something. I thought that the AD apologized for scheduling the Sioux prior to anyone even opposing the game. The article makes it sound like there was opposition and there is some sort of linkage between that other incidents.

  5. Something for your Christmas list.

    Music Review: Tom Brosseau - Grand Forks

    Behind the pastoral vocals and the classic arrangements, Grand Forks is, in the most simplistic terms, a good folk album. Traditional folk music, which got its name because it's music by and about common people, is an expression of a way of life, and this is exactly what Brosseau does. He weaves tales of life and the lives of those who reside in Grand Forks, North Dakota
  6. Now there is a bar that you can turn around in without running into the wall, fun place though.

    You want small? Remember the Antique before they expanded? It was like a 14'x80' corridor packed with people. They actually had people trying to play pool in there.

  7. What a bunch of young punks! ??? Here was the calendar back in the day:

    Sunday: Whitey's, back in the pool room.

    Monday: Dead giveaways at the Antique

    Tuesday: $0.35 drinks at the Spud

    Wednesday: Long Island Teas at the Bridge/then John Barleycorn

    Thursday: Stay home at Walsh Hall and drink ourselves into a stuper

    Friday: Buck pitchers at the Spud, sleep it off, and then the downtown bars (anyone remember Faces?)

    Saturday: Wake up around four, find cheap off-sale and figure it out as we went

    And so on and so forth.

    Football Saturday started at the Antique about 9:00 AM, Southgate for some munchies, stop at Delaney's on the way to the game to buy small bottles of schapps to put in the back of the cowboy boots. Halftime we usually ended up at Judy's and if the score wasn't close at halftime we stayed at Judy's for a while.

    I thought $0.35 at the Spud was on Thursday nights. :D

  8. I definitely think that UND Football attendance will improve with the jump to Division I. UND football has great coaches, tradition and a great venue. I saw the comparison above with NDSU's numbers. SDSU made the jump at the same time and they have seen a similar increase in attendance, with the exception of 2005 when they played 8 home games. Not to dis SDSU, but they have no football tradition and an antiquated stadium and still had a great increase in attendance.


    2002 5967 (-11.4%)

    2003 5547 (-7.03%)

    2004 9846 (+77.5%)

    2005 6972 (-22.2%)

    2006 9652 (+38.4%)

    61.7% increase over the span of 5 years.

    If UND's attenance increases even 40% over the next 5 years, that would the average at 13,409. As Hammersmith stated the capacity is actually 12,300. Imagine a averaging a full house every home game. Give the fans something to get excited about and they will be there. I'm quite certain that these figures aren't lost on the people in the AD. Someone would definintely have to be checking into expanded seating at the Al.

  9. There's some interesting information in this column by Bill Lair, managing editor of the Journal Gazette/Times-Courrier in Mattoon and Charleston, Ill. (Scroll past the part about the Iranian Holocaust denial conference.)

    I like the nice little gem in there, "dictatorial mandates", refering to the NCAA. How long does it typically take to get from hearings to a vote on the house floor?

  10. No, I should have been more specific when I posted the proposed legislation.

    On 6 Jan, there will be a Legislative Forum. After that meeting, there will be two override votes on legislation that was rejected by the DI Board of Directors. One of those two votes will be on the 12 game season. Only CS schools will vote on that one. On 7 Jan, the DI Management Council will meet and break the proposed legislation into three groups based on the DI MC Legislative Review Subcommittee's recommendations. The three groups are: 1. Approve and forward directly to the Board of Directors without further review. 2. Defeat. 3. Forward to the membership for review and comment. On 8 Jan, the DI Board of Directors will meet and vote on the proposed legislation sent to them by the Management Council. In April, the Management Council will make a final decision on any proposed legislation that was sent to the membership for review and comment.

    What does this junk mean? Some of the bills will be thrown out before they reach the BoD(I think the reclass. exception will be one of these), some will go to the BoD and be adopted, a few will go to the BoD and be regected. and some decisions will be postponed until April. A few bills only apply to BS or CS schools, but the vast majority apply to all DI membership; that includes the reclassification exception bill.

    NDSU grad is correct in that the GWFC does not satisfy the requirements of the proposed legislation. The Mid-Con and the Big Sky do, however. As I said before, I think this would cut one year off of NDSU's and SDSU's transition, but I'm not certain. I do believe it's a moot point, though, since I highly doubt that this piece of legislation will make it out of the Management Council on 7 January.

    Thanks for the info.

  11. Born in Park River. Raised in GF. Graduated from GFRR in 1980 and from UND in 1984.

    Moved to Seattle in 1985, hated the weather. Moved to Florida, back to North Dakota and back to Florida and have been here since 1993. Married a Southerner, so very little chance of ever living in ND again, although I miss it from time to time.

  12. The Great West does not meet core and continuity-of-membership requirements. It should apply to the other sports though (I think).

    Aren't these agenda items just for CS Football and would have no implications beyond that in regards to conferences or other sports. That being said, I don't think that it would affect NDSU in regards to the Mid-Con.

  13. More news on the Research Park which is scheduled to break ground today.

    Tech park construction set to start

    This facility is just the beginning of an increased push towards improving the uses of the research coming from the school according to Vice President for Research Peter Alfonso.

    "It's about connecting our faculty with the private corporate world so that we can create new technologies and products that will benefit the state," he said.

    COELSAT's building has already secured commitments from six partners and will be full after it opens. The REAC park will eventually be the site of four to five additional technology and research buildings, and construction will move to a different site which hasn't been selected yet after that.

    UND: Foundation unveils Research Park project

    ProLogic is one of six commercial partners that have committed to occupy space in the new research park. The others are Avianax, NovaDign, Agragen, Alion Inc. and Ideal Aerosmith. Petell said the research foundation will release more information in the coming weeks about technology the partner companies will be developing.

    While this is all wonderful news, the primary objective of the U is to educate and I hope that is not getting lost. That being said I think that Peter Alfonso is doing a great job for UND.

  14. Big one (in more ways than one).


    Intent: To specify that a reclassifying institution that accepts an offer of membership from an active Division I conference may complete the reclassifying process after the second year, provided all requirements in the exploratory year, first year and second year are met, and provided the institution successfully completes an NCAA athletics certification orientation during the second year and a self-study and evaluation visit during the first year of active membership.

    Rationale: The current legislation governing change of division membership requires an institution to complete an exploratory plus four-year transition period to ensure the institution is appropriately prepared for Division I. If an institution joins a Division I conference that satisfies core and continuity-of-membership provisions and the institution is able to meet all requirements for reclassification in a condensed time period, it is practical for the institution to be granted full Division I status following year two of the reclassification process. Division I conference membership provides the additional administrative oversight and support for a reclassifying member; therefore, years three and four of the reclassification process are effectively completed by virtue of membership in the conference. Further, a reclassifying institution and its student-athletes are ineligible for NCAA championships during the four-year transition period. Denying a class of student-athletes the opportunity to participate in championships runs counter to the ideals of intercollegiate athletics and negatively impacts the student-athlete experience. Only a limited number of institutions transitioning to Division I have received and accepted offers of full Division I conference membership by the end of the first year of reclassification. Accordingly, this limited exception will not significantly increase the number of new Division I membership applications.

    This one strikes me as being huge. If UND is able to get an early invite (sorry for the "IF" S2C), the transition is negligible and wouldn't impact recruiting nearly as much, as the student-athletes and teams would be playing for something.

  15. Buning said he anticipates that a completed master plan report will be available for presentation to the public and University community in the fall of 2006.

    Aren't we quickly approaching the end of fall? Has anyone heard anthing on the report or even rumors of the report?

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