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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. In the days before CNN and internet blogs...I would guess it took at least a day for information (no matter how important) to travel from Hawaii to DC to Minnesota.

    In FDR's famous speech, he refers to the attack that occured yesterday (Dec. 7), but I would still think that even the print media would have stories on December 8. Next time I'm at the Naval Aviation Museum, I'll check out some of the newspaper headlines.

  2. Maybe the NCAA should be looking into the President of Dartmouth's lack of institutional control.

    Dartmouth paper: cover of Indian scalper was mistake

    The two gave no ground, however, on the Review's criticism of recent college actions -- particularly Harper's college-wide apology for scheduling a hockey game later this month against the University of North Dakota's "Fighting Sioux." North Dakota is one of several schools whose use of American Indian imagery has been labeled "hostile and abusive" by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

    "There is such a thing as minding your own business. There is also such a thing as achieving a bit of perspective, even a sense of humor," the two wrote. "There are no `racists' or people who `hate' at The Dartmouth Review.

  3. I wonder what the response would have been to the attack and the subsequent military response of the US if we had today's press covering the president and the defense secretary....Remember, the japanese kicked the s&!t out of the US at Pearl, wipe us out in Philipines, and subsequently snuffed out the british and the austrailians at singapore, indonesia, etc.. I would imagine we would be looking for an exit strategy pretty quickly....Its sickening to see how our country has changed for the worse and how we have become so apathetic of a country in just 60 years...


    I echo your thoughts as to the state of the country today and especially the media. I just came back from NAS Pensacola and saw flags flying at half-staff and our young people training and got a lump in my throat. Thank God we still have people willing to put their lives on the line for this country.

  4. Toss a few tickets in my M/W Hockey and Football package for these Non Conf. games.

    Hey it worked for women's hockey. :0 That's why I am a season ticket holder.

    Now if they could only win a few more games. :lol:

    I read where the attendance was 1471. For a Tuesday night game against an 0-8 team, that isn't too bad. Sure I'd love to see it higher and I think you will see the attendance start to increase when the level of competition and level of play increase. It looks like Coach Jones has the level of play heading in the right direction. It's going to be interesting to see where he takes the team in the next couple of years with his own recruits.

  5. A DI basketball program should have a facility designed for basketball. The Alerus is a football stadium with a makeshift basketball court. The atmosphere would be horrible. Even with a healthy increase in interest in UND basketball, the Ralph is still much too big. And the split-schedule idea is ridiculous.

    Simply put, the Betty was built too small. It was built for "today" as a very good DII facility, but it leaves no room for any growth in interest as the program moves up to DI. At the time it was built, UND hadn't yet declared a move to DI, but most people even slightly aware of what was going on knew that division classification was still an unsettled issue and that UND would almost certainly move up to DI in a matter of time. Either a DI facility should have been built, or no facility should have been built at that time.

    You only get a few opportunities to build brand new facilities. You should be looking out 30 to 40 years when you do. To build a DII facility under the circumstances was inexcusable IMO. UND will not be in a position to build a new basketball facility for decades and will be stuck with an undersized venue. If money was an issue, they should have waited until they could afford a bigger facility. With the money it took to build the Betty, they would been 2/3 of the way there before the fundraising drive even started.

    I agree with that REA may be too big with the schedule that UND is playing right now, but when you start getting some higher profile schools in, that will change. I watched a few conference games a couple of years ago when all of the conference games were being played in the Ralph and enjoyed it. Additionally, wouldn't REA make more money off concessions and suites if the games were held in REA instead of BESC??

    I'm thinking that just the lower bowl and suites would be used for BB. What would be the capacity in that scenario?

  6. I'll assume this was sarcastic and your forgot to include your winking emoticon.

    If Lennon were to leave, there is no way Bunning would replace him with Roger Thomas.

    Either sarcasm or a troll.

    I have to agree with Bison Dan on this one. There is no way Buning would hire back the old AD as a football coach.

  7. From tomorrow's Dakota Stupid: The DS View: Dartmouth apology

    The Dartmouth furor has proven one thing: There is no denying that the Sioux logo has garnered negative national attention. It was the top story on ESPN.com and was featured in the Boston Globe. Judging by letters to the editor on the Web site for Dartmouth's daily school newspaper, The Dartmouth, our logo has caused division on another campus.

    The Dartmouth controversy shows that the "Fighting Sioux" debate is about more than just UND; it's about discrimination in general. Continuing our losing battle to preserve an outdated name is only making UND look bad, not like the top-tier institution our administrators claim we are becoming.

    Sure someone on a campus a thousand miles away stirs up a hornet's nest on UND's campus and somehow UND is to blame. The AD even admitted that the statements were aimed at her campus over local incidents. Come on DS folks grow a brain.

  8. Sioux 31 Grand Valley 27.

    GV has to settle for two FGs, while the Sioux only have to settle for one.

    Unfortunately, I'll be in Louisiana and won't be able to watch or listen to the game via the internet, so I'll be bothering my parents all afternoon to get scores.

    Go Sioux !!!

  9. Forgive me if I missed something, but who has dropped UND from their schedule because of the Fighting Sioux nickname?

    While he is not saying that they dropped UND from their schedule, he seems to be implying that Harvard made a conscious effort not to schedule anyone on the list of 18 schools.

    Ivy Apologizes for Hosting ‘Fighting Sioux’

    “Our scheduling policy is in line with the [National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)]list of teams that they published a year ago with what they deemed to be offensive mascots,” said Chuck V. Sullivan, the director of athletic communications at Harvard. Sullivan said that no games have been scheduled with those teams since the list was published.
  10. As good of a place as any to put this.

    Hornets in waiting

    Four potential candidates for the Sacramento State football job....

    Dale Lennon -- He has produced a 59-22 record in five seasons at the University of North Dakota and has his team in the NCAA Division II quarterfinals on Saturday.

  11. More from Dartmouth.

    National news media cover Harper apology; College, UND reactions mixed

    Reaction to this nationally publicized issue -- featured in The Boston Globe, Inside Higher Ed and the front page of ESPN.com -- has been mixed. Many students, faculty and alumni at Dartmouth and UND are both appreciative and critical of Harper's comments. Nonetheless, the overwhelmingly vocal feedback has criticized the letter.
    "Hindsight is 20-20, and if I had to do it over again I probably would have wanted to be as strong and clear to [the Dartmouth] population as possible of how I felt," Harper said. "Maybe it would have been better to say how North Dakota deals with this is their own issue, and I'm addressing the folks here at Dartmouth about how we will deal with [our] issues."
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